Rabudame Vol. 3 (continuing after Vol. 2)

Chapter ???: Curtain Raiser "That's what I think is normal." With those final words, I left the student council room. Along with the sound of the rain, I felt the heavy, humid air cling to my body. Somehow, I felt the rain was stronger than when I had entered the room. The walkway connecting to the school building had a roof but no walls, so both ends were wet, leaving only a narrow space in the center to walk on. If a group of people walked through here, someone's indoor shoes would surely get dirty. They should have at least raised the walkway a bit higher or put some more thought into the design. I carefully walked through the dry space, wishing for the rainy season to end soon. The days before the cleaning activity were sunny for the first time in a while, but today the sky was cloudy again. I wanted to see a clear, summer sky. The summers in Kyougoku City are supposedly very hot, but compared to heat in the big city, filled with air conditioning exhaust, it must be refreshing and clean. Besides, the hotter it is, the more delicious shaved ice becomes, and the more enjoyable the sea and pools feel. I also wanted to see the famous sunflower fields. Ah, I can't wait for summer... "Just kidding." I shook my head and tucked my hair behind my right ear. Summer is just a season. It's a season that comes every year, repeatedly, until the day you die. It's just a few months of discomfort and high temperatures. There's no meaning to it, and it's not particularly special. It's not normal to long for something like that. I pushed my feet forward without realizing they had stopped. ──Let's end this now. I wanted them to realize their mistake. I wanted them to find out sooner rather than later what happened when they kept making the same mistakes over and over again. ──Because in this reality, there's no such thing as a "happy ending" that satisfies everyone.
Prologue: Who Decided That a Rom-Com Can Be Done with Just Prior Information? It was a clear early July afternoon. I was riding my beloved motorcycle in high spirits, heading towards my destination. This year's rainy season ended much earlier than usual, and it has been nothing but clear skies since the last cleaning activity. The basin's unique scorching heat hell doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon, and the wind is pleasantly dry. And in a month, I'll be having my first summer vacation of high school. Summer vacation is a golden time packed with juicy "events" in the world of romantic comedies. Of course, there are swimsuit episodes at the beach, but there are also classic events like wearing yukatas and watching fireworks, or having a haunted house camp. It would be fantastic if we could combine them all into a sleepover training camp arc at a friend's villa! However... each of these events has incredibly high hurdles to overcome beforehand. First of all, I don't have any friends with a villa, and renting a place or a villa would be financially burdensome. Moreover, it's highly questionable if we could get our parents' approval for a group of high school boys and girls to sleep under the same roof. We might barely be able to go to the fireworks festival, but a swimsuit episode is out of the question. The fundamental problem is that our prefecture doesn't have a sea. There's the pool at Fuji-Q Highland or Lake Fuji for swimming, but... even if I suddenly invited girls of the same age to go to the sea, they would probably say, "No way, I'm not going to wear a swimsuit in front of guys. And by the way, your ulterior motives are totally transparent and creepy." That's what Uenohara-san, the representative of common sense, would say, so it must be true. But couldn't you at least reject me a little more gently in my imagination? Well, since the preparations seem ridiculously challenging, I've pretty much given up on doing everything this summer. It's reasonable to pinpoint the most feasible options and prepare for next year. Besides, the golden time for romantic comedies is usually in the second year of high school, so now is the time for patience. Also, there's one more "event" before summer vacation that I need to allocate resources to. "Whoa, that was close. I almost slipped into my usual habit of thinking about the 'Plan'." I tapped my helmet a few times to shift my mindset. Today is a day to thank my 'Accomplice' for her regular contributions — in other words, a normal holiday off. Bringing up plans and work even on a holiday off wouldn't give Uenohara a break, so I need to put that kind of talk aside. With that vow in my heart, I revved the engine with a vroom. 30 minutes early, I arrived at the cafe, our destination, and took a seat in the back of the second floor, waiting for Uenohara. Perhaps because it's past the lunch peak, the cafe had a relaxed atmosphere. Families and pet owners were leisurely spending their afternoon on the outside deck, and near the far wall, a couple who seemed to be university students were enjoying their chat. This place is the recently opened "DRAGON CAFE." It has an American-style modern look, and the master, who is a barista, prides himself on brewing authentic coffee directly. The name of the cafe comes from the fact that the neighboring Aoyamadai Park is commonly known as "Dragon Garden." Originally, I visited here for research for "Spot Note," but as I talked with the Master, a barista, we clicked. Since then, I've been coming here to hang out occasionally. And hey, in a rom-com, there are cases where you "accidentally meet the Heroine" in a cafe, right? So, please, a sweet and kind girl who only takes blurry photos of me. "Sorry to keep you waiting," Uenohara, my "accomplice" who's always a bit salty towards me, arrives. Right on time, twenty minutes before our agreed-upon meeting time. "Yo, you're early──no, wait, good afternoon?" "Why the question mark?" Uenohara tilts her head, looking perplexed. It's not a meeting, so "you're early" doesn't fit... but saying a regular greeting feels weird too. "You're unusually early, too. You're usually about ten minutes early." "Yeah. Today I'm the host, so I thought it would be rude to keep you waiting and came out earlier." Uenohara replied briefly with a "hm" and sat in the seat facing me. As she moved, a faint citrusy scent reached my nostrils. Hmm, she smells different today. She usually has a vanilla-like fragrance... I wonder if she's using some kind of deodorant or something. "So, how do I order? When I said I was meeting someone, they just led me here." "Oh, the menu isn't that extensive, and I've already ordered a variety of sweets. Just tell me what you want to drink, and I'll place the order. Their coffee here is amazing." "Hmm... but isn't this a pretty upscale place? Are you sure you want to treat me? You don't have to, you know." Huh, it's unusual for her to be so hesitant. She usually casually places large orders during our meetings. "I stand by my word. It's a token of my gratitude for your hard work. Please, order whatever you like." "Well then, I won't hold back." Saying this, Uenohara started browsing the menu board. I casually glanced at her outfit, and she was wearing a cool black tank top with an outer layer and a long skirt. I've seen her in casual clothes many times, as we often meet on holidays. But for some reason, her fashion sense today feels different from usual. * "Hmm... Maybe it's just me, but you seem more mature overall than usual...?" "Uh, I think you should stop looking at me like you're observing me. If anyone else saw you, they'd be totally creeped out." "Ah, sorry. Force of habit." Uenohara was curling a lock of hair around her finger. Hmm, hmm. But it's not easy to stop observing, either. It's become so ingrained in me that I don't know how to act like a normal person anymore. Well, now that I've stared, I should probably say something... "You know, Uenohara, you look good in anything. Yeah, it really suits you." "......Thanks." Uenohara gave a small, silent bow, her expression unchanged. Huh? She actually thanked me sincerely? Not a single retort... Did I mess up my tsukkomi? Or is it a good thing that she took it at face value? Hmm... "You look good too, Kouhei. I've always thought so, but you're kind of fashionable. You always look so clean and put-together." "Ah, yes, thank you for your kind words." "Kind words...?" "I mean, thank you very much." Darn, I wasn't expecting her to compliment me so naturally, and now my brain's short-circuiting. As I stumbled over my words, Uenohara picked up the menu and muttered: "I don't really know which one to choose... I can't tell just by looking at the place of origin." "Hmm, well, I usually go for Brazilian, but I'm not sure what you'd like, Uenohara. It's quite bitter. Master might be able to recommend something if we ask him— " "Oi, Kouhei, you ready to order?" Just then, someone started walking up the stairs with a steady, rhythmic pace—tantan tantan. A long-haired, bearded face came into view. "Ah, Master. You didn't have to come up just to take our order." "I just finished with another customer, so it's no trouble." The master, a man in his thirties, had a friendly, outgoing demeanor. He had deep-set features and a high nose, giving him a wild, handsome look reminiscent of a Hollywood actor. He was a master communicator, effortlessly making people feel at ease. His conversational skills were top-notch, even among the people I knew. I often observed how he interacted with first-time customers or drew out the concerns of troubled individuals, finding it all very instructive. Incidentally, I had also been drawn into his skillful talk and ended up revealing bits and pieces about my "project." After all, instead of disagreeing, he would enthusiastically respond with things like, "That's so interesting!" Even Uenohara and other adults seemed to like him, which I found puzzling. The master smiled gently and began to speak. "Welcome again. Thanks for coming all the way here with your girlfriend." "Oh, wow! Master, you really get it! I mean, of course, anyone would think she's my girlfriend, right?! I'm glad you played along with the expected reaction—wait, no! That's not it at all! Who would ever think that?!" I snapped out of my fantasy as I felt a glare from the front. Oops! I got too caught up and let my imagination run wild with the rom-com scenario! As I hurriedly covered my mouth, the master burst out laughing. "Haha, that's a funny response. You're as entertaining as ever, Kouhei. I bet you're fun to be around." "Ah, well, I'm not sure about that... It's more tiring, if anything." Uenohara seemed taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation, but she quickly regained her composure and replied with her usual expression. "Yeah, with this type, you can't try to refute everything. It's better to just go with the flow." "Yes, I realized that a long time ago." "Also, a little flattery goes a long way in making them happy. Look, you're already in a great mood now, aren't you?" "......I see. That's very insightful." "I don't think you should be saying that in front of the person you're talking about?!" Wait, was the girlfriend comment just flattery?! Darn, I fell for it hook, line, and sinker! Ignoring my sulking, the master smoothly moved to stand next to Uenohara, leaning in close to tap on the menu in front of her. As always, he had a remarkably close approach to people he had just met. But for some reason, it didn't feel unpleasant when the master did it. Was it because he was handsome? "You can't really tell just from the menu, can you? This one has a fruity aroma and is easy to drink, so I recommend it. It's also good as a cappuccino. You like sweet things, don't you, Ayano?" "Huh? How do you know my name...?" "Because Kouhei talks about you a lot. I figured it had to be you." "Oh, yes, that's right... Talk, huh." "I've heard a bit about your situation. This is a little welcome gift for your first visit." Then, he produced a small package from somewhere and placed it in front of Uenohara. It was a transparent wrapping bag tied with a red ribbon, containing homemade biscotti, with a handwritten message card added as a subtle touch. Now he was even pulling out moves that would appeal to girls... This guy really was sharp when it came to these things. "It's entertaining to watch people who are out of touch with reality, but it can be exhausting to deal with them. If you ever need to vent, feel free to come by anytime, and I'll listen to your complaints." "Don't say things like that in front of the person in question!" The master calmly brushed off my criticism with a hearty laugh. Uenohara had been a bit overwhelmed by the exchange, but suddenly, she relaxed and smiled gently. "Yes. If that happens, I'll complain as much as I want." Huh? Could it be... a genuine smile...? "For the order, I'll have whatever the master recommends." "Certainly." The master nodded in satisfaction and headed downstairs. Wow... who is that person, really? She effortlessly pulled off a rare expression just now. How does she do it so smoothly? If I could replicate that, my face-to-face negotiations would go much more smoothly... but that's not an option today. How many times do I have to tell myself that? Clearing my throat, I turned back to Uenohara. "But today's weather is amazing, and it's a relief that the rainy season ended early. By the way, this is my first summer here, so what's it usually like?" "It's brutal. I can barely stand it when it gets to 35 degrees, and anything above that feels like I'm actually going to die. When it surpasses 40 degrees, it's like being in a sauna all the time." "Woah, I've heard rumors, but I didn't realize it was that bad. Thank goodness the classrooms have air conditioning..." "I hate the heat, so summer is just unbearable for me." "Hmm, so Uenohara is sensitive to heat, huh? That must be tough when you're on a date..." "Yeah... When I was doing track and field, it was really tough. The track felt like a frying pan." "Oh, by the way, why didn't you continue with track and field in high school? Didn't you go beyond the prefectural tournament to the regional tournament? I heard you were even selected as an enhanced player." "That's not really a big deal. Our prefecture's level is pretty low anyway." "Really? Still, I think coming in third in the prefecture is impressive." "My times weren't anything to brag about. The regional tournament was a disaster... To be honest, I wasn't even that into it. I only joined because it was a mandatory club activity at my school." "I see. So, you didn't particularly like it, but you chose track and field over other clubs. There must have been a reason for that choice, right?" "Not really... If I had to give a reason, I guess I thought it had the highest chance of winning an award." "I see, that makes sense. It's like you to consider the odds of winning beforehand." "Yeah, so I didn't feel the need to continue in high school." "I see." Hmm, wait... "Anyway, changing the subject... What's Uenohara like at home? What do you usually do on your days off?" "I just watch TV or YouTube casually. On weekends, I go shopping with acquaintances." "Oh, nice. Do you usually buy clothes?" "Yeah, and I also look at furniture and miscellaneous goods. Most of the time, I just wander around without a specific purpose." "Hmm, that's so typical of a girl. So, Uenohara likes furniture and miscellaneous goods too, huh? Your room must be super stylish." "Well, not especially... I'm just average in that regard." "I see... Oh, by the way, where do people usually go shopping around here? The station, maybe?" "For nearby places, the station or Shimaoka, but usually, we go all the way to the Aeon in Kyougoku Heisei. It's a bit of a distance by bike, but you can spend the whole day there."
[tl: イオン = AEON. AEON, headquartered in Chiba prefecture, is one of the largest retail companies in Japan, owning Aeon hypermarkets, Aeon Mall and Aeon Town shopping malls, Daiei, MaxValu, Maruetsu, and My Basket supermarkets, Ministop convenience store, Welcia drugstore, and Aeon Cinema movie theaters. Aeon traces its origins back to 1758 during the Edo period in Japan when it was established as a small sundry goods store called Shinohara-ya. The name Aeon is a transliteration from the koine Greek word ὁ αἰών (ho aion), from the archaic αἰϝών (aiwon). The name and symbolism used in the branding (i.e., aeon) implies the eternal nature of the company.]
"Ah, so Aeon is the best after all... My family goes to Aeon too, but since the one in the neighboring prefecture is closer, we only go there." "Oh, I see." "Yeah." Hmm... Well, we're having a normal conversation... "Hmm, I see..." "Yeah." Is this how a normal conversation with Uenohara goes...? Now that I think about it, I've never had a conversation with Uenohara that wasn't related to our plan. We do chat from time to time during our meetings, but this is the first time we've had a formal conversation like this. "Ah..." "..." What should I do? Now that I think about it, I suddenly don't know what to talk about. Uenohara leaned on her cheek and gazed out the window, her profile looking somewhat dejected. Damn, this isn't good... It's not right to ruin a consolation party like this. Let's see, let's see... The theory is to talk about hobbies and favorite things in situations like this. For Uenohara, a surefire topic is sweets. According to the information I have, she prefers Western confectionery, and she's mentioned making them herself, so I can expand on that and keep the conversation going comfortably. Ah, but wait a minute...? Is that kind of technical way of speaking even okay? This isn't some kind of "daily event" in the plan. No, the very basic premise. Does Uenohara even enjoy having casual friend-like conversations with me like this...? As I agonized over this, Uenohara let out a sigh. "...What am I doing? This isn't it." "Eh?" She then ruffled her hair and looked at me. "Hey." "Y-Yes?" "You don't need to worry about me so much. Let's talk about the plan." "Ah, well... that's..." "We were supposed to have a meeting tonight anyway, right? It'd be more efficient to do it now, wouldn't it? Or not?" "B-But... I thought Uenohara might not be able to relax if we did that. It's her day off, after all..." "This awkward atmosphere is way more tiring. Nothing interesting is going to come out of it anyway." She said, then, feeling lost, she ruffled her hair messily and pushed it back again. Oh... So, after all, having a normal conversation with me isn't interesting for Uenohara. "Well, if that's what Uenohara wants..." "... " "Let's just go with the usual, then." "Yeah. That's better." Uenohara nodded slightly and gave a clear reply. For some reason, my chest felt fuzzy when she emphasized her reply like that. "-Kouhei! It's done, so lend me a hand!" "Okay!" Master's voice echoed from downstairs, and I stood up. I felt a slight relief at being able to get away from this situation for the time being, and I quickly headed toward the stairs. In the corner of my vision, I saw Uenohara undoing her ponytail. * I brought drinks for the two of us and a tray full of sweets to the table. I also washed my hands and returned to my seat. -Now, let's get back to it. "Alright, let's start the meeting energetically! Today's agenda is a prior sharing of information about the next event - the 'Student Council Election Event'!" I declared, outlining a conceptual background with the sound effect "Don!". "No, this time it's too normal, other customers will look at us strangely." Uenohara replied flatly as she drank her super-sugary cappuccino. ...Yeah, I feel relieved with this atmosphere. It's weird to feel relieved when being dissed, though. "The episodes surrounding the election are an important event that appears with a high frequency in youth-oriented rom-coms. Of course, I won't miss that opportunity... By the way, how much do you know about the elections at Kyou-nishi?" "I only know that they're at the end of this month. I didn't have any particular interest in them." "I see. Then let me give you a brief explanation." After saying that, I read the memo I had organized in advance on my smartphone. The student council election will be held in late July, just before the summer vacation at the end of the first term. Although the official change of office will be after the school festival in the fall, the student council executive members are third-year students, and they will soon begin intensive exam preparation. This measure is taken to facilitate an early handover of duties to reduce their burden. Starting with tomorrow's election announcement, the candidates will be revealed, and then we will enter a three-week election period. During this time, there will be campaign poster displays, street speeches, and a speech meeting at the general assembly, followed by voting. The voting results will be finalized on the same day and announced through a school broadcast - this is the general flow. In the election, only the president and two vice-presidents, for a total of three people, are selected. The other executive positions will be appointed by the principal at a later date to form the executive committee. If there are no opposing candidates, the election will become a vote of confidence, and a majority of the votes from all students will result in a vote of confidence. "-By the way, in recent years, it's always been a vote of confidence, and there hasn't been an actual election. It seems like a set path for a second-year student with a position of responsibility to run and be trusted. Oh, and apparently, you can run for office even if you're not in the student council." "Hmm... Eh, you're not going to do something as outlandish as running for president, are you?" "Outlandish!? How dangerous do you think I am!?" What a rude person! But you can keep that tone, it's more interesting! "Anyway, in terms of rom-coms, it's rare for the protagonist to become the president. Usually, the heroine runs for office, and the protagonist gets involved in some kind of trouble during the process - that's the standard template." The Battle template is also interesting, where the protagonist has to compete with a certain kouhai character with a devilish personality, or a certain perfect heroine with pigtails and an energetic personality. "So, the protagonist supports the heroine by offering her wisdom, accompanying her during speeches, and working hard towards her election victory. Through this process, their relationship gradually develops, and the heroine secretly starts to develop romantic feelings... That's the kind of 'scenario' I'm thinking of for this election event." "Ugh, that's kinda creepy. Especially when you say 'romantic feelings' out loud." "It's a romantic comedy, so of course, there will be talk about love and romance. What's wrong with that?" "I'm just saying it's creepy because it's creepy." Simple denial, nice! ... No, wait, now I sound like a complete masochist. My thoughts are swinging too far in the opposite direction due to my previous overreaction. I need to calm down a bit. "But according to your logic, won't the story fall apart if there's no 'heroine' running for the position of student council president?" "Well, that's how it usually goes, yeah." Uenohara seemed to understand what I was getting at and narrowed her eyes as she continued. "You don't mean... that person, do you?" "As always, you're quick on the uptake... Yes, that's exactly what I mean." I cleared my throat with a 'hem' and declared: "For this 'student council election event,' our target is none other than the future 'student council president heroine,' Hinoharu Sachi-senpai!" I proudly declared this with a 'baam' sound effect in my mind. Uenohara placed the coffee cup she was about to drink from back onto the saucer and dramatically sighed while pretending to hold her forehead. "So that's why you said you'd be out of contact for a while because you were doing some serious investigating..." "Yep. And now that I've gathered all the necessary data, I've been able to calculate her romantic comedy compatibility. The results were better than expected, so I decided to turn this election into a 'romantic comedy event.'" Uenohara, still with a look of exasperation on her face, finished the last bite of her chiffon cake. By the way, she's secretly eaten all the other sweets without me noticing... "That's quite a sudden change of direction. Don't you dislike that senpai?" "Well, up until now, I've only seen her superficially. And she has some pretty intense gaps in her personality, so I couldn't figure out what kind of 'character' she was. On the surface, she looks like a mature and elegant Yamato nadeshiko type, but she can also be very forward and assertive. I thought she might be a morals committee-type character since she does her job seriously, but it turns out she doesn't prioritize morals that much. But all of that was just because I didn't have enough understanding (data). Once I did some proper investigating, I found out she's actually pretty good... even if the direction was a bit unexpected." Saying this, I picked up my smartphone again. "A lack of information is indeed a lack of romantic comedy potential. Take the Katsunuma incident the other day, for example. It was a huge failure because we didn't have enough information in the 'Tomodachi Note'. That's why I decided to thoroughly research this aspect beforehand so that we don't make the same mistake again." "Hmm. By 'serious investigation,' you don't mean..." I smiled and replied: "I've gathered all the 'character' information about Hinoharu Sachi-senpai, from her past episodes to her present life!" And so, this time, I will share with you in advance the full profile of this 'character,' Hinoharu Sachi. * [Basic Information] Hinoharu Sachi. 2nd year, Class 1, Attendance Number 25. Student Council Secretary and Audit Executive. In terms of appearance, she has outward-facing black hair with a slight curl, and a calm and mature Yamato nadeshiko-like beauty. In the recently conducted 'Kyougoku Nishi Cute Girls Ranking (Whole School Edition),' she ranked 5th, making her a true beauty with an excellent style (high estimated combat power). Being a member of the E-class, her academic abilities are generally high. Her forte lies in the humanities, with her Japanese and Japanese history grades being at the top of the year. On the other hand, her physical strength is below average, with only her physical education grade standing out; she is a true culture-type student. Additionally, she suffers from low blood pressure and struggles with mornings, has a poor sense of direction, and has many other weaknesses. Her favorite things are items with a Japanese aesthetic, while her least favorite is having free time with nothing to do. Her hobby is visiting historic sites, and she has a particular interest in the mystery genre. During holidays, she often visits famous places within the prefecture, such as Maisagi Castle Park near Kyougoku Station and the old castle ruins of Kyougoku Castle, which is known as a spiritual spot. Her home is located at the eastern end of Kyougoku City, and as the school is quite a distance away, she commutes to school every day on a moped. Her vehicle of choice is a Little Cub, and the body color is light blue. Evaluation: Visual Aptitude: A Basic Ability Aptitude: B Personality Aptitude: B Behavioral Aptitude: A Speech Aptitude: B Romantic Comedy Aptitude: A Compatibility with the 'Charismatic Student Council President' heroine type: 85% With her assumption of the student council presidency, her romantic comedy aptitude will be promoted to S-rank: 'Student Council President Heroine'. * "─ Heroine type?" Uenohara Ayano, who was reading the Tomodachi Note on her smartphone, raised her voice upon noticing an unfamiliar term. "It represents the type of romantic comedy heroine. For example, there's the 'Devilish Junior' and the 'Tsundere Ex-girlfriend'. Originally, it was judged under the heroine requirements item, but to make it easier to understand, it's now categorized." Romantic comedy aptitude simply determines how much a person resembles a character in a romantic comedy, and separate criteria are needed to judge whether one is suitable as a 'heroine'. Therefore, the degree of match with typical heroine types found in romantic comedies ── in other words, 'heroine types' ── is numerically calculated. If the compatibility rate is 80% or higher, an 'S-rank', unique to heroines, is given. By doing so, subjective and biased opinions are minimized as much as possible, and an objective evaluation can be made. It's much better than deciding based on one's imagination alone. "However, as of now, her compatibility rate doesn't meet the criteria. But after she becomes the student council president, she'll fit the 'Charismatic Student Council President' type, so she'll officially be recognized as a heroine after her election victory." By the way, Kiyosato-san has too many compatible heroine types, such as 'Angel-like Classmate' and 'Refreshing Sports Club Member', so she's unconditionally a 'Main Heroine'. On the other hand, Katsunuma-kun doesn't meet the love comedy aptitude requirement even if she fits a heroine type, so she's an exception as an 'Unconquerable Heroine'. Uenohara let out a disinterested sigh and continued, "I don't get how you can call her charismatic. Where did that come from?" "That will become clear later. Keep reading." [Biography ── Early Childhood] Sachi was born and raised in Kyougoku City. She's an only child. Both her parents are teachers and were often busy with work, so she was often left in the care of her father's parents. Her grandfather was once a city council member, and through that connection, she had deep ties to the community. As his granddaughter, Sachi, affectionately known as 'Sachchan', was doted on and grew up in a warm and loving environment. As a child, Sachi was curious and loved to play. Although she wasn't physically strong, she was quite active. During the shopping district festival, she eagerly enjoyed the stalls and portable shrines. Sometimes, she would sneak into the grounds of Takedata Shrine with the neighborhood kids or try to climb the stone walls of Maisagi Castle's Tenshudai. She often engaged in dangerous activities. Her parents disciplined her strictly and scolded her harshly whenever she did something dangerous or wrong. Sachi would often sulk and refuse to return to her grandparents' house. According to those who knew her at the time, Sachi was also lonely and wanted her busy parents to pay attention to her. "Again with the sudden core personal information... Where did you dig this up from?" "First, I found the name of Hinoharu, a city council member, on the internet, and then I checked the city council meeting minutes. I learned that the backing came from the chamber of commerce, so I asked around the shops near the main house in the shopping district. When I said I was a friend of hers, they told me a lot." "...... Only someone like Kouhei would be checking city council meeting minutes as a high school student." By the way, the shopping district mentioned here refers to the 'Chuo Shopping District', an arcade located southeast of Kyougoku Station. It's a place with a nostalgic atmosphere, lined with many long-established privately-owned shops. Perhaps because of this, the shop owners were mostly elderly couples who reminisced about the good old days and shared various stories. Well, 80% of it was unrelated to my Senpai. [Elementary School Years] As time passed, Sachi gradually conformed to her parents' educational philosophy, and by the time she was in the lower grades of elementary school, she no longer engaged in dangerous activities. Instead, she started doing outrageous things within the rules and regulations. According to a classmate from elementary school, she came up with ideas like an auction for lunch side dishes and ranking the rope-jumping scores of all classes on a bulletin board, initiating an impromptu class competition. She displayed leadership skills beyond her years. This was probably the result of trying to satisfy her desires while obeying her parents' instructions, leading to a mindset that seeks the maximum outcome without breaking the rules. "What kind of elementary school student is this? Senpai, was she such a strange person...?" "Yeah, it's surprising, right? She did quite a few outrageous things." Either way, it's an idea and execution beyond what an elementary school student could come up with. I was only ever focused on things like my independent research project. "If this was in elementary school, I wonder what middle school and beyond were like..." "Of course, I've looked into that as well." [Middle School Years] In middle school, she focused on student council activities from the start. With even greater leadership skills than in elementary school and an ability to rally others, she created what would later be known as 'Higashi Chu's Two Major Festivals': the school festival and the music festival. Her charisma and her early development, which made her stand out, likely played a role in this achievement. A RINE group called 'Hinoharu-senpai ♡ Promotion Committee' was formed, showing her popularity. By the way, it seems that the majority of the members were her junior girls. Even now, she is treated as a legendary figure, honored as the esteemed student council president who single-handedly transformed the school. "Ah, I think I'm mixing in some stuff I heard from Torisawa here. Seems like he doesn't know her personally, but she's a celebrity that anyone from Higashi knows." "That's probably the case if she's making such a ruckus." "By the way, I heard she changed the culture festival from a small event for school-related people to one open to the public, and turned the music festival, which used to be just a choir performance, into a major event that includes bands, a cappella groups, and even Kyogen. Apparently, they set up a special stage in the gym for it, just like our school festival."
[tl: 狂言 = Kyogen. Meaning "mad words" or "wild speech", Kyogen is a traditional play passed down from ancient times in Japan. It is a "comic" play where bright, humorous characters take the stage and make the audience laugh with their silly talk and strange movements.]
"That's quite a feat for an ordinary public school... Didn't she face opposition from various quarters?" "According to my information, there was a lot of backlash from the teachers and the school. But she apparently overruled them with logical arguments." "... She's worse than a delinquent." "She even stood up to the scary teachers that everyone hates, so she's treated like a hero by the students. Torisawa said he's 'looking forward to what she'll do in the future', so it seems like even the upperclassmen are keeping an eye on her." "That's the kind of big-time idiot freedom-loving person that Torisawa would like, huh?" "Hey, you definitely just used the wrong words there, didn't you?" [High School 1st Year - Present] After a carefree middle school life, she entered Kyougoku Nishi High School, the number one party school in the prefecture. Immediately after enrolling in Kyou-Nishi, she joined the student council and, despite being a first-year student, proposed various plans and reform ideas. One example is the 'Recommended Seasonal Cafeteria Report' serialized in the student council newspaper, which was her idea. She also opened and operated a student council public relations account on Tbitter. She's energetically active in various roles. Perhaps due to her hard work, she was appointed to a clerical position usually reserved for second-year students in her first year and took on the role of financial auditor at the end of the last fiscal year. "Hmm, I see. Holding multiple positions means someone left partway, right?" "Yes. From what I've gathered, it seems she took over the duties of someone who quit because they wanted to start preparing for university entrance exams early. Normally, someone without any position would take over, but it seems she volunteered, saying, 'It's not that hard, I'll do it.'" "Huh... so it wasn't pushed onto her?" "It seems not. Well, the work only involves checking the budget plan at the start of the fiscal year, and it was also the time when the new student council was about to be launched, so it was probably more efficient for an experienced officer to handle it." [Overall Evaluation] A person with unique ideas and the ability to put them into action, capable of strongly leading others. Her middle school friends describe her as "born to be the student council president," "always in a festive mood," and "would die if she stopped," indicating her proactive involvement in student council activities. Her candidacy for the presidency was a foregone conclusion. Despite her popularity, few have confessed their feelings to her, and she has no dating experience. Perhaps because her actions are too proactive, many just watch her from a distance. She herself says, "I find student council activities more fulfilling than romance," and is not very proactive about love, leading some to call her "a waste of beauty." Regardless, her orientation is positive, and her compatibility with "plans" is exceptionally high, making her a key figure who has a remarkable aptitude as both a "heroine" and a "rom-com character." "─ And so, that's the situation." I put my smartphone on the table and took a breath. "I've simplified it quite a bit, but this information is integrated from multiple sources and is reliable. If you're worried, I can also give you the raw data." "No, I trust you there. There's nothing scarier than you, Nagasaka Kouhei, when you're seriously investigating something." "Did I just hear a voice-over again?" At this point, Uenohara Ayano placed her smartphone on the table and covered her mouth with her hand, assuming her usual thinking pose. "Hmm, is there something on your mind?" "Well, I'm fine with Senpai's personality, but... what about the people around her now? Any information on that?" "Huh? You mean her friends?" "Yes. And also her relationships with the student council members." I opened the relevant section of the Tomodachi Note and began to explain. "Let's see, she has a few friends in her class. There are friends from the same middle school in other classes as well. She doesn't seem to be the central figure in her class, but it's not like she's ostracized or disliked." At the very least, it wasn't like Katsunuma's situation where she had no place in the school. If there were any negative stories like that, they would have surfaced from somewhere. "As for the student council, it seems like everyone relies on her. It doesn't seem like she has any particularly close friends there, but there were comments like 'She does a lot for us, and it's a big help.' Sounds like a good relationship, doesn't it?" "Has there ever been any conflict or trouble with anyone up until now?" "Hmm, let's see. As for notable troubles... there was a time in her first year when she temporarily had a conflict with a classmate. Remember, it was about the cleaning activities?" "Ah... right, was it about deciding on a policy?" "Yes, exactly. She said it herself, but it seems there was a division between the 'Let's take this seriously' faction and the 'Let's just do it casually' faction. But it seems to have settled down nicely in the end, and it doesn't seem like there are any lingering issues from that time." I double-checked this with former classmates during a follow-up investigation, so it's accurate. The reaction was more of a light "Oh, was there something like that?" Uenohara continued in her thinking pose for a while, then nodded. "Alright, that's fine for now. So, what are you planning to do from now on?" "Well, first, I'll contact Senpai tomorrow and try to find out her specific plans for the future. And if possible, I'll ask if I can give a supporting speech for her." Even in the case of a vote of confidence, a rally will be held. In an election campaign, there are few people who would willingly give a supporting speech for a vote of confidence where the winner is almost certain. If I can pull some strings, there's a chance I can get that position. If that happens, I'll be able to act alongside her with impunity during the election period, making it easier to trigger various "sub-events". The big goal this time is to suddenly close the distance that has been maintained so far and aggressively raise her "favorability" for me. Of course, I'll also enjoy the event to the fullest. "So I'll just wait for now. There doesn't seem to be anything for me to do." "Yeah, we don't need any extra hands at the moment. I'll let you know if anything comes up." "Got it. Well, I guess I'll be hearing from you soon anyway." "Hey, how many times do I have to tell you to stop setting up those flags—are you getting a refill?" I suddenly noticed that Uenohara's coffee cup was empty and asked her. "No, I already ordered another one, so I'm fine." "Huh? When did you do that?" "Just now, on LINE. I exchanged IDs with Master." "When did you even have time for that!?" "When Kouhei was in the bathroom. I asked him then." Master... you're way too quick at closing the distance... * After that, we shared some other regular information, and then dispersed. I ride my bike on the hill as the sun sets. The main street on the hill is filled with cars heading towards the city. They seem to be mostly family cars, so I guess they're all off to dinner. This area is a recently developed residential district, built on what used to be fields. That's why there aren't any restaurants around, and if you want to eat out, you have to go down the hill, all the way to the bottom of the basin. There are probably a lot of families with small children, so I guess this is their weekend routine. ... As the traffic light in front of me turns red, I stop my bike and put my foot down. I gaze at the flow of cars heading into the city, my mind wandering. —In the end, today was just like our usual meetings. Once the meeting started, Uenohara was on point with her retorts, and I was able to talk without feeling any pressure. At the very least, there wasn't that weird sense of mismatch like the first time. Uenohara didn't seem bored either, so I guess this kind of relationship suits us. That's right—it's because of the "Project" that I'm able to spend so much time with Uenohara. Without the "Project," I'm just an average guy, maybe even below average. There's nothing interesting about me, nothing that makes me stand out. I'm just a nameless background character who likes rom-coms. There's no way someone as high-spec as Uenohara would enjoy hanging out with a normal guy like that. She has a lot of friends, and if she wanted to, she could easily find someone she gets along with better in a normal high school life. The only thing I can offer Uenohara is the "Project." I have nothing else. That's why, if I want to repay her—I have no choice but to keep running towards the success of the "Project." I strongly reaffirm this to myself as I grip the bike's throttle. But did I drink too much coffee...? My stomach feels a bit heavy. * The next morning. I stifle a yawn as I walk towards the student council room. Last night, I ended up binging on light novels with election scenes. That's why I'm sleep-deprived now. I mean, come on, you've got the two of them working together to strategize for the election, surprising their opponent with an unexpected move during the speech, and then at the very end, there's a lucky perverted situation like "Thank you for helping me so far, Bre○n"... and so on? How could I not get excited thinking about that? It's only natural that my heart was racing and I was fidgety. I arrived in front of the student council room, my mind going over the "prologue" scenario I had prepared. Alright, then! Let's start the "Student Council Election Event"! Just as I was about to knock on the door as usual, I happened to glance at the bulletin board next to the entrance. There was a brand-new sheet of paper posted there, with the words 'Election Notice' written on it. The candidate's name was... "..................Huh!?" Surprised, I forgot to knock and just opened the door to the student council room. "Se, senpai!" "Whoa, you scared me!" Hinoharu, who was sitting in front of her laptop as always, jumped a little. "Nagasaka, you have to knock properly, you know. We might be having a meeting, so remember that even among friends, courtesy is important." "Ah, but the election!" "... Election?" "Why isn't your name on the list!?" Hinoharu-senpai froze for a moment, then silently put on her blue light-blocking glasses. She turned her gaze back to her laptop and started typing away. "Because I'm not running." "Eh...?" "That's what I'm telling you, I'm not running." Hinoharu-senpai stated flatly without looking at me. "I don't plan to run for president. I intend to continue with my current position." —Ah, why does my rom-com never go as planned...? Why does it always veer off course...?
Chapter 1: Who Decided That Past Episodes Are Enough to Predict One's Thoughts? "Why... why isn't she running for it...?" "Yeah, I had a feeling. Well, tough luck." We were in the seat at the back of the "M Conference Room", which could be considered our designated spot at this point. I grumbled with my face buried in the table. "Damn it, I thoroughly researched her personality and past episodes. Why? Why isn't she running for student council president? Where was that plot twist in the data? If it's there, tell me, which volume, which page, which line!?" "Stop pouting like a child. It's embarrassing." Uenohara, who casually threw shade at me as I abruptly sat up, was sipping on a seasonal yogurt shake. How dare she, the one who set up this flag, act so nonchalant! "Well, no matter how well you understand someone's past and personality, it doesn't mean their actions will always be predictable." "But it worked with Katsunuma." "That's only because her thoughts and actions were directly linked. I think it's rarer to find people like that. Usually, there are various complications that prevent people from acting as they wish." "Complications? I didn't find any mention of troubles in my research!" "Not all issues are flashy and visible. There are cases that remain hidden, or small things that build up over time." "Nu, nuu...!" Damn it, she's always so reasonable! I grumbled as I picked up my phone. The photo I had taken earlier and forgotten about was displayed, causing me to frown. "On top of that, the person who ran instead is not ideal." "How so?" "It's the current secretary. I've only done a rough investigation so far, but in a nutshell, he's advocating for 'downsizing events.'" "...Hmm?" I turned the screen of my phone towards Uenohara, who was stirring her shake with a straw. "These are his platforms: 'Reducing student council fees by making the school festival a one-day event' and 'Inviting famous cram school lecturers for special lessons.' These are the two main pillars, and he also suggests things like 'Changing sports day events to prevent injuries' and 'Abolishing the ball game club.' Ah, this isn't just downsizing events, it's anti-romcom!" "...Someone who's inconvenient for your plan, huh?" Uenohara muttered with her hand covering her mouth. "Well, the content is reasonable, I guess. I've heard our school's academic achievements have been declining year by year." "While it's true that there is data to support that, the correlation with events has not been proven. If they want to claim a causal relationship, they should provide proper statistical data! Ugh, this is frustrating. I'm going to take out my frustration on a light novel, knock out the protagonist with the corner of the book, tie him up with headphones, and make him listen to a drama CD on loop until his brain turns into a rom-com!" "Calm down, don't get so worked up just from saying that." "Huff! Huff!" Give me back my enjoyable prep time! I gulped down my iced coffee and sighed. "And what's with the secretary suddenly running for president? His policies are extremely reformist, too..." "Suddenly, huh? What's he like? Do you have any info?" "His name is Shiozaki Daiki, a boy from Class 2-5. He's about the same height as me but has a more built physique, and he wears black-framed glasses." "...I think I might've seen him in the Tomodachi Note, or maybe not..." "Yeah, that's the kind of position he's in. He hasn't really stood out or taken any notable actions until now." He has the personality of a model student, but despite holding the position of secretary, he has no remarkable achievements. His rom-com potential is, of course, an E. "Did Hinoharu push him to run because she wasn't? Or did he have some kind of awakening? Ugh, it all boils down to a lack of information!" It was painful that information about the election was kept strictly confidential, making it impossible to grasp anything beforehand. Trying to get information from Hinoharu herself was a lost cause, and the general student body didn't seem interested, as it wasn't even a topic of conversation. "There are no other candidates, and at this rate, he'll be smoothly elected, and everything will be over. This is a crisis in every sense of the word." "It's no use complaining about what's already decided. We need to think about what to do from here on out." As I listened to Uenohara's calm words, I finished the rest of my iced coffee in one go. The heat in my head and body cooled down to a comfortable level. Wait, is the air conditioning off? Are they being cheap just because we're the only customers here? I looked around and then slapped my cheeks, taking a deep breath to calm my agitated feelings. Once I felt my head was sufficiently clear, I opened my mouth. "...Anyway, all the planned event proposals are scrapped. First, we need to gather information to understand the current situation. The ultimate goal is to get Hinoharu to run for student council president." "Can she still run at this point?" "Technically, we still have a two-week grace period. It's just a custom to announce the candidacy on the first day; according to the regulations, it's fine to submit it on the last day." The later the announcement, the shorter the election campaign period—that's all. If we can get it to an election, there are ways to work with it, and most importantly, we need Hinoharu to become the student council president so she lives up to her title of "Student Council President Heroine (Tentative)", if we're not careful, it might never lose the "(Tentative)" part. Uenohara let out a thoughtful "Hmm." "By the way, why didn't Hinoharu-senpai run for election? Did she say any reason?" "That's the thing, she evaded the question when asked. She just kept insisting, 'I'm simply not interested.'" "She evaded, huh?" Uenohara crossed her arms with a puzzled look on her face. "If there was a reason, it seems like she would have said it. She seems like the type to be clear about such things." "Exactly. It seems like there might be some circumstances, and we need to investigate that." Whether it's personal circumstances, problems with interpersonal relationships, or perhaps family issues... We can't figure out anything with the situation as it is. I opened the calendar app on my smartphone and quickly entered the deadline for candidacy. Including the time it takes to handle this, we don't have time to take it slow. We need to act quickly and efficiently. "Right... Let's split up and investigate for now. I'll talk to Hinoharu-senpai once more, and Uenohara, you check around Shiozaki-senpai and others—" At that moment, I suddenly felt a change in the air flow. Huh, did someone adjust the air conditioning? I guess it was off until just a moment ago... Unconsciously, I looked up. And... "─Ah, Nagasaka and Ayano!" ─Eh? My thoughts froze as I suddenly laid eyes on a familiar figure. "─Huh?! Mei?!" Hearing that voice, Uenohara turned around, more flustered than usual. ─In the aisle leading to our designated table. Standing there, without me noticing, was none other than the "Main Heroine"─ Kiyosato Mei. "What a coincidence to meet you here! Were you two having tea together?" Kiyosato smiled, as she always did. W-why... Why is Kiyosato-san here in the "M Conference Room," a secret meeting spot that Kyou-Nishi students don't use?! How come?! No, wait, that's not what's important right now! Did she hear what we were just talking about?! As the blood drained from my face, Uenohara calmly adjusted her slightly messy bangs and slowly opened her mouth. "─Ah, you startled me. Don't do that again." "Ahaha, gomen, gomen. I wanted to make sure it was you before calling out, or else it would've been embarrassing." Ah, wait! When I checked the air conditioning earlier, she wasn't there! If she had been nearby since then, I definitely would've noticed. There's no place to hide and eavesdrop around here. So it's fine, it's fine... Our plan hasn't been exposed. As I struggled to calm my erratic breathing, Uenohara continued the conversation. "So, Mei, what about your club activities?" "Ah, today was court maintenance day, so we just rolled the courts and then disbanded." Huh?! Did I miss that information...?! I try to recall the tennis club's schedule, but I can't come up with an answer. This irregular situation has my thoughts in disarray, and I can't properly access my memory. Kiyosato tapped the drink cup in her hand. "Ah, can I join you? If I'm not bothering you, that is." "Eh? Ah, um..." "Sure, go ahead. We were just idly chatting anyway." Uenohara hesitated for a moment, but then nodded and moved her body closer. Huh? Is that okay? What is she planning? "Thanks! Then, excuse me!" Saying that, Kiyosato didn't sit in the space that Uenohara had vacated but, for some reason, came over to my side and made a pushing gesture. "Nagasaka-kun, could you scoot over a little more?" "Huh, eh?" "......Hold on. Why are you over there?" "Hmm? Because the view's better over here!" View? It's not like looking out the window is interesting!? I move my body to the back as I'm told, and Kiyosato-san slides in next to me. The scent of soap wafts by, and from the short-sleeved uniform, I catch a glimpse of her white arm as it lightly touches my shoulder. W-Wait, isn't she close? Closer than usual? She smells nice!? Our arms just touched a bit ago!? "......" Ignoring my panicked state, Uenohara stares intently at Kiyosato-san. Her gaze seems sharper than usual, but my mind is already a blank wilderness, so maybe I'm imagining things. Kiyosato-san doesn't seem to mind and takes a sip of her drink as if nothing's amiss. "Ah, this place is so calming. You should've told me about it earlier." "It's not that great of a place. Just a regular chain store." "Really? It's a bit of a walk from school, so it feels like a hidden gem that only those in the know would visit. Plus, it's easy on the wallet!" "It's not a hidden spot; it's right there on the map." Uenohara's face is calm and collected as she smoothly responds. Seeing this, I regain a bit of my composure. "So, in the end, the two of you came here for tea?" Ah, y-yeah. That's right. I prepared an "Emergency Manual for Unexpected Encounters with Friends" for situations like this. Remember it, me! "Y-Yeah, that's right! There's a Nanokado bookstore with a great selection further down, and I like going there. But since Uenohara said she was bored, I told her to come with me so I could introduce her to some recommendations. Then, on our way back, it was hot, so we thought we'd take a quick break and came into this store since it was the closest!" "Ahaha, you're talking so fast, Nagasaka-kun. Your recommendations are usually spot-on, though. So, what books did you buy?" "Huh, hmm? Umm..." Crap, if I answer poorly, I'll be in trouble when she asks to see them! Darn, I should've thought of that...! "Well, in the end, I didn't buy anything. Nothing really caught my eye." Before I could say anything in my flustered state, Uenohara interrupts and pokes the straw in my drink with her finger. Huh? That's the 'don't speak' command! Sorry! I pretend to drink my iced coffee, only to realize it's empty, so I make some slurping noises with the straw before putting it back. Uenohara, who had been narrowing her eyes and sending me a 'you idiot' message, takes a small breath and turns back to Kiyosato-san. Then, she begins to speak. "Speaking of which, Mei, what are you doing here? Isn't this a bit out of your way?" "Hmm? My club activities ended early, and I thought I'd explore the area a bit before catching the bus." "You came pretty far. Did you walk?" "Oh, did I not mention it? I also bought a bicycle! It's a parked bike!" Huh, what? That's not in my information database either!? Uenohara gives me a 'I didn't know about this either' look, so I blink twice to convey 'I didn't know either.' Kiyosato-san raises her index finger and begins to speak. "You see, whenever we go somewhere after school, I'm always the only one walking, and I feel bad about it. So, I saved up my allowance and bought one! I'll still take the bus to and from school, though." I see... But when did she get it? If I don't know, she probably didn't tell anyone else either. "I was wandering around on my bicycle, got thirsty, and came into this store." ......There aren't many stores in this area that students can casually enter. Plus, not many people come this way, so it hasn't been an issue until now. Kiyosato-san continues with a smile. "I noticed a Kyou-Nishi sticker on a parked bicycle, but I never expected it to be someone I knew. It feels like destiny!" "......Yeah." Uenohara grabs a lock of hair that falls on her shoulder and flicks it back. Huh? Did the atmosphere just tense up a bit? Kiyosato-san doesn't seem bothered and takes a sip of her drink, while Uenohara finishes off the apple pie with a crunch. Then, there's a brief silence. "—Ah, by the way. The student council elections are coming up soon, right?" "......Huh!?" My heart almost leaps out of my mouth at Kiyosato-san's sudden question. Y-You were listening!? This is bad; what do I do!? "Yeah, I was just talking about that with Kouhei." "Whaaat!?" Haa!? You're going to say it!? Why!? I immediately get glared at by Uenohara, and hurriedly zip my mouth shut. "... Kouhei, your reactions have been creepy since earlier. You're overdoing the dere-dere because Mei is next to you." "That's not it......!" "Then what else could it be?" "Ahaha, alright, alright, both of you." Ah, I see. So, you want me to make it like that, huh......? Uenohara taps her cheek with her index finger while leaning on her cane. It's a signal that says 'Leave it to me'. ── Alright, alright. I'll leave everything to you! I'll become a background character who just watches the situation! With that resolve, I crossed my arms and fell completely silent. Taking my actions as affirmation, Uenohara opens her mouth again. "Oh, does Mei know anything? About Kouhei's acquaintance... Hinoharu Sachi-senpai, that is. She was the top contender for the student council, but for some reason, she's not running for elections." "... Oh?" "She's pretty active, right? So, I was worried that maybe there was some trouble or something since she doesn't want to become president." Saying that, Uenohara stares intently at Kiyosato. "Do you know anything about it?" "... Hmm, I see." Receiving that gaze, Kiyosato-san made a troubled face and hummed in thought, seeming to ponder what to do. "Actually... I was thinking of asking the same thing." Huh? The same thing......? Uenohara also seemed puzzled, tilting her head slightly. "What do you mean?" "Sachi-senpai. We're also close." No way!? More new information!? Uenohara twitched her eyebrows and fell silent for a moment before slowly beginning to speak. "......Hmm, unexpected. You don't seem like you'd have anything in common, so how did you meet?" "It was during the club alliance meeting. We got talking there and hit it off really well, and since then we've been meeting up occasionally." Club alliance meeting── probably the meeting for the club activities union...! It's usually a meeting to adjust the allocation of the grounds or to discuss the maintenance of shared equipment. Normally, the student council and the heads or vice-heads of each club attend, but depending on the agenda, first-year equipment managers sometimes participate too. Kiyosato is the equipment manager, so she probably attended the meeting because of that. It seems reasonable to assume they became friends around the time of the recent local cleaning event. Damn, I didn't mean to neglect my investigations...... Kiyosato's communication skills are too high, and I couldn't keep up with her expanding social circle...... Hearing this explanation, Uenohara nodded once in understanding and continued. "If you're close, has Mei heard anything? Kouhei asked, but she wouldn't answer him." "No, I don't know the details either. But it seems like she's been troubled about something...... I've been thinking about what would be the best way to help her." Then, Kiyosato murmured with a worried expression. "That's why I wanted to ask her close friends about it. But, I see. Kouhei doesn't know anything, huh......" Kiyosato sighed and slumped her shoulders. It seems we can't rely on convenient information coming our way...... We'll have to investigate on our own...... ── Vroom, vroom. Just as everyone fell silent, the sound of a vibrating smartphone rang out from somewhere. "Ah, sorry, it's me!" Kiyosato's face turned stiff, and she started searching her skirt pockets. "It's almost time for the bus. I'll head out first!" She must have set a timer, as she stood up as soon as she looked at the screen. "Then, sorry for bothering you! I'll consult you again if anything comes up!" And with one last smile and wave, she ran off. ── ──...... "... Did she leave?" I muttered in a low voice, glancing at the exit. Hearing the store clerk say, "Thank you for your patronage!" and the exit chime, I finally let out a "Haah" and slumped onto the table. "... Sorry for making you handle that alone. It really helped." "It's fine. As soon as Mei showed up, I didn't expect anything, so don't worry about it." Uenohara cut me off bluntly. Well, that's true, but you could've said it a little more gently...... "And why did you even allow us to share a table? Wouldn't it have been better to leave the store to reset our strategy?" "If the moment she arrived, you panicked and left the store. That's like saying, 'There's something inconvenient going on here.' It was also a way to show that there's nothing you're troubled to be asked about," she explained. I see, so that's why you accepted Kiyosato's suggestion. If it were just me, I would have made escaping my top priority... "But why did you go out of your way to explain the content of the meeting...? You could have just fudged it..." "You see, if by chance we were overheard, we'd be suspected the moment we lied. I didn't think they heard everything from the start, but I wasn't sure about the end." Right, that makes sense... And man, when we first met, I tried lying to Uenohara and totally blew it. I should have learned my lesson, baka Kouhei. "Fortunately, we didn't touch on the core of the 'Project,' and we can just say we were talking about a friend and make it seem like a normal conversation." "Haa, I see..." She had thought that far ahead in that moment? It's too advanced for me, I can't keep up. It's better that I kept quiet. "Well, whether we were overheard or not doesn't make much of a difference. You were probably planning to steer things this way from the start..." Uenohara messed up the back of her hair as she muttered. "Huh? What do you mean?" "Well... When Mei suddenly appeared, we didn't really have any other choice but to do this." Uenohara answered after quickly sweeping her hair back. Hmm, that's a bit off-topic, isn't it...? "Anyway, forget about today. Nothing's changed, Kouhei should focus on investigating Hinoharu as planned. I'll look into information about Shiozaki." "O-Oh. Well, if Uenohara says so..." Honestly, I have no idea what's going on, so I have no choice but to follow Uenohara's words. I cleared my throat and regained my composure. Well, at least we know that senpai is worried about something, and we have to start moving. "Also—" Uenohara suddenly looked around and said in a calm tone. "We might not be able to use 'Conference Room M' anymore. We don't know when something irregular like today might happen again." "Eh?" That statement made my heart tighten. 'Can't use it'... So we can't have our meetings here anymore? "Um, is that so? Today's case was an extremely irregular one, so maybe we don't need to go that far..." "It's better to be prepared. It's not efficient to have meetings while being scared of unexpected encounters." "That's..." No... but maybe she's right. Even if Uenohara is fine, I don't think I can calm down enough to have a meeting. At the very least, we need to take some precautions, like regularly checking the surroundings or not staying too long. "Yeah... I guess you're right..." As I said that, I looked around the room. The dimly lit seats with deteriorating lighting, the window with a poor view of only residential buildings. I had gotten used to this familiar scenery. The occasionally unmotivated voice of the clerk and the deflated sound of the timer for the fried foods had become familiar to my ears. —We used this place quite often, and it was a place where we could relax. I glanced at Uenohara with just my eyes. She was sipping the rest of her shake with an expression that didn't show any particular emotion. And more than anything... This is where our relationship began. The thought of not being able to use this place anymore made me feel... lonely, am I the only one who feels this way? "...Then, let's find another place from now on." "...Yeah." When Uenohara nodded, I couldn't see any strong emotions on her face— But her voice sounded thinner than usual. Feeling that Uenohara might share the same feelings, I was relieved. * The next morning, I headed towards the student council room with quick steps. —For now, I just want some information to get started. With the current situation, I don't even know where to begin digging. For now, I'll observe through small talk with my senpai and see if anything seems off. That's the specific investigation I'll be conducting. "Excuse me," I said, knocking and calling out before placing my hand on the sliding door at the entrance. As I opened the door, letting out a dry, creaking sound, my eyes fell upon a messy room. Usually, it was filled with documents, stationery, and stacked cardboard boxes, giving it a cluttered impression. But today, it seemed even more disorganized than usual. "Good morning," I greeted. "Good morning... Oh, Nagasaka-kun? Just a moment," replied Hinoharu-senpai, her arms full of cardboard boxes. Senpai slowly moved and placed the boxes on the middle shelf of a steel open rack at the edge of the room. What's this? Are they cleaning? "Yo, sho... whew," she replied, her voice strained as the box seemed quite heavy, causing the shelf to creak under its weight. Senpai waved her hands in the air to relax them and then turned to face me, patting the dust off her shirt. Perhaps because she was moving around, the school-designated necktie, which she usually wore neatly, was not in place. "Hmm, do we have something scheduled for today? I don't recall giving you any work," she said. "No, not really. I just happened to arrive at school earlier than usual, so I thought I'd kill time by taking a walk and dropping by," I explained. I could have come up with some excuse related to outsourcing work, but I figured it would end up being the usual banter, so I chose to be spontaneous. "Oh, that's unusual. You usually don't come by without a reason. If you have some free time, you should probably study or something. Time is precious, you know," Senpai said, tilting her head in genuine confusion. ... Yeah, that's true, but that's not the point right now. "Sometimes I do things like this. I'm not a machine, you know." "You're more meticulous than a machine, in my opinion. Especially when it comes to numbers," Senpai commented. "That's only natural. Machines can calculate, but they don't interpret, so if a human makes a mistake, the machine will too," I explained. "See, I told you you're meticulous," Senpai said with a wry smile. She returned to sorting the items, and I sat down on a nearby pipe chair to observe her. So far, there didn't seem to be anything unusual about Senpai's responses... With the election campaign starting, she didn't seem to be worried about anything and was working as efficiently as always. Senpai rustled through some papers and began transferring them to another box. A quick glance at the covers revealed titles like 'Regular Meeting Minutes' and 'Club Activity Report.' "Are you moving or something?" I asked. "No, no, I'm just putting the documents used in the meetings back into storage. If I don't organize them from time to time, they end up getting all mixed up," Senpai explained. Ah, I see... However, this kind of organizing work seemed like something anyone could do. Was it really something a senior with a position of responsibility would be doing alone so early in the morning? Or perhaps... was she being forced to do tedious tasks? I had heard that her relationships with others were fine, but maybe there was some hidden, subtle bullying going on. Maybe there was an atmosphere that made her feel like she had to do these things. ... Maybe I should probe a little deeper. "Well, this kind of work seems like something a first-year student would do... Are the juniors not doing their jobs properly or something?" I asked. "No, that's not it. They do what I ask them to do," Senpai replied. Hmm, so that's not it? "Then, is there an atmosphere that makes it hard to casually ask for help?" I inquired further. "Not particularly..." Senpai trailed off. Hmm... "To begin with, this isn't the kind of work that needs to be specifically assigned to someone. Anyone who notices should just do it. I'm doing it now because I have the time, and it's not a big deal," Senpai explained. Now that I think about it, she had also mentioned that overtime work was voluntary. So, the theory that her relationships with others were bad doesn't hold up... "By the way... do you happen to enjoy this kind of miscellaneous task or find office work fun? Is that one of your hobbies or something?" I asked. "What? Not at all. I mean, are there people who enjoy doing chores?" Senpai replied. "I guess not," I said with a laugh. Well, just because someone is proactive doesn't mean they necessarily enjoy it. Looking at her personal information profile, she seemed like the type who would prefer more flashy activities. Senpai tapped the stack of papers to align them and then spoke, "But you seem like you'd enjoy this kind of thing, Nagasaka-kun. I can see you sorting and labeling things, arranging them by date, and being super organized." "You know me well. I would classify things by importance and change the storage location based on how often they're referenced. On the table, I'd keep the contact list for ordering supplies and such, and in the open rack, I'd have the meeting minutes and monthly financial reports, which are updated regularly. Of course, anyone who uses something would have to return it to its original place, and the day's duty student would check at the end of the day," I explained. "Wow, that's even more than I imagined. That would be a bit stifling, though," Senpai said with a laugh. I furrowed my brows. The basics of data analysis are organization and tidiness. It's only natural. Besides, it just feels better when things are neat and orderly. Hinoharu-senpai closed the lid of a cardboard box filled with stacks of paper and glanced at me with a sidelong look. Then, with an exaggerated sigh, she said, "If only someone would join the student council, I could delegate these kinds of tasks to them." "Cough, cough!" I choked on an unexpected indirect hit. She really holds onto that grudge... I mean, I'm contributing properly as an external collaborator, so cut me some slack, will you? "But seriously, to be honest, I think the Student Council is where your talents would be most useful, Nagasaka-kun. It would be a waste not to utilize them more effectively." "I already told you that I have my own things that I need to do," I replied. "And what exactly are these things you need to do? It's not a club activity, is it?" Damn, she's not letting this go... Senpai is an official "heroine" candidate. Unlike Katsunuma, who is an extra, if I reveal too much about my "plan" to them, it could affect the future "main story." However, they wouldn't be satisfied with vague answers either... I had no choice but to give them a mild explanation. "Well, to cut a long story short—I have an ideal image of high school life that I want to realize, and I want to devote all my energy to making it a reality." "Then even more reason to join the student council!" Senpai exclaimed, leaning forward and closing the distance between us. "The student council is an organization dedicated to making school life more wonderful! We can plan and execute all sorts of events, from small-scale projects that add color to our daily lives to large-scale festivals that involve the entire school, or even the whole town! There's no other place where you can do all that." Senpai's eyes sparkled as they spoke with enthusiasm. "Most importantly, don't you think that transforming the school into the best it can be is the most fulfilling thing ever?!" "Uh, yeah..." Overwhelmed by her fervor, I gave a half-hearted response. Hinoharu-senpai snapped back to reality, straightened up, and cleared her throat awkwardly before saying with a sheepish smile, "Well, I mean... it's not like we can do whatever we want. There are budget issues, political entanglements, and the need to gain consensus from various stakeholders. There are realistic limitations." "Hmm..." "But there's no denying that the student council is the best environment for making the school a better place." As I listened to Senpai, I let out a small sigh. I understood what she was saying. Indeed, when it came to planning and executing events, there was no better platform than the student council. However... "To be frank, the student council doesn't offer enough freedom to realize my ideals." "Huh? You think the student council doesn't offer enough freedom?" Senpai tilted their head in confusion. After all, the setting of a romantic comedy wasn't limited to just the student council. While there were certainly light novels and anime with that premise, it wasn't enough for me. High school life only happens once, so it's only natural to want to experience as much as possible. "That's why I'm acting on my own. It's much more flexible this way." "But you can't do much on your own, can you?" "Yes, which is why I've been working hard to overturn that impossibility. That's what I dedicated my ronin year to." At my response, Hinoharu-senpai faltered, "Uh..." She fell silent for a moment before letting out a resigned sigh. "I see. Well, if you ever change your mind, just let me know. The offer is always open." With a soft smile, she resumed her work. Phew, that was a close call. But given her earlier enthusiasm, it didn't seem like she had grown disillusioned with student council activities. Her passion seemed to remain as strong as ever... So why wasn't she running for president? The more I thought about it, the more confused I became... As I mentally recorded this new piece of information, Hinoharu-senpai grunted and lifted the cardboard box. "To, to, to..." She wobbled as she walked toward the steel shelves. ...She is so clumsy. Now that I think about it, Hinoharu-senpai is terrible at sports. So why is she even doing this kind of manual labor? "Do you need help?" I asked. "No, I'm fine. This isn't part of your contract, anyway..." Contract? I didn't think they needed to be so formal about such a minor task... Senpai sat on a pipe chair placed in front of the shelf, trembling as she lifted a box and tried to place it on a step about head-height. However, it seemed she couldn't lift it any higher than her chest, and she reluctantly lowered it back down to her waist. Well, there's an obstacle there. A certain obstacle that Uenohara-san doesn't have. "Alright..." Senpai bent her back and tensed her muscles. Wait, was she planning to lift it up with all her might? That would be dangerous, wouldn't it? Concerned, I stood up involuntarily and rushed over to her. "Senpai, wait—!" "Heave-ho!" Before I could finish my sentence, Senpai lifted the box with all her might above her head. With the force of the lift, the pipe chair made a loud clatter, and Senpai's body swayed unsteadily. —Just as I thought! I spread my arms behind her, ready to catch her. At that moment, I was struck by a sense of déjà vu. Huh? Could it be that this situation was...? * —The "Heroine Senpai" falls, and the "protagonist" (me) catches her gallantly. While muttering "Ouch..." and feeling a pain in my back, I then ask, "Are you hurt, Senpai?" Then, Senpai replies, "G-gomen, arigatou... hyaa!" As the pain subsided, I suddenly became aware of a soft sensation in my hands. I looked down and saw that my arms were wrapped around Senpai, embracing her— —This is it! Senpai had a lucky pervert event waiting to happen! * "There we go." "Huh? What...?" Before I knew it, the cardboard box had landed with a thud on the shelf, and Senpai had regained her balance on the chair. She clapped her hands together and said, "Okay, that's done... Hey, what are you doing?" "......It's nothing." I hung my head dejectedly, my arms still outstretched. Ugh, why do these textbook romantic comedy moments never happen to me...? As I was about to leave with my head hanging low, I noticed something on the floor. "Hmm, what's this...?" I bent down to pick it up, and it turned out to be a small, white button. Hmm? Whose button is this? "What's wrong? Did you find something...?" Senpai, who had been talking to me, suddenly looked worried and gasped. I reflexively looked up and saw Senpai clutching the front of her shirt with both hands. —Huh? What's going on? ".................Um, that might be mine." ".................Ah, yes." I gently reached out and handed her the button I had picked up. Senpai tightly gripped her shirt with one hand and took the button with the other. She immediately turned around and ran to the back of the room, disappearing behind some objects in the corner. —Oh, I see. The button must have come off when she lifted the box. I see, I see. I get it now. ...... Wait, does that mean if I hadn't been dejected, I would've been treated to a "service scene"? Damn it, I feel twice as disappointed now! * I couldn't very well stare at Senpai sewing, and the atmosphere wasn't right to continue my investigation, I returned to the classroom. I had found some points of interest, so I would share them with Uenohara later and figure out our next move. As my classmates gradually filled the room, I chatted with them occasionally, passing the time with some prepatory studies. "Yo, Nagasaka." Torisawa appeared and interrupted my thoughts. As always, he looked lethargic, his uniform shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a silver necklace and a ruggedly masculine collarbone that contrasted with his slender build. Damn, an ikemen with sex appeal first thing in the morning is a dangerous sight... And could you girls please be more subtle with your stares? "Morning—wait, where's your guitar?" "I had morning practice, so I left it in the club room." Oh right, he's been practicing hard lately because his band has an upcoming live performance outside of school. Since he also has club activities after school, he's been using the morning and lunch breaks for practice. Even though he's busy, he never skips club activities. He's as dedicated as ever. "Oh, by the way, I want to go to your next live performance. Do you have any advance tickets left?" "Yeah, sure. How many do you need?" "Actually, we were thinking of going as a group. Would four tickets be okay?" This was a plan I had proposed to the "friend group" during the previous "homeroom event". Everyone seemed enthusiastic about it, so I'm currently preparing to make it an "Event". Thank goodness Tokiwa's practice ended in the morning today. Torisawa raked his fingers through his bangs and then nodded with a hum. "Hmm, I think I can manage that many. I'll bring them tomorrow." "Awesome, thanks!" Alright, the biggest problem is solved. Torisawa's band is quite popular, with a professional bassist as a member. Their performances at live houses in the city tend to sell out with just the presale tickets. I initially tried to get tickets through the regular channels, but they sold out in just five minutes after sales started. For this, I'll have to rely on the perks of being friends with a band member. "By the way, are you going to play the song from your previous MV? The original one you composed?" "Yeah, it'll be the last song. If we get an encore, we'll do an arrangement of it." "Woah, I really love that song, so I'm super excited!" I'm not just saying this to flatter him; I genuinely love that song. I'd even go as far as to say I'd like to get my hands on the audio and listen to it on repeat. It's a hard rock song, but it has a certain air that reminds me of anime songs... or maybe it's just that it resonates with my soul as an otaku. Anayama even talked about making a MAD video for it. Torisawa, unfazed by my praise, responded with his usual nonchalant attitude. "Anyway, can I borrow your face for a bit later? During lunch would be fine." "Huh? Oh, sure, but...?" "Sorry for the inconvenience. See you at the club room during lunch, then." That seemed to be the only thing he wanted to say, as he turned and walked back to his seat without another word. I wonder what this is about. The fact that he didn't want to discuss it here suggests that it's something he doesn't want to make public. I can't think of anything I've done that would warrant this... Well, it's a good opportunity to continue my additional investigation involving Hinoharu-senpai as well. "Sorry, Tokiwa. I assume you heard that. I'll be skipping lunch today." "Aye aye." I turned to face Tokiwa, who was sitting next to me, and conveyed the message. Tokiwa was fanning himself with his notebook. The air conditioning in the classroom is on, but the temperature is set high as part of energy-saving measures, so it must be hot after morning practice. "But it's rare for Torisawa to directly invite you like that, isn't it? I think this might be the first time I've seen it." "Yeah, you're right..." Usually, I'm the one who initiates conversations or invites him to hang out, and this is the first time he's called me out like this. To begin with, it's not very common for the two of us to be alone together, and when we do have secret conversations, it's often because he wants to tell me something scary. Now that I think about it, I'm starting to feel a bit anxious... I hope he doesn't eat me or something. "Hmm, if Kouhei is going on a date with Torisawa, I guess I'll just go to the cafeteria. I'll tag along with Anayama." "It's not a date, okay? Stop making problematic statements." If you say things like that, the radicals will target you. "Ugh, no way. I could handle it if it was just Eiji and Kakeru, but the fact that one of them is Senpai is what makes it truly disgusting." "The other person who keeps making problematic statements should also keep quiet." "What!? What's so problematic about what I said!?" Katsunuma, who had been chatting with the group members near the window, suddenly butted in. So, I casually brushed her off. Even after her change of heart towards romantic comedy, she still insists on continuing to disparage me... "Look, can you stop with the Kouhei-bashing as an introduction? If you want to join the conversation, just join normally." "I don't want to join your conversation! I just heard something cringy and felt the need to make a common-sense-based retort!" "Yeah, yeah, that's what joining the conversation is. I always tell you to be honest, don't I?" "Are you my mom or something!? Never mind!" Katsunuma twisted her face in frustration, her hair bouncing as she puffed her cheeks and stormed off. The classmates around us gave her a "here we go again" look as they watched her leave. * I watched her retreating back as she walked away. But damn, she really shines with that style... There's no one else who suits that grumpy look so well. Good, good. "You two are getting along well," Tokiwa said in his usual tone. "Really? I feel like she's been even more openly hostile to me than before, though." "No, no, I think that just means she trusts you. She must think that you won't dislike her no matter what she says, so she can speak her mind, right?" "Hmm, hmm?" So that's how it is? Now that you mention it, that does sound like something out of a rom-com... As I absentmindedly scratched my cheek with a silly grin on my face, Tokiwa smiled back at me. "Anyway, I think it's a great thing!" "O-oh. Well, I guess that's... good, then?" "Yeah, that's the ideal situation." Tokiwa said, his voice trailing off. ...Huh? What was that about? For some reason, his voice suddenly sounded so lifeless. "Good morning! That was close, I almost ended up being late!" Kiyosato's voice rang out from behind me, capturing my attention. The three of us chatted idly for a while before the homeroom period began. * As soon as lunch break started, I dashed towards the school store. Our classroom for Class 4 is on the fourth floor, while the school store is on the first floor. If I don't hurry, the second and third-year students, who are closer, will get there first and I'll be left with no choice but to settle for whatever is left. For now, I managed to reach the school store at top speed and bought my usual bread, mixing in with the early birds. I handed the exact change to the auntie at the counter and left. Alright, Torisawa should be on his way there already, so I should hurry too. Ignoring the stream of students pouring out of the school building, I cut through the courtyard and started walking towards the art building. —And then, there. '—Gagagagagaga, er, hello to all the students of Kyougoku Nishi.' Suddenly, a harsh electronic sound blasted through my ears, causing me to cover them in surprise. I reflexively turned towards the source of the noise. In the center of the courtyard, in front of the statue known as the 'Sky Statue', stood a male student holding a megaphone. 'Sorry to interrupt your lunch break. I am Shiozaki Daiki, a candidate for the position of student council president, from Class 2-5.' —Oh, I see. A person with short hair and black-framed glasses, about the same height as me but with a somewhat sturdy build—it was Shiozaki-senpai's street speech. The other students around also turned their attention towards him, curious about what was going on. Hmm, I know his platform, but... I guess I'll stay and see how it goes. After some hesitation, I sat down on the edge of a nearby flower bed. Sorry, Torisawa, please wait a bit longer. 'The reason I'm running for student council president is solely for the sake of everyone's bright future.' Shiozaki-senpai spoke, paying attention to his articulation and pausing at appropriate intervals. 'Our time is limited. These three years of high school life are precious, and we should dedicate ourselves to things we can only do now. The student council has an obligation to do its utmost to assist in this regard.' From time to time, he would look around at the audience, as if addressing them directly. Well, he's doing a decent job, I guess... It's just that his speech is a bit too textbook and orthodox, lacking any interesting flair. 'However, I believe that our time is currently being wasted. The prime example of this is the two-day school festival. The preparations that come with it, such as planning, setting up booths, and various other events, have become prolonged. What used to start after the mid-term period now extends into the summer vacation, eating into our study time.' That's not a waste at all! In fact, the preparations are what make the school festival, and by extension, the rom-com, so important! And come on, the school festival is way more of a 'now or never' thing than studying! With such a platform, everyone must be dissatisfied. Go ahead and voice your complaints or boo him! As I thought this, I observed the reactions of those around me. —But. The audience, who had been watching Shiozaki-senpai, was nowhere to be seen. Everyone had resumed their lunch break activities. ...Huh? Wait, are they completely indifferent? He's saying some pretty concerning things here. 'The school festival is indeed important. But does its value change whether it's a two-day or one-day event?' The noisy lunch break chatter had resumed without me noticing, and now the senior's amplified voice was drowned out. At this rate, no one would hear his speech; it would just be background noise, an annoying sound in the environment. Since it's a vote of confidence anyway, I wonder if everyone's thinking that the speeches are pointless...... "──And by canceling the event on the second day, we will use the budget that we save to invite instructors from famous cram schools. Our school's advancement rate is currently in a slump──" Senpai continued his speech in a monotone. I don't think he's unaware of the situation... but I wonder how he feels about the current state of things. Hmm, I can't see his expression from here. "──This school can do better. I can make it better. Please, I ask for your clean vote." In the end, Shiozaki Senpai concluded with the standard line of 'thank you for your attention', and bowed at a perfect 90-degree angle at the waist. And without receiving any applause from anyone, he left. ──Even in this situation, he followed the proper etiquette until the end, huh. I felt a slight sense of goodwill towards him for delivering his speech even though no one was listening. I wonder if it would be more exciting if it became an election battle... As I thought this, looking at my surroundings as if nothing had happened, I made my way towards Torisawa. * The light music club's clubroom is on the second floor of the art building. However, since it's filled with equipment and there's no space to relax, we decided to meet in front of the gymnasium next door. ......Oh, there he is. "Yo, Torisawa!" I called out to Torisawa, who was sitting on the steps next to the gymnasium, fiddling with his guitar. He seemed to be doing maintenance on it, as there were oils and cloths laid out around him. "Sorry, I kept you waiting." "It's fine, don't worry. Go ahead and eat your lunch. I'll talk while I work on this." I nodded and sat down next to him, opening the package of bread I had bought. Torisawa was polishing the body of his electric guitar with a cloth, occasionally squinting to check for scratches or dirt. Huh, even just sitting there with his legs crossed, polishing his guitar, he looks cool. It's like this scene is out of a different world. If I added some sparkles to the background, it would look like a scene from a shoujo manga rather than a rom-com. Feeling a bit out of place as I munched on my bean paste bun next to him, I moved slightly away. Katsunuma's jab this morning wasn't entirely wrong... Well, never mind that. Let's get to the point. "......So, what's up?" When I asked, Torisawa kept his eyes on his guitar as he replied. "Sachi, what is she hesitating about? Do you know?" ──The sudden direct question caused me to pause with my hand halfway to my mouth. "You mean... about the student council election, right?" "Yeah, you hang out with her often. Do you know anything?" ......It's unusual for Torisawa to ask about someone else like this. I thought for a moment and decided to tell him the truth. "Actually, I'm trying to figure that out too. I can't get a straight answer from her." "I see. How about the reason for her change to a 'normal person'? Do you know anything about that?" Huh? The reason she became a 'normal person'...? As I tilted my head in confusion, Torisawa blew away a piece of dust that had landed on the guitar head, then continued. "I heard from one of the upperclassmen in the club that she used to be stubbornly insistent on her own opinions, but recently she's become surprisingly good at reading the room." Hmm... now that I think about it, there was someone in the light music club who was in the same class as Hinoharu Sachi, a second-year in Class 1. He must have heard it from that person. "So she's become better at reading the room, huh. That means she wasn't like that before?" "She was the type to charge forward without regard for her surroundings, and was apparently pretty bad for forcing her own ideas on others. But, it seems she wasn't really saying anything incorrect either." Ah, I see. She was like that when we first met too, and that's the impression I got from the data as well. Has she actually toned it down a bit...? "Apparently, she gradually became more flexible in the latter half of her first year, and now she's a pretty decent kid. Thanks to that, she's gaining popularity with the guys too, apparently." As he spoke, Torisawa opened the case and slowly placed the guitar inside. He then closed the lid with a snap and stood up. With a sidelong glance at me, he said, "If you want to find out more, investigate why she changed for the better. That'll give you the reason for her opportunism. That's the key to convincing her." "Huh?" "Aren't you planning to punch some sense into Sachi-san and make her the president? Otherwise, you wouldn't be sniffing around like this, would you?" Wow, he's totally seen right through me. And this is just from that little chat we had the other day... As I twitched my cheeks, Torisawa gave a slight, cynical smile and shrugged. "If that's what you're planning, I'm happy to play along. If you need a hand, just say the word. If you're gonna do something, make it flashy." With that, he ended the conversation and began walking towards the club room. "Hey, Torisawa!" "Hmm?" I was a little curious, so I called out to him as he turned to leave. "You don't know Hinoharu, do you? ...But why do you care?" If what I heard before was true, they had never even spoken directly. Torisawa himself wasn't the type to take an interest in others. So why, in this case, had he decided to take action himself? Torisawa stopped and turned halfway. "To be honest, I'm not that interested in her personally. But..." And, in a rare show of displeasure, he twisted his face. "It pisses me off that someone who could easily bypass the system is willingly confining herself." * The next day, after school. Uenohara and I gathered at "Conference Room D," which had replaced the sealed "Conference Room M," in DRAGON CAFE. "For the time being, this place will be our headquarters. It's a bit far, but there's no way anyone will find out about it." It was a place that only Uenohara knew about, and unlike fast-food restaurants or family restaurants, it wasn't a place that high school students would casually use. It should be much safer. The cost would increase, but I had negotiated with the master to do odd jobs in exchange for a discount. So it wasn't too bad. It would put some pressure on my time, but it was a necessary sacrifice. "Let's start the investigation report. What have you got?" "Well, I haven't been investigating that much, but..." Uenohara took out her smartphone and continued while looking at a memo-like screen. "First of all, Shiozaki's candidacy was voluntary. Apparently, after Hinoharu-senpai declined, he raised his hand and said he would do it." "So it wasn't like he was forced into it, or someone put him up to it?" "That's right. But everyone was apparently surprised, and there was some fuss regarding nominators because they didn't want to give a speech for him." Well, given the content of his platform, he'd probably buy some hate... If someone isn't genuinely interested in supporting him, they wouldn't want to do it. "So, as a student council, they don't really want to actively support him, but they have no choice because there's no one else?" "They'd rather not be actively supportive and get bashed by other students. It seems like a policy of avoiding trouble." Even at Kyou-Nishi, they're like that... But now that I think about it, Hinoharu-senpai stands out, while the others are pretty plain and not very rom-com-suited. "That's about it for now." Uenohara locked her smartphone and sighed, "Phew." "Thanks, you've been a big help. But Uenohara, you've really gotten good at investigating. This is more than enough for yesterday's request." "It's not that big of a deal. I just heard it through someone else." Uenohara curled her hair with her finger and started munching on a doughnut. I don't think it's something that can be done so casually... She's not using the power of the "Fast Female Messenger," is she? Uenohara must have a lot of friends. "So, what about you?" "Yeah, okay." Prompted by her, I took out my smartphone. "Um, Hinoharu-senpai... She had a change in consciousness in the latter half of her first year and this year... If I were to borrow Torisawa's words, it seems she's gotten better at reading the atmosphere." I continued, glancing through the notes I had quickly organized. "I also cross-checked with people around her, and they share the same perception. However, no one seemed to know the reason behind it. They just noticed that things had gradually improved." Uenohara nodded as she swallowed the last bite of her donut. "Seriously, sweet things always seem to disappear around you. Donuts aren't a drink you know?" "Additionally, I dug deeper, but there was no information suggesting that she had a falling out with her friends or student council members. Furthermore, it doesn't seem like she grew tired of student council activities either. In fact, she seems to have a stronger attachment to the student council than I imagined." Given how insistent she was, it's undeniable that the student council is an important place for her. "Hmm," Uenohara murmured as she took a sip of her café latte before speaking. "Yet, she doesn't run for office." "That's what's puzzling..." Up to this point, we haven't found any factors that would hinder her from running. If anything, the prevailing sentiment is curiosity as to why she hasn't run in this situation. "If reading the atmosphere led to the current equilibrium, that could be a reason for her not running. And then there's the question of what she herself thinks..." Uenohara muttered to herself as she thought, then looked up. "I think it's pointless to investigate further. The answer seems to lie only with her." Ugh... "In the end, it seems we have no choice but to try and get it out of her somehow... That's a tall order." I don't think it's something that can be easily achieved with my level of skill. Uenohara remained in her thinking pose for a moment before raising her index finger and saying, "Instead of trying to get her to talk, why don't we create a situation to shake things up and try to discern her thoughts that way?" "Hmm, I see." In other words, we would set up some kind of "event" and try to decipher her true intentions from her reaction. "But now we'll need to observe her reactions in real-time. Depending on the event, we might not be able to record things sequentially, and analyzing them later could be challenging." "Don't worry, I'll take care of that. There's no need for us to work separately on this." "Oh, right! Then there's hope!" Uenohara wouldn't miss anything out of the ordinary, and if necessary, she could guide the conversation skillfully. That way, I could focus on collecting observable information. Yes, this is very efficient. As I nodded in agreement, Uenohara muttered, "And this time... I think it's better in every way. We can't afford to have another irregularity happen." "You're so reliable. When it comes to irregularities, I really can't do anything, so please help me out, Uenohara-sama." "Yes, yes." Uenohara twirled her hair with her finger and replied in her usual emotionless tone. Alright, we now have a direction to move in. "So, with that decided, let's quickly start planning the specific 'event'." I put my arms behind my head and stretched them to the left and right. —As I was doing this, I noticed the master standing at the stairs. "Oh, Master? Is there something you need?" As soon as I asked, the master smiled and walked over to us, placing a cup of coffee and a donut on the table. "Here's a refill. You must be tired from all that thinking." "Huh? I didn't order this..." "It's on the house. You'll be regulars from now on, right?" The master flashed his white teeth in a smile. "You two were so engrossed in your own world that I felt like I was intruding. I wanted to let you have your moment, so this is my way of saying thank you for sharing your youth with me." ""......Huh?"" "Ha ha, wow, you even breathe in unison." Both of us look up at the cheerful Master with a deadpan stare. "Wait, you were spying on us!? That's creepy, Master!" "...Agreed." The master continued with a mischievous grin. "Well, I called out to you, but you ignored me. So, I figured you were in your own little world." "..." "You're lying!" "Haha, yes, that was a lie." What a tricky old man! As Uenohara and I glared at him silently, the master shrugged and said, "Sorry, sorry. But you two really get along well. It's heartwarming to see such a sincere connection." "That may be so!" "Not really." "Ahahaha!" Damn it, 'Conference Room D' is troublesome in a whole different way...! As the Master walked away laughing, I watched him go with a scowl and sighed. "Seriously, that guy... He teases us like that every now and then. I always end up being played like a fiddle too." "And the fact that I got played just the same is really shocking. Does this mean I've ended up sharing the same thought process as this guy...?" "Hey, don't look so genuinely upset..." You don't have to twirl your hair around like I'm your sworn enemy or something...
Chapter 2: Who Decided That the Optimal Solution Is the Best Solution? The next day at lunch break, I was once again heading towards the space next to the gym where I had spent time with Torisawa yesterday. But today, I wasn't alone. "Oh, what a beautiful day! The sun really does brighten your mood, doesn't it?" "Hmm, but it's still hot... And it's only going to get hotter, right? I'm not sure if I can take it anymore..." "At least there's a breeze today. When it's really bad, you can feel your skin sizzling even in the shade." Walking alongside me were Tokiwa, Kiyosato-san, and Uenohara. Today, we were going to have a "lunch event" with our "friend group." At the same time, we planned to execute the "Hinoharu-senpai Deep Dive Event." —After discussing with Uenohara, we decided to first look for clues in 'Hinoharu-senpai's interactions with others.' Based on the information we gathered, we concluded that something related to her interpersonal relationships was likely the cause of her change in behavior. So, we devised an event where we would guide senpai to have lunch with the 'friend group' members and observe how she interacts with them. "Hey, Torisawa, sorry to keep you waiting." "Hey." Just like yesterday, Torisawa was already there, guitar in hand, waiting for us by the gym. By the way, I had already explained the purpose of today's event to Torisawa via RINE. That way, he would be more likely to agree to our plan, and he might even take some action towards Senpai, which could be helpful. If that happened, Uenohara and Torisawa could team up to corner Senpai — a seriously strong combo. To be honest, I wouldn't want to be in that position myself, it's a bit ruthless. "Wow, a real guitar! I've never seen one in person before!" Tokiwa's eyes sparkled as he rushed over. Torisawa let out a breath and removed the strap from his shoulder, offering the guitar to Tokiwa. "Do you want to try playing it?" "Really? I'm a total beginner, though. Is it okay if I touch it?" "It's just a practice one, no worries. Here." "Oh, wow... It's heavier than I thought!" Tokiwa cautiously took the guitar, holding it with both hands as if offering a sacred gift. He then turned it over and held it at an angle, looking unsure of what to do. "Ahaha, Tokiwa-kun, you can't play it like that," laughed Kiyosato-san. "Uh, the strap is tangled around your arm. Be careful," Uenohara noted as she untangled the strap from Tokiwa's left arm. She then stood in front of him, stretching up to put the strap over his shoulder. "There, all set. Okay, got it?" "Huh? Oh, thanks, Ayano-chan!" Tokiwa's cheeks reddened slightly as he nodded vigorously. ... Uenohara, you're always so naturally close to Tokiwa. But when it comes to me, you keep your distance. Feeling a bit unsettled, I looked towards the art building. The student council room was right there, within sight. I could see the entrance door... Yep, it's visible. Our positioning was perfect. According to our information, Hinoharu-senpai was on duty during lunch break today. Torisawa, our spy, had already confirmed that she was in the student council room, so now we just needed to find a way to lure her out here and start the 'event.' I silently declared the event activated in my mind and turned to the group gathered around Tokiwa. "Sorry, I have to take care of something first. You guys go ahead and start eating without me." "Okay, got it." Uenohara immediately responded. Then, she spread her hands out in front of her. "Should I hold onto your lunch?" "Ah, thanks. I appreciate it." Indeed, it would be easier to move around with my hands free. Nice support. I placed the bread I had bought at the school store in Uenohara's palm and began walking towards the student council room. "Okay, let's divide this up before Kouhei gets back. I'll take the blueberry bread." I heard a voice from behind me. ...That's just a joke, right? You're not really going to eat it, right? When it comes to sweets, I really can't trust her... * "Is Hinoharu-senpai here?" I opened the door to the student council room, glancing sideways to keep an eye on Uenohara's movements outside. However, I won't go inside. I'll wait here. "Ah, Nagasaka-kun. It's rare to see you during lunch." As expected, Hinoharu-senpai was alone inside, in the process of opening a drawstring bag with a Japanese pattern on it at her usual seat. Perfect, best timing. I took out the A4 paper I had prepared and showed it to her. "I happened to be nearby, so I thought I'd drop by. This is the notice board material you asked for the other day, but there was a misprint, so I brought a replacement." "Eh, really? I didn't notice when I checked it though..." Senpai tilted her head, looking puzzled. Of course, it was a lie. There were no mistakes in the data I gave her. It was just an excuse. I turned towards the notice board next to the entrance. The report with the typo I had switched out early in the morning was already posted there. I had prepared this in advance for this very purpose. As I reached for it, I said nonchalantly, "It's not a big correction, so is it okay if I just replace the one that's up there?" "Ah, wait a moment. Let me see where it's different." Senpai stood up and came over with small steps. Yes! I knew she would say that. With this, the first part of my plan to guide her towards the entrance was complete. I shifted my body to stand in front of the notice board and cleared my throat a little louder than usual. It was a signal to Uenohara that the 'induction was successful'. "Where is it?" "It's here..." Senpai, who had come out of the room, peered at the document in my hand. Alright, so far so good. The next 'scenario' was the phase where 'Uenohara invites her to lunch'. "Ah, Sachi-senpai! Good afternoon!" Huh? Eh...? I involuntarily looked towards the voice and saw Kiyosato-san waving at us with a smile. Uenohara was about to start moving but was looking at Kiyosato-san out of the corner of her eye. In response to Kiyosato-san's greeting, Hinoharu-senpai turned around, tilting her head. "Hmm? Ah, Kiyosato-chan...? Are you having lunch there?" "Yes! Ah, Sachi-senpai, would you like to join us too?!" Kiyosato-san beckoned with her hand. Well, that was a bit unexpected, but it turned out all right, didn't it? "Eh? Well..." "That's a good idea! Actually, we were just about to go eat together." I interrupted Senpai's words. Alright, now to connect this to the planned scenario! "Senpai, are you alone? Then it's perfect, let's eat together." "Ah, well... I'm on duty, and a visitor might come, so..." "It's very close by, so it's fine. If someone comes, we'll be able to see them." "Ah, well, that's true..." Senpai scratched her cheek with a vague smile. She seemed to be hesitating. She's not usually the type to be shy around people... "Is it that you feel it would be awkward to join a group of your juniors?" "Ah, no, it's not that." Senpai shook her head firmly. She answered immediately to that. Well, she didn't hesitate to push herself on me when we first met, after all. In that case, was she just being considerate? Senpai, still looking troubled, said as if testing the waters, "But, well, it's not about me... I'm thinking about the other girls. They might feel awkward if a senior suddenly joins them, right?" Ah, as I thought. It was a very sensible concern. However, it didn't really seem like something Senpai would usually say... Hmm, it did feel a little out of character. "That's not true. If it were, Kiyosato-san wouldn't have invited you either." "I wonder...?" Senpai glanced at everyone and mumbled. But she's more persistent than I expected... Maybe I underestimated how difficult it would be to invite her. "Good afternoon, Hinoharu-senpai." ...Just then, Uenohara arrived, probably having grasped the situation. Hinoharu-senpai tilted her head and immediately seemed to realize something. "You're the one from the cleaning activity, right? Uenohara-chan? So, you're all friends?" "Yes. Thank you for your help the other day." Uenohara smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth. It was her trademark business smile. Come to think of it, have these two ever had a proper conversation? During the cleaning activity... Ah, could it be that Hinoharu-senpai was the student council member who checked the information about the other class's garbage? "I and the other two boys are fine with it, so please join us." Uenohara turned around and said, and Tokiwa Eiji vigorously nodded, while Torisawa Kakeru shrugged as if to say he had nothing to add. "And I'd also like to hear more about the student council. The event the other day was interesting." Uenohara continued. "W-Really?" "Well, I can't join because of my family situation..." She quickly clarified, preemptively avoiding my blunder. "Hmm, everyone says that..." Senpai made a face as if her momentum had been broken, and her shoulders slumped. Then she glared at me. Hey, don't drag me into this. Uenohara continued, not seeming to mind. "But I really do want to hear about it, so how about we talk over here?" "Hmm..." Senpai hummed, with her index finger pressed against her cheek. Alright, looks like one more push will do it. I'll follow up. "That's right. Let's talk and get to know each other." "I'll even give you this bread if you want." "That's not your bread to give away! Don't just offer it without my permission!" "I'll even throw in Kouhei here if you want." "I'm not yours to give either! Don't give me away without my permission!" I reflexively retorted in our usual playful tone, but it seemed to strike a chord with Senpai, who burst out laughing. "Okay... You guys seem to be having fun. I guess I'll join in." Yes! Finally, the premise is set! "I'll go get my lunch now! Wait a moment!" Having apparently made up her mind, the upperclassman turned around and enthusiastically went back into the room. "She does seem to read the atmosphere, doesn't she?" Uenohara murmured in a low voice as she watched her leave, and I responded in a similar volume. "You think so too?" "She's just a bit awkward. Which means..." As the upperclassman turned around with the lunch bag in hand, Uenohara cut herself off. "We'll discuss the details later. For now, let's proceed as planned." "Roger." * And so, with some skillful maneuvering, I successfully guided Senpai into starting the "lunch event." Kiyosato-san, Hinoharu-senpai, and Uenohara sat on the doorsteps of the gymnasium, while Tokiwa and I sat on the flat concrete ground below them, crossing our legs. Torisawa had moved a little further away to a stepped area and continued practicing his guitar. "Ooh, Sachi, you've got a stylish lunch bag there!" "Huh?" When Senpai opened the bag containing her lunch box on her lap, Kiyosato exclaimed in surprise. Uenohara leaned in from the side to take a peek. "That drawstring bag is cute. The color scheme is elegant and sophisticated." "I know, right?! Those wave-like patterns are so cool!" "You really think so...?" Sachi-senpai muttered as if gauging their reactions. "Haha, why would we lie about something like that?" "That's true. Actually, doesn't this pattern kind of resemble Inden?"
[tl: 印傳屋 = Inden-ya. Traditional leather goods from Yamanashi prefecture made from lacquered deer skin. It is believed that deerskin was used in Japan for protective clothing as far back as the 4th century B.C. Deerskin was prized for its softness, lightness, flexibility and strength, making it ideal for connecting different parts of the samurai's armor. The word "Inden", meaning "from India", dates back to the 16th century when Yushichi Uehara developed a technique to apply lacquer to deerskin.]
"Oh, you're right! Uenohara-chan, are you knowledgeable about it!?" Senpai suddenly raised her voice in excitement and turned to face Uenohara. "Not that I'm an expert or anything, but we have a few inden items at home, so I recognized it." "Is that so?! Actually, this is a bag made by an inden craftsman who's a friend of my grandfather's—'' And with that, Senpai began to explain enthusiastically. Now that I think about it, Senpai does like traditional crafts and Japanese-style things, doesn't she? Yeah, I can relate to getting carried away when talking about something you love. But if you go too far, people might get put off! And so, the girls got excited over a simple lunch bag. But honestly, looking at them up close like this... "I feel like I shouldn't even be here..." "Tokiwa, that's my line." The two of us, surrounded by these beautiful girls, couldn't help but whisper to each other. After all, these three girls were among the top-ranked in the 'Kyougoku Nishi Cute Girls Ranking.' When talking to them individually, it's not as noticeable, but seeing them together like this really emphasizes how amazing this lineup is. Well, I guess that's to be expected when it comes to romantic comedy aptitude and all that. "Nagasaka sure knows a lot of cute girls. He's like the protagonist of a manga borrowed from Anayama." "Oh, really now?" Whoa, it feels nice when someone calls me the protagonist. So, I look like the protagonist of a rom-com, huh? I'm the popular harem-type romantic nucleus, huh? Whoa, no, no, gotta stop myself drifting into that world, the genre won't be a rom-com anymore. "......" I snap out of my smug grin as I feel a cold stare from in front of me. Yes, sorry, I was supposed to be focusing on the "Digging Deeper into Hinoharu-senpai Event." I'll get serious now. I clear my throat to refocus my attention. Now, the core of this event is the upcoming "Chit-chat Part." Uenohara will handle the mood of the place, so I'll focus on observing Senpai's actions. As I eat my lunch, I try to observe Senpai's behavior discreetly. "Speaking of which, Sachi-senpai, you're particular about a lot of things, aren't you? You were talking about how your shampoo has to be made with natural camellia oil and stuff." Kiyosato-san says admirably. "Yeah, there's a lot to it. Cheap ones tend to use surfactants and silicones, which can damage your hair." "Wow, so that's why your hair is so beautiful and silky." "Wa, wait, that tickles." Kiyosato-san casually runs her hand through Senpai's hair, and Senpai giggles in response. They seem to have hit it off, just as they said. They look like sisters. Girls interacting like this is such a feast for the eyes. "You know, Kiyosato-chan should be more careful with her skin. With such beautiful skin, it's a waste to not take proper care of it." "Hmm, being outdoors for club activities does have its limits. I can't help but get tanned. I'm jealous of your fair skin, Senpai!" "But on the flip side, I don't get enough exercise since I'm always sitting down... I have to be conscious about it or I'll gain weight." "Huh? But I thought the plan was to increase volume in that area..." "Kiyosato-chan!" Senpai says with a panicked expression, lightly slapping Kiyosato-chan's shoulder, who sticks out her tongue playfully. This is great! Their interaction is amazing! I need to pay extra attention to the volume-related topics! "Okay, okay, that's enough. There are guys here, you know." Hey, Uenohara, don't ruin it! We were getting to the "service scene"! I didn't ask for that kind of mood control! "Ah, I-I didn't mean- Senpai, you're so approachable! I thought you'd be a very mature person!" Tokiwa interjects, sounding flustered, probably thinking he was being scolded. Don't worry, Tokiwa, I was the only one those comments were directed at. Hearing Tokiwa's comment, Hinoharu-senpai seems to snap out of her thoughts and looks up, her expression turning slightly gloomy. "...I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself first, especially with new faces here." Then, she quickly softens her expression and turns to Tokiwa. "My name is Hinoharu Sachi, a second-year in Class 1. I'm in the student council, handling general affairs and accounting audits." "Ah, yes! I'm Tokiwa Eiji, from the basketball club! Nice to meet you!" Tokiwa puts down his lunch box, straightens his posture, and bows his head deeply. Wow, he's so polite to Senpai. Very athletic club-like of him. Hinoharu-senpai smiles gently and nods in response. "Yes, nice to meet you, Tokiwa-kun. And as for you..." She turns to Torisawa, who has been quietly practicing all this time. "Hmm, aren't you...?" Senpai leans forward, as if she's noticed something, and stares intently at Torisawa's face. What? Does she know Torisawa? "Could you be from Higashi Junior High? You were in a band at the music festival two years ago. Your name was... Torisawa-kun, right?" "......Heh." At those words, Torisawa finally looks up. Ah, I see. So, Torisawa was at the music festival that Senpai revamped. It's impressive that she remembers his name. As expected of someone who ranks high in the humanities subjects; her memory is top-notch. Hinoharu-senpai's face lights up, and she claps her hands together. "Ah, yes, that's right! I remember your performance because you were so passionate about it!" "Thanks." "You've grown so tall! I didn't recognize you at first!" Wait, was Torisawa short back then? That's surprising. But he's always been good-looking, with his delicate features. I bet he was a beautiful boy back then, too... Hinoharu-senpai nods in understanding and opens her mouth to speak. "Oh, oh, so you came to our high school. The Light Music Club has been working really hard lately, and I think it's a great choice. There's no strict hierarchy, and you're free to do what you want." Torisawa shrugged and looked back at Senpai. Then, with the sharp eyes he occasionally showed, as if to ascertain her true intentions: "...So, you're free to do what you want, huh?" "Eh...?" The words, carried on a slightly stronger tone than usual, caused the air to tense up. Torisawa? What's with you suddenly? No way... Don't tell me... Is he planning to confront her head-on right here...? "Um, what do you mean by that?" Senpai, taken aback by Torisawa's sudden aggressive attitude, asked cautiously, but Torisawa continued without hesitation. "Nah, at first glance, I couldn't even tell it was you. You've changed a lot, to the point where I almost didn't recognize you." Torisawa then raised the corners of his mouth and laughed. His words clearly carried a nuance of mocking Senpai's current situation. Hinoharu-senpai, who had been feeling challenged by Torisawa since earlier, looked shaken. What should I do? Should I step in...? I looked at Uenohara, unsure of what to do, but she seemed content to watch the situation unfold and didn't appear to have any intention of intervening. As the two of them continued their heated conversation, the tension escalated. "...Is that a compliment?" "Take it however you want. Interpret it yourself." "Hey! That's not how you talk to people—!" Senpai reflexively raised her voice in anger. This is bad! I need to stop them! I made my decision and was about to open my mouth... But. "....Hmm." Then Senpai made a noise as if to cancel the words that were about to come out of her mouth. "...Then, I'll take it as a compliment. Thank you." And then, she smiled softly again. Torisawa silently watched her for a while, but in the end, he said nothing more and lowered his gaze to his guitar, resuming his practice. The only sound that filled the surrounding area was the distant buzz of noise. Well, it's settled for now... right? "Kouhei, why did things get a little tense just now...?" Tokiwa whispered in my ear, and I simply replied, "I don't know." Phew... at least they didn't get into an argument here. Torisawa, you need to think about your approach a little more. You're really giving me a heart attack. "Was Hinoharu-senpai really a wild person in middle school?" Uenohara, who had been observing the situation, suddenly interjected. "Wild? What do you mean?" Senpai repeated, looking surprised. What is she trying to do? Stirring things up like this... Uenohara peered into Senpai's face and then smiled playfully. "You know, like maybe you were really rebellious. Standing up to upperclassmen you didn't like, or manipulating the school from behind the scenes?" Ah... I see, she's deliberately using extreme words to defuse the tension. "Oh, yeah! You were the underground boss? That's so cool!" Tokiwa chimed in, seemingly catching on to Uenohara's intention. Seeing the two of them, Senpai relaxed and softened her gaze. "No, no, nothing like that. I didn't do anything bad, I swear." "Really? Are you sure? I thought maybe you were a wild child back then or something." Senpai shook her head with a wry smile. "But..." She then lowered her gaze to her bento box and clenched her fist. "...I was definitely more childish back then, compared to now." * After school. In one of the "secret meeting spots" within the school, the Byakko Hall emergency staircase, also known as Code Name "B Point". I met up with Uenohara there. Uenohara seemed to have plans after school, so we were quickly sharing information within the school grounds. Usually, we would use the safer rooftop, but with the student council elections in full swing, there was a higher chance of someone coming to the warehouse, so we opted for caution. "So, did you find out anything from that earlier interaction?" I sat down on the stairs beyond the landing and asked her that. Uenohara, sitting next to me, took a sip from her box of coffee milk before speaking. "Well, she's definitely trying to read the room, but it doesn't feel like it's coming naturally to her. She tends to get carried away and talk too much when she's having fun, or she'll impulsively want to complain about something." "Yeah, I noticed she would often stumble over her words or try to divert the conversation." Does that mean she's holding back her true feelings? "I don't think she's comfortable with that kind of behavior herself, so she's forcing herself to act that way. That's why Torisawa is deliberately acting provocative to rattle her." "So, there was a reason after all..." "It's a pretty rough method, but it did make things clearer." Well, Uenohara is the one who understands that intention accurately. I definitely don't want to lose to her. "Apparently, her enthusiasm for student council activities hasn't changed, and it wouldn't be surprising if she wanted to run for president deep down." "Oh, that's great news!" Just discovering that possibility is a relief. It's much better than trying to convince her when she's completely uninterested. "But the troublesome part is—" Ignoring my joy, Uenohara continued in a monotone. "Reading the room and holding back seems to be her solution to avoid causing any problems." "So, if she does what she wants, some kind of problem will occur. We don't know what that problem is specifically, but at least she dislikes it enough to hold herself back." "Does that mean it's not that she won't run for president even though there are no issues, but rather—" "Yes. She's not running for president to avoid causing problems." Saying this, Uenohara took another sip from her coffee milk. "I think the current state, where she's suppressing her self-assertion, is a kind of equilibrium—an optimal solution." "Optimal solution?" I echoed her words. "But she's forcing herself, right? In that case, can we really call it an optimal solution?" "An optimal solution doesn't fulfill everything, does it?" Taken aback by Uenohara's sharp retort, I fell silent. "If you try to please one side, the other side won't be satisfied. In such cases, it's normal to find a compromise and make do with what you can tolerate." "I guess that's true..." It was a realistic judgment. It's difficult to achieve 100% in anything. "In fact, her behavior has improved her reputation among her peers, and there don't seem to be any notable troubles around her. If we told her to stop holding back and do as she pleases, become the student council president, it wouldn't be easy for her to accept that." "That's... a valid point. It's logical, but..." Then how am I supposed to convince her...? As I made a bitter expression, Uenohara sighed and continued. "Well, depending on the nature of the problem, it's not impossible to solve it. But making choices like that and doing your best within your capabilities is just common sense—" —Uenohara suddenly stopped mid-sentence, as if she had just realized something. She crumpled the empty coffee milk box in her hand. Hmm...? Just as I was about to ask what was wrong, I felt a phone alarm about to go off. "Sorry, I have to go now or I'll be late." Without waiting for a response, Uenohara shook her head with a somewhat gloomy expression and quickly stood up. Without turning back, she started descending the stairs. I called out to her, feeling a bit curious. "By the way, what's your plan for today? You said it would take until evening, right?" "Hmm... I was invited to karaoke by some classmates." Uenohara stopped and turned her face halfway toward me to reply. "I've been turning them down, so I thought I'd show my face at least once before we get busy with this." Oh, so it's a hangout with friends. I see, I see. "That's nice... And you kept turning them down even though they kept inviting you? That's so enviable." Uenohara twitched her eyebrows and flicked her hair back. "You went out recently too, didn't you?" "That was a post-project celebration. It's not a regular event, and I was the one who suggested it." "It's not that different." "It is different. The fact that events are happen spontaneously for you puts it on completely different levels." You have no idea how much effort I put into making those events happen. "Seriously, you're so lucky to be able to hang out with them like that. I can handle the class survey on my own, so cherish your friends, okay?" When I said that, Uenohara finally turned to face me fully. And, with an unusually annoyed expression, she replied, "—That kind of ordinary is meaningless anyway." "Huh? Hey, you..." If it's meaningless, then why bother going out with them— Before I could ask, she abruptly said, "See ya," and left. * After parting ways with Uenohara, I continued on with my daily survey, feeling somewhat unsatisfied. "—So that's why the handball club isn't getting new balls this time, because the e-sports club is getting upgraded from a hobby club and will receive funding. They're underestimating us just because we're weak, it's so annoying." "So that's why I saw Koizumi-san in school at this unusual time... Well, that sucks." I got this little tidbit from Koizumi, whom I met along the way. I see, so that's why there have been so many club activities lately. It must have taken a lot of time to coordinate with all the different clubs. By the way, it's quite challenging to establish a new club at Kyou-Nishi. First, you have to form a hobby club and maintain continuous activities for at least a year, then compile the activity report, find an advisor, secure a clubroom, and create a budget plan. Only then can you get approval from the school, student council executive committee, and club alliance to receive funding. A hobby club can be formed with just the approval of the student council executive committee and student council advisor, but without a room or budget, it's no different from doing whatever you want on your own. As a result, they're only created as a temporary measure until an official club is established. Well, it's reasonable to have strict requirements to prevent people from creating clubs just for fun, but it does make things difficult when money and interests are involved. "Class rep, don't you know someone in the student council? Can't you get them to change their minds by hitting them with a ball or something?" "Violence is a big no-no." You combat-loving girl... If you do that, Senpai, who's already weak, might lose important memories too. What if she can only remember things for a week? After such an exchange, I parted ways with Koizumi. I quickly jotted down the information I had just heard, finished checking the last spot, and completed my patrol. As I stretched my overworked fingers and body, I recalled the current situation and felt a vague sense of dissatisfaction. —Somehow, the future doesn't look too bright. I understood that Senpai was struggling between her true feelings and what was expected of her, but I had no idea how to resolve this dilemma. It was clear that the current situation maintained a delicate balance. But was this really the best solution for Senpai? Were there no other better options? I wished there was a simpler way to handle this... With these thoughts in mind, I walked down the school corridor. ...For now, I should finish up the backlog of regular tasks. If I clear as much of the miscellaneous work as possible, I'll have more time in case of emergencies. With that decision made, I entered the classroom to pick up my things. —And there, "No, no, that factorization is wrong, it should be like this." "Oh, oh yeah, I guess so." In the classroom at dusk, the Katsunuma group—Ide, Katsunuma, and Tamahata—were huddled together, studying... Well, to be precise, they were all gathered around Katsunuma, teaching her. With the end of the term approaching, they were probably having a study session. Standing next to Katsunuma's seat, Ide let out a loud and clear sigh. "Hey, you should realize it yourself without me telling you, but if you keep making mistakes like this, you're gonna fail the test. Aren't you ashamed of losing to even me?" "I know that! And stop making that pitiful face every time I make a mistake! It's annoying!" Ah, Ide might be average at math, but he's still in the upper-middle range for the grade. Compared to Katsunuma, there's a huge gap between them. Feeling amused, I decided to join their study session. "Yo, how's it going?" "Oh, Class Rep! Listen to this, Ayumi is so dumb—" "Hey, stop saying unnecessary things! And I don't want to hear the word 'dumb' from you of all people!" "But when it comes to studying, you're definitely the dumb one. I mean, who would accidentally erase their answer and have to redo a question they already solved?" "Stop explaining everything!" Katsunuma grabbed Ide's shoulders, who was grinning broadly, and shook him vigorously. Haha, as always, you're such a lovable klutz. But I understand why you'd want to tease her, Ide. "Well, it's great that you're studying. Keep it up, and you might be able to avoid failing." I turned to Tamahata, who was sitting next to them. Tamahata-san grinned and waved her hands from side to side. "No, no, she's not just aiming to pass. She's fired up to take down the class rep! It's hilarious." "Huh... seriously?" "Ah, Hibiki too! I told you to keep quiet..." Katsunuma frantically tossed aside her bag and rushed over. That's quite an ambitious goal... Well, to be honest, I'm pretty high up there in the grade rankings myself. Now free from Katsunuma, Ide rolled his eyes, crumpled up his textbook, and patted his shoulder. "So, you're here to teach her math, I've heard you're better at the science subjects." "Yep. It's still a bit tough for me to teach her." "I didn't ask arrogantly! I properly treated you to juice!" "One juice isn't enough for this amount of work. Come on, hurry up and do the next problem. We're not gonna finish today, are we?" "Y-Yes, I know..." Katsunuma grunted in annoyance at the remark and turned back to the workbook. Watching their exchange, I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling. Wow, they're so close... Wait, doesn't Ide have club activities? He's still here at this hour? You're so lucky to have such a good friend, Katsunuma. "But still, it's great that you're working hard. Why did you suddenly set such a high goal, though?" I asked Katsunuma, curious. As long as she avoided failing, she would pass to the next grade, and she wasn't the type to enjoy studying. It didn't seem like her to prepare for exams either. Katsunuma pouted and turned away, looking displeased. She then nervously fiddled with the piercings on her ears and mumbled. "...I feel like Senpai's been getting the better of me, and it pisses me off. The next chance I get to challenge him is during the tests, so I thought if I suddenly beat him, it'd show him..." Huh. So, it's just because she's frustrated about losing and wants to get back at me? There's no deeper reason, and she's working hard just for that? As I stood there with my mouth agape, Katsunuma continued energetically. "Shut up! It's not like I'm being reckless! I'll show that smug face of yours soon enough, just you wait!" She then gripped her pen tightly, accidentally dropping her eraser on the floor in her fervor. She quickly picked it up and turned back to the workbook. ...Ah, she's so lovably clumsy. Her recklessness and straightforwardness made me strangely happy, and I responded with a beaming face. "Oh ho, that's the spirit! If you can do it, then go for it! Wahaha!" "Ah, damn it! I didn't want you to know! That smug, cocky attitude of yours is what pisses me off the most!" And so, the two of us bickered back and forth. Ah, I wish everyone was as straightforward as Katsunuma... "Love conquers all, huh?" "It's suspicious. They suddenly became so close." Tamahata-san and Ide whispered to each other as they watched us. Even that scene seemed simply like a romantic comedy, and I felt even happier. * "Hello, everyone. I'm Shiozaki Dai from Class 2-5, and I'm running for the position of student council president." The next day, at lunchtime. As I went to the vending machine on the first floor to buy a drink, I came across the same scene as before. "The reason I'm running for office is for everyone's bright future." The speech was delivered in the same tone as before. Naturally, the reaction from those around was either indifferent or even cold, as if they were thinking, "Here we go again." If the response is that bad, you'd think that it wouldn't make a difference whether you did it or not... But Shiozaki-senpai continued his speech undeterred, his expression unreadable from a distance. ... Maybe I should talk to him directly. It's not exactly an interview, but I'll start a conversation after the speech. Maybe I can get some information that will lead me to Hinoharu-senpai. I leaned against the nearby pillar and waited for the speech to end while drinking my canned coffee. "We must uphold the traditions of Kyou-Nishi, but we must not shy away from change." Senior was carefully enunciating each word of the speech he had likely memorized. Even from that alone, his sincerity and seriousness came across. But as expected, he lacked the charisma of a leader. His delivery was plain and devoid of any flair, so even if the content of his speech was about radical reform, it didn't come across that way at all. Depending on your perspective, it might even seem like a flashy but hollow promise. However, I don't understand why he's so eager to be in the spotlight... He seems like the type who would be more comfortable behind the scenes. "Thank you for your attention." As I was thinking this, Shiozaki-senpai concluded his speech with the exact same phrase as yesterday and bowed deeply before starting to pack up the megaphone. All right, let's go. I walked up to Senpai and called out to his back. "Hello, Senpai." "Hmm? Hello." Senpai's shoulders twitched, and he slowly turned around. His expression was stern and unsmiling, even more so than Uenohara's, but strangely, it didn't give off an unpleasant vibe. Well, it's our first meeting. I smiled brightly to make a good first impression. "Your speech was great. You're working hard every day." "You've been listening to me? Um, you are...?" "Ah, I'm Nagasaka from Class 1-4. Nice to meet you." As I said this and gave a slight bow, Senpai stood up and turned to face me. We were about the same height, but his sturdy build made him seem taller than me. "Nagasaka... Are you the Nagasaka who repeated a year?" Yeah, he probably means a ronin. Not many people know my name, but it wouldn't be strange for a student council member to know it. "Yes, that's me." "I see... Well, I apologise for speaking out of turn. It was inappropriate for our first meeting." "Ah, no, don't worry about it. I'm used to it." As Senpai suddenly bowed, I waved my hands to stop him. "Anyway, welcome to Kyou-Nishi. You don't have to use polite language with me." Senpai relaxed his gaze a little as he said this. Hmm, everyone says that... They're just being considerate. "No, it's fine. It might get confusing, and there are other people around, too." "I see. Sorry, that was also unnecessary consideration." And he bowed again. He's so serious... Even talking to him in person, he gives off the same impression as his appearance—a straightforward and honest person. "As you can see, I'm not good at speaking... It's embarrassing that I can't even give a proper speech." "No, I think you did a good job." "Just doing it properly isn't enough. I need to be more charismatic and eye-catching." Hmm... He's self-aware, too. "But that doesn't mean I should act strangely just to stand out. I want to move forward step by step, within my own abilities, without disgracing Kyou-Nishi's traditions." ... He's more put-together than I expected. Maybe I should ask him something a little more personal. "Senpai, this may be rude, but..." "It's fine. What is it?" "If you want to uphold the school's traditions, why did you make that campaign promise? It seems like the opposite to me." Senpai nodded and crossed his arms. "Preserving traditions doesn't mean blindly following the past... Someone told me that once. That campaign promise is my idea of how to uphold Kyou-Nishi's traditions." "Reducing the number of festival days is your idea of preserving traditions? I think Kyou-Nishi is known as a 'festival school.'" "Because we're a 'festival school,' we should stick to the two-day format for the school festival... I think that's a lazy way of thinking, and I want to change it." Senpai spoke matter-of-factly, listing only the facts. "Every year, there's an issue with independent practice sessions in nearby parks during the preparation period—specifically, stage performance rehearsals. It's a problem in terms of noise at night, as well as security and public morals." Damn, just as I expected, being part of the student council means he has access to this kind of negative information... "The reason for this is that there's simply too much to do. As a result, it's become the norm to do things outside of school after hours. It's fine for now, but in this day and age, if any trouble were to occur, it could affect the continuation of the entire school festival. In that case, it would be better to prioritize risk avoidance and allocate the extra budget to something else. Inviting external instructors is one such measure." "Then why not redistribute that budget to other events? Besides, even now, you partner with cram schools to hold summer courses, don't you?" "Those are optional and paid, aren't they? Inviting external instructors to the school provides an opportunity to impart knowledge fairly to all students, and I believe it holds significance in that regard." Furthermore, the senior continued, "Kyou-Nishi is allowed to get away with a lot of unreasonable demands because of its impressive academic track record. There are more places than you'd expect where they're getting special treatment just because they're 'Kyou-Nishi.'" ...Damn, he's making a lot of sense. That promise isn't just for show; it's based on his own beliefs. To be honest, I have to admit I'm a little impressed. But that doesn't mean I can accept it. This election might not be as straightforward as I thought... —The chime rang out, signaling the end of lunch break. "Time's up. It wouldn't be funny if a student council president candidate was late for class. I'll head back first." Although it was probably meant as a joke, his expression remained stern, so it wasn't funny at all. "To be honest, I completely disagree with your promise, but good luck." I scratched the back of my head and said this as if it were a consolation prize. Senpai was caught off guard and fell silent, and for some reason, he laughed for the first time since we met. "Haha, you're honest. If that's how you feel, then you should run for president yourself." "No, I think there's someone more suitable for the role, so I'll pass." At my response, Shiozaki-senpai widened his eyes slightly. Then he narrowed them and said, "...I see. Then I hope that person runs for president." With that, he left. * "I see." After returning home, I joined the evening conference call and finished telling them about my day. "To be honest, I didn't expect him to be so assertive. But even so, I still feel like he's not the type to actively seek a leadership position." "So, he's not aggressive in asserting herself, but he does have a strong sense of self?" "Exactly." I could hear Uenohara making a sniffling sound. "His decision to run for president came after Hinoharu decided not to run, right? If that's the case, did he originally intend to work behind the scenes and not come to the forefront? If so, that makes sense, but..." As usual, she entered her thinking-out-loud time and started muttering to herself. I waited quietly until Uenohara came to a conclusion. "The relationship between Hinoharu and Shiozaki is intriguing. I want more information on that." "Yeah, do you think it could be useful for persuasion?" "I can't say for sure at this point. But it seems possible, so should I look into it?" "It looks like we're going to be working separately again," Uenohara continued. I thought for a moment and then nodded. "Okay, leave it to me. Right now, I just want as many weapons as possible... Nothing else has progressed anyway." It was Thursday today. The deadline for nominations was next Friday, so there was only one week left. I needed to start thinking about specific measures to convince her soon, or I might run out of time. "I have to prepare for the 'event' the day after tomorrow, so I'll focus on that for now. By the way, we'll meet at Kyougoku Station at 1 p.m. Is it okay to use bicycles for transportation?" "Yeah, OK. I'll go by bike." We quickly shared the necessary information, and that day's meeting ended earlier than usual. Well, I guess I'll take a bath now— As I was about to leave the room, "──Phew." ...Hmm? Suddenly, I heard Uenohara Ayano's breathing coming from the phone I had left on my desk. Oops, I thought I hung up, but it looks like I put it on speaker by mistake. "Hey! Can you hang up from your end?!" ── There was no response, only the sound of rustling fabric. Ah, Uenohara must not have noticed. She probably put her phone in her pocket and forgot about it. I reluctantly turned back towards my room. '── Mom, I'm done, so I'll take a shower.' 'Okay, okay... hey, Ayano, what were you wearing during the call?!' 'It doesn't matter. Dad's not home anyway.' 'Your partner was Kouhei, right? Even if it's hot, a girl your age──' 'Ugh, it doesn't matter since it's just a phone call. Anyway, I'm going to take a shower──' I rushed over to the phone, which was still playing the conversation I wasn't supposed to hear, and frantically pressed the end call button. What on earth was she wearing during our meeting...?! * ── JAAN! 'Thanks!!' The encore performance ended, and the live house erupted in deafening cheers. "Amazing────! So cool────!! Torisawa─────!!" "Torisawaaaaaa, super ikemen─────!! Take me──────!!" Amid the enthusiastic cheers, Tokiwa and I screamed at the top of our lungs, arms around each other's shoulders. I've heard this song many times, but there's nothing like hearing it live! The sound resonates throughout your body, and the unity of the crowd is exhilarating! Torisawa, on stage, wiped his sweat-drenched face with his T-shirt after pushing his bangs back with both hands. He casually revealed his abs and oblique muscles, eliciting even more screams from the audience. ── Time passed, and it was finally the weekend, Saturday. I and my "friends group" had come to Torisawa's live performance. The live house was packed to the brim. Tokiwa and I, who were at the front, were completely crushed by the crowd, and our shirt collars were now crumpled without us even realizing it. Our throats were dry from all the screaming. As the band members left the stage, the audience sent them off with thunderous applause. It was only when they were completely out of sight that the crowd began to calm down. "Wow, that was so exciting! Live performances are incredible!" "I know, right?! We worked up a good sweat!" "Yeah, I've been stressing a lot lately, so this was a great way to let off some steam." Feeling refreshed, I made my way through the crowd towards the stage exit, where people were waiting to meet the performers. "Great job! Haha, both of you are soaked in sweat!" "You did well. Here, have a drink." Behind me, Uenohara and Kiyosato, who had left early, were waiting. Hmm, the girls are pretty cool... Wait, weren't there two girls who were fawning over ikemen? Something seems off. As I thought this, I took the sports drink bottle that I had given to Uenohara earlier. I gulped down the sports drink and casually glanced at the two of them. ── But no matter how many times I see it, Kiyosato's casual wear... it's so good. Today was the first "holiday event" of the summer. I had been excited since last night, wondering what kind of casual wear I would see, and it turned out to be the tomboyish style I had expected. However, as expected of the "main heroine", no matter what she wore, she was perfectly cute, with feminine gestures and movements contrasting with her tomboyish attire in a wonderfully mismatched way. Furthermore, because of her loose and comfortable clothing, her slender arms occasionally peeking out from her sleeves and the brief glimpses of her bare skin whenever she moved were incredibly captivating. I don't know how many times I've wished for the power to stop time. Please, I beg of you, pause the illustration right there and let me savor this moment. As for Uenohara, she was wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts. It was a live performance outfit, and it suited her as well as ever. "So, what do you guys want to do? Should we wait for Torisawa?" Tokiwa said as he fluttered his shirt, sending a gust of wind towards me. "Hmm. I'd like to, but the way things are looking..." Through the door leading to the lobby, I could see a large group of fans waiting for the band members. In fact, there seemed to be even more people than there were inside the venue. Some of them even managed to sneak in without tickets... "Torisawa-senpai was so cool!""Yeah, he was super handsome!""Let's go talk to him!""No way, I'm too embarrassed!" Right next to the entrance, a group of girls who looked like middle schoolers were chattering excitedly. Come to think of it, they were calling him 'Torisawa-senpai', so they must be his juniors from East Junior High. "Hey, you're causing a disturbance. If you want to talk, go outside!" Among them was a short girl with a short, flicked hairstyle who was using her hands to push the group away. "Hey, don't push me, Miki!" "We have to wait here or we'll miss our chance to see our senpai!" "Otsuki, you said you had something to do too!" "No, we can't. It clearly says in the notice that we should refrain from waiting outside." Wow, she's so serious. Not a single person is following that rule though. "So let's wait until everything is over and they start packing up! Then we can casually talk to them outside the store! That way, we'll have more time, and it's within the rules!" Oh... so it's okay as long as it's within the rules? That girl's really pushing for it, huh. However, with those girls there, it didn't seem like we'd have an easy time finding a chance to talk to Torisawa either. Considering the "event" that was coming up next... this seemed like a good time to cut our losses. I turned back towards the three of them and spoke up. "I left the refreshments at the dressing room, so let's just send a RINE and head out. I don't want to bother them." After this, the band members would probably be heading to a post-performance party, so it would be difficult for them to join us anyway. Besides, Torisawa probably wouldn't mind if we didn't say anything. "I don't mind either way." "Same here! It's hot, so I want to get out of here soon!" Uehara nodded, and Kiyosato-san raised her hand in agreement. "Hmm, if it's going to be a bother, then I guess we have no choice." Tokiwa seemed a little reluctant, but in the end, he nodded as well. "Alright then, let's head back to the station." With everyone's agreement, we left the live house. ─Now then, next up is one of the "Top 100 Easy-to-Execute but Highly Youthful Romantic Comedy Events"! * We all got on our bicycles and headed back to the station, then went into the station building. On the top floor was a certain Italian family restaurant that everyone loved, offering reasonable prices. Our plan was to take a break there after the live performance. It was Saturday evening, and the restaurant was fairly busy. We made our way through the crowd to our seats, guided by a staff member. And so, the next event─the "Family Restaurant Chill-out Event"─began! Events like this, where you just hang out and chat with your friends at a family restaurant or coffee chain, are a staple of romantic comedies. It's just casual conversation, sometimes with a bit of deep or fun relationship talk mixed in, but it's an excellent event that really makes you feel like you're in the midst of a youthful rom-com, even though you're just chatting away. Moreover, it had been a while since the "Friend Group" had properly gone to a restaurant together like this. After the "Cheer Practice Wrap-up Event", we usually just walked home together, and our "Detour Events" were usually just quick stops at a convenience store or a nearby candy store, depending on everyone's schedules. But today, I had already confirmed that everyone was free, so we had no time restrictions. The sun was still high in the sky, and we had at least a few hours to kill. With the drink bar ready, we were all set for a long conversation, and we planned to stay until it was time for dinner! As I excitedly recalled the 100 conversation topics I had prepared for today, I turned around in front of the four-person table we had been guided to and spoke to Kiyosato-san, who was right behind me. "Please, take the seat at the back." "Oh, I'll be going to the drink bar a lot, so can I sit on this side?" "Hmm, sure." "So, Nagasaka-kun, please go ahead." With a gentle push, she guided me to the seat at the back. Then, she smoothly slid into the seat next to mine. Wait, what? Again with the sitting next to me!? God, you've been spoiling me lately! "Phew, it's hot." Ignoring my flustered state, Kiyosato nonchalantly fanned her face, exuding an air of calmness. The pleasant scent of a deodorant soap she had used at some point wafted around her, making me feel a little unsettled. "............" "Um, Ayano-chan, aren't you going to sit down...?" Tokiwa, who had been watching the whole scene, finally spoke up, his voice tinged with confusion. Then, as if he had just realized something, he gasped and scratched his cheek, looking troubled. "Ah, if you don't want to sit next to me—” "No, no. It's not that at all. It's just that someone's obvious enjoyment was a bit too conspicuous and uncomfortable." "My expression wasn't like that, was it!?" Crap, was it that obvious on my face!? Damn, I wasn't even aware of my own expression! As I patted my face to check, Uenohara came over and sat down in front of me. Tokiwa nervously took a seat next to her. —Ahem. I had lost my composure for a moment, but I am fine now. I ordered some standard spicy chicken and other dishes to fill our stomachs, along with drinks for the four of us. Uenohara, without a moment's hesitation, ordered a combination of pudding and tiramisu. After getting our drinks and settling into our seats, we finally felt at ease. "Ah, that hits the spot." "Yeah!" Tokiwa chugged a cola, while Kiyosato quickly downed her unsweetened iced tea and immediately went for a refill. Wow, they're both so athletic! "... Kouhei." "Hmm?" Uenohara leaned in and whispered to me. "Listen, if you don't know how to react, just stay quiet. Don't say anything unnecessary." "Of course. If there's a risky moment, cover for me. The command is 'pattern.'" "Okay, got it." She seemed overly worried about something... Well, it was just a regular "Daily Event," after all. There wouldn't be any critical "Plot" investigations or "Spoilers," so as long as I avoided those, everything should be fine. I took a sip of my iced coffee, feeling relaxed, when Kiyosato and Tokiwa returned. "Ah, that hit the spot. When you're thirsty, nothing beats the drink bar. Cafe drinks just don't cut it." "Yeah, I know what you mean. I went with a mix of grape, orange, and cola!" "Wow, you're ambitious! But the color and taste of that combination might be a bit... interesting." Kiyosato chuckled as she eyed the brown liquid in Tokiwa's cup. Yeah, that's the classic family restaurant experience! Mixing drinks is a must! "Tokiwa-kun, it's fine to mix drinks, but can you actually drink that?" Uenohara asked, taking a sip of her regular orange juice. Tokiwa smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, I can. We do all kinds of crazy mixes at the basketball team's parties." * "Don't leave any leftovers. It's rude to play with your food and then waste it." "Ah, yes! Of course!" Tokiwa straightened up and replied in an oddly polite tone before guzzling down the liquid. Hmm, that's a very sensible reminder. Or is it more of a 'I won't tolerate any disrespect towards sweets' kind of stance? The latter seems more likely... "Ayano can be surprisingly strict about these things. The way she gives advice is so motherly." Apparently having the same thought, Kiyosato-san said with a wry smile. "It's not about being strict, it's just common sense. And please, stop comparing me to a mother." Uenohara replied nonchalantly, and I decided to play along, mindful of our 'setting'. "Well, I agree that you tend to meddle. You've always been like this, jumping at every opportunity to interfere." "Ahaha, so you're Nagasaka's mom then!" "That's just cruel. Don't ever call me that again." "Woah, your 'tsundere' act is a bit too much...isn't it?" Huh? This is an act, right? She looks genuinely disgusted...or is it just my imagination? And so, our casual conversation continued to blossom. ─ About the upcoming finals. "Hmm, for me, English is the toughest. I don't have much time to memorize things because of my club activities." "Well, that's how it is for the basketball club..." "Even among sports clubs, the tennis club can't compare." "But if I get bad test results, I get scolded so much! It's just too much!" "Then you have no choice but to make the most of your free time." "When I was in a club in middle school, I used to carry around a thin paper booklet with vocabulary words to flip through during breaks." "Oh, Uenohara, you're so diligent. I'm not good at that kind of thing." "If it's just pure memorization, I do the same thing. It's a hassle to make, but it's the most effective method. You can use it even without a smartphone, and it fits right in your pocket...like this." "Woah, Kouhei, that's amazing! So that's what you were looking at during our meetup!" "Nagasaka, you're so diligent!" "That's a bit over the top, even for a joke." "Why!?" ─ About a manga they recently read. "──It's like that, it really makes you cry. But it's about koto, koto playing? Isn't it amazing to be so moved by something you're not familiar with at all? Anyway, all of humanity who are in clubs should read it." "Whoa, now I'm super curious! Lend it to me, lend it to me!" "Be my guest, but it's over 20 volumes long, so brace yourself. And when you're done, let's discuss it together." "That's not something you do right before exams." "Hmm, it's not really my type of genre...I'm not into those youth club-focused stories." "Yeah, I don't think it's Kiyosato-san's style either. It's published in a shounen magazine, but the atmosphere is totally that of a shoujo manga." "Oh, so it's like a shoujo manga. I've been reading a lot of different things lately, but I'm not really into that genre at all." "To be honest, I think it depends on the person. If you can't relate, it'll just feel boring." "Huh? Wait, you mean Ayano reads shoujo manga!? That's so surprising!" "...Why is that surprising? I don't particularly love them, but if something becomes a hot topic, I'll borrow and read it." "Well, you know, the anime you watch the most are ones that air on Sundays at 6:30 PM...you're just not into subculture stuff at all." "Ahaha, but I do watch those! That's surprising too, huh?" "It's fine, who cares? My dad loves it even more than I do. He's always like, 'I can watch this without feeling sad anymore!'" "That way of enjoying it feels a bit off, doesn't it...?" ─ And so on, and so forth. Talking about silly videos. "Ahaha, what's with these moves, what's with this face!? This is hilarious!" "Right!? It's an old variety show video, but it's so funny!" "...Sorry, I don't get it at all." "It's like, 'Brrrun!' Like this, 'Brrrun!'" "Ugh! Ahaha, Tokiwa, you're too much, you're spot on! Ahahaha!" "Huh? Why is Mei laughing so hard...?" "Ah, Uenohara isn't really into comedy, huh..." "Ayano, you don't watch variety shows or anything, do you?" "...I only watch 'Laughing Through Tears'." "Pffft, seriously? That's like an old-fashioned variety show for the elderly!" "What's with this sudden change in your behavior, Mei?" ─ And on and on it went. "Ahahaha, that was hilarious... but Ayano, aren't you getting tired of poking holes in the jokes?" "If you think so, then could you please stop making those jokes?" Uenohara Ayano drained her iced tea (with three times the usual amount of syrup) with a weary expression. Well, she might be used to my tsukkomi, but today she had to deal with three people's worth... Me with my jokes, Kiyosato with her punchlines, and Tokiwa with his airheadedness... Yeah, that's tough. Bad luck. "But Ayano, you're so down-to-earth in various ways. It's kind of refreshing." "Of course I am. What did you think I was?" "Well, your parents are a university professor and an amazing programmer, right? I don't know much about families like that, so I thought your environment might be pretty unique." "My parents are just regular salarymen," Kiyosato-san said, resting her chin on her hands. "......Programmer? He's actually a systems engineer." Uenohara corrected her with a straight face, not changing her expression at all. Well, aside from their appearance, abilities (and Ayano's taste in food), they're not exactly a case of 'like parent, like child'... I've never met her dad, but Ayano's mom is pretty much a free spirit. Or maybe it's because of that that Ayano turned out so normal? I gave a noncommittal response. "Well, now that I think about it, your family might be the most unusual of all. My parents are both company employees, after all." "And yet someone in this group is so naive and clueless." "I-it's because we're from the countryside!" Hey, that's a bit too close to the mark! I was trying to be considerate here! "Ahaha, I think being a weirdo is way better than that. Right, Tokiwa?" The conversation turned to Tokiwa, who had been silent for a while. "Ah, yeah. I... actually felt a bit relieved, to be honest." "Relieved?" "Ah, no, I don't mean it in a bad way!" Tokiwa frantically waved his hands from side to side as Uenohara tilted her head. "Well, Ayano's super beautiful, smart, and good at sports, right? She just gives off this image of being absolutely perfect." Well, she is the embodiment of superhuman perfection... Or rather, Uenohara doesn't seem to have any discernible weaknesses. She's capable of doing anything, so she doesn't show any openings... "So... haha, I was wondering if it was okay for someone like me to be friends with her." "Don't be silly—" Uenohara started to say something, but Tokiwa cut her off with a goofy smile. "That's why I feel a sense of kinship with you now. Of course, Ayano-chan is just a normal high school student, right?" "......Mm? Uh..." At that, Uenohara suddenly fell silent, seeming hesitant. ──Huh? Wow, she rarely looks this confused... As I stood there, perplexed by Uenohara's unexpected reaction, Tokiwa suddenly clapped his hands together. "I feel like I've been keeping my distance without realizing it. I'm really sorry about that! I really don't like doing that kind of thing..." "N-no, it's fine. I'm not bothered by it at all." Uenohara replied, half confused, and tried to brush it off by flicking her hair back. She's acting differently than usual... She's usually pretty casual with Tokiwa, but she seems flustered right now. Then, a possible explanation occurred to me. No, I doubt it, but... Could she be flustered because she's happy to be acknowledged? "......Tokiwa, you're drunk, aren't you?! You've been saying a lot of embarrassing things lately!" At that moment, Kiyosato snapped her fingers and butted into the conversation. "Huh? W-well, I-I'm just saying what's on my mind..." "You're so honest! Tokiwa, as punishment, you have to down a glass of cola!" "R-roger! Here I go!" Without hesitation, Tokiwa began chugging a glass of cola from the drink bar. Next to him, Uenohara still looked unsettled, clutching her hair. Her behavior didn't seem very Uenohara-like, and I felt a bit uncomfortable about it. * When we left the restaurant, it was pitch black outside. We all went our separate ways from Kyougoku Station. Kiyosato-san took the bus, I took the train, and Tokiwa rode his bike. Uenohara had already left at the store exit, so she wasn't with us. "Well then, you two, see you later! See you at school!" As we reached the bus terminal, Tokiwa waved energetically and ran towards the bike parking lot. Despite being the only one who had club activities before joining us, he remained the most energetic throughout the evening. Kiyosato-san smiled and waved goodbye to Tokiwa, then turned to face me. "Nagasaka, thank you for walking me to the station." "Oh come on, that's a bit of an exaggeration. This is just the bus stop in front of the station." I let out a bitter laugh. "But there aren't many people even though it's a holiday. There are more people on weekdays." "Well, that's how it is at every station in our prefecture." Of course, it's not like there's no one passing by, but compared to the neighboring metropolis, it's like night and day. That certain station with the number eight in its name, which is considered the backwaters over there, is far more developed. Kiyosato seemed to be the only one using the bus stop, as there was no one else around. "Hmm, but I had fun! We ended up chatting all the way until nightfall." Kiosato clasped her hands together and stretched them out in front of her, then raised them above her head as if doing a back stretch. By the way, watch your sleeves, I'm getting an eyeful here! Oh, but it's dimly lit so it's hard to see! They should at least maintain the lighting properly! Don't get complacent just because there aren't many users! "What about you, Nagasaka? Didn't you have fun?" As I was eagerly looking out for any "service scenes," Kiyosato asked me this. I coughed to clear my mind of such thoughts and answered sincerely. "Of course, I had a lot of fun. Even though 80% of it was pointless chatter." "That's what makes it great, doesn't it? Just hanging out with no particular purpose, drinking from the drink bar, laughing about silly things, and having slightly deeper conversations... Doesn't it feel like the epitome of spring?" "I know, right! I totally get what you mean!" Oops, I answered a bit too eagerly there. But I was happy to hear Kiyosato, who usually doesn't talk about such things, bring up the word "youth." "In middle school, we often hung out at a store near the school. But compared to this place, it was cramped and always packed. We'd squeeze six people into a table meant for four." "Oh, so that's what it's like over there. I can't quite picture it..." Kiyosato's alma mater, Akagawa Academy, is located right in the heart of a super-metropolitan city that everyone in Japan knows about, so it's not surprising that I can't imagine it. "And when there were tall boys, they wouldn't fit in the booth, so we'd talk across the aisle. We'd always get scolded by the staff. They'd say something like, 'You're causing trouble for the other customers,' in a half-hearted way." "Oh, we have that here too. Sometimes, one person ends up sitting at a different table." "Aww, that's sad. Someone should go sit with them." "Then the one who's isolated tries to find a chance to join the conversation, but no matter what they do, they're always a beat late, so they can't take it anymore and bring over a child-sized chair to sit with them." "What, on that tiny chair!? Their butt won't even fit!" "In fact, they took the chair with them when they went to the drink bar." "Ugh! Hahaha, that image is hilarious!" For some reason, Kiyosato seemed to be particularly ticklish today, as she laughed with her hands on her stomach. By the way, this wasn't a story about me, just something I witnessed. Just to be clear. "I hope this kind of thing continues forever..." Perhaps because she laughed too much, tears formed in Kiyosato's eyes, and as she raised her face, she wiped her eyes with her fingers and whispered in a gentle tone. Her words were drowned out by the sound of a passing bus—but they reached me, standing right next to her. —Kiyosato is so great. I feel a fundamental sense of sympathy with her, and her sensibilities just click with mine. Come to think of it, perhaps this sense of harmony is what makes one's "rom-com aptitude" max out. The personality and behavior that I consider to be rom-com-like, and the vague concepts that form the basis of those things—Kiyosato seems to naturally possess them. Kiyosato raised her face and narrowed her eyes as if looking into the distance. I looked up at the sky in the same way. —From now on, there are summer vacations, school festivals, athletic festivals, Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's Day. These big events, which are like the stages of a romantic comedy, await us. Beyond the "slice-of-life" episodes like today, a more fulfilling high school life, brimming with excitement and youth, lies ahead. With my heart beating faster and a restless feeling that made me want to run, I said with conviction: "—From now on, there will definitely be even more fun times than today." "Really? This level is just right for me." — Huh... Wait... Her response, which was completely out of sync with my expectations, caused my thoughts to come to a temporary halt. "Are you saying that this isn't enough for you, Nagasaka?" Kiyosato lowered her face, smiled her usual angelic smile, and looked at me. "Ah, no... I'm not saying I'm dissatisfied, but... Well, there are other things too, right? Like, the school festival and stuff." What is it, I wonder? I feel a sense of unease, an indescribable pressure, as I hesitantly reply. "For me, I think these kinds of moments are the most important. Going to school every day, having lunch with everyone, hanging out a bit on the weekends... and then saying, 'see you tomorrow' with a smile." Kiyosato-san keeps smiling. But perhaps because the surroundings are dark, her face seems... somehow, more somber than usual. "These ordinary moments that we all share are what make us happy, don't you think? Because if we start wishing for more or for things to be more fun—don't you think there would be no end to it?" "Yeah, I guess so..." I try to respond with a noncommittal mumble, overwhelmed by her indisputable logic. But somehow, I manage to stop myself. Even so. Even so, I know of more exciting romantic comedies— I am convinced that it is beyond this point that the "happiest ending" awaits. "I think we should always strive for the highest ideals." "... " Kiyosato-san doesn't respond right away. She turns her face away. Then, tucking her hair behind her right ear— "Yeah. I know all about that." A shiver runs down my spine. For some reason, I feel scared hearing Kiyosato-san's usually gentle voice whispering these words. "Yeah, I think you can aim for your ideals, Nagasaka. I've been watching you, and you're truly sincere and pure." "N-no, that's not true..." This feeling only lasts a moment, but my heart is pounding rapidly. Wanting to dispel this atmosphere, I open my mouth to change the subject. "Ah, but more importantly, about the upcoming final exams—" "But," she cut me off sharply, leaving me at a loss for words. Kiyosato-san took a step forward and turned to face me. The bus stop, dimly lit by the weakening light of the lamppost, became very dark in the shadows. The dazzling lights of the station, the countless lights illuminating the town—none of them could reach this place. "What about the people who aren't like you, Nagasaka?" That's why, at that moment, I couldn't see her face—I couldn't see the expression she was making.
Behind the Scenes: "Accomplice's" Blunder The day before Torisawa's live performance, on a Friday after school. I was in the hallway on the first floor of the North Building, picking up some scattered printouts from the floor. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Bending down to pick up the printouts with me was my target, Shiozaki-senpai. "No, my apologies. I suddenly jumped out..." "Well, I'm just glad neither of you got hurt." And then, the other target—Hinoharu-senpai—let out a sigh of relief and murmured, "—Now is the time for the school's locking-up check." This patrol was to be carried out by the student council officers, and today's duty fell on these two. The patrol route was predetermined: they would split up to cover the North and South Buildings, then meet up at this designated spot before heading back to the student council room—so it was written in the 'Tomodachi Note'. So, I timed my move and jumped out from a blind corner, colliding with the Senpais and letting the printouts I was holding scatter across the floor. Of course, this was a strategy to create an opportunity to talk to them while they were together. I quickly picked up the nearby printouts and tapped my knees to stand up. Then, feigning ignorance, I looked at Shiozaki-senpai, who was still crouching down. "Thank you for your help. Umm..." "I'm Shiozaki from Year 2." Senpai only raised his face and nodded with a stern expression. Just as the data suggested, he seemed like a straightforward person. But perhaps because his eyes looked gentle, he wasn't as intimidating as I had expected. "Shiozaki-senpai... Ah, could you be the Shiozaki who ran for the position of student council president?" "Hmm, you're well-informed... You're the second person I've met who knew about me before we met." Probably, the first person he mentioned was Kouhei. Well, that's about the level of awareness of the student council election. I myself didn't even know about the schedule until Kouhei mentioned it to me. I feel bad for the student council members, but in reality, most people probably don't care who the president is or what their policies are. Because no matter how appealing the policies sound or how innovative the reform plans are, they are fundamentally irrelevant to us. Especially for large-scale reforms, it's not as easy as saying they'll change things. Even if we look at it on a yearly basis, the progress would likely only amount to "we're one step closer to realizing it." By the time the reform is fully implemented, we would have already graduated. Everyone realizes this, which is why they're fundamentally uninterested. It's much more meaningful to focus on the next test or club activity—something that directly affects us. That's what most people would think... "...So, Hinoharu-senpai isn't running for the election, huh?" I forced myself not to think about the words that almost popped into my head and continued with my strategy. "...Yeah, I'm not running." Senpai paused slightly before answering, and the smile she gave me was more mature than the one I saw at lunch break the other day. —She seemed to have her reasons. But that wasn't the reaction I was looking for. It seemed that Hinoharu-senpai wasn't particularly conscious of the election, so I could probably leave her out of my plan. "But it's okay. Shiozaki-senpai is an amazing person. He's serious, diligent, and gets things done... Well, he's just a reliable person. At least, that's what I think." "..." Hinoharu-senpai patted Shiozaki-senpai's shoulder, who was still organizing the printouts, without changing her expression. Shiozaki-senpai remained silent, his expression unchanged as well. —It was difficult to read their thoughts from their expressions. In that case... I made a disappointed face and replied, "I see... Kouhei—I mean, Nagasaka was hoping that Hinoharu-senpai would run. He said it would be interesting if you did." I deliberately mentioned Kouhei's name while glancing at Shiozaki-senpai from the corner of my eye. Now, how would he react? Shiozaki-senpai stood up with the printouts in his arms and hummed, "Hmm." "Are you a friend of Nagasaka?" "Yes, we're childhood friends. So, Shiozaki-senpai knows him too?" Shiozaki-senpai nodded without changing his expression. Then, he took a step forward and held out the stack of printouts to me. As I thanked him and took the printouts, Shiozaki-senpai muttered softly, "...So, the 'more suitable person' he mentioned is..." He glanced at Hinoharu-senpai for a moment. —That reaction confirmed it. As I thought, it seems that Shiozaki-senpai has some thoughts about Hinoharu-senpai not running for the position. There must be some reason related to Hinoharu-senpai that led him to decide to run himself. If I follow that connection—it might just be the key. "Huh, so you know Nagasaka-kun too, Shiozaki-kun?" As I was feeling a sense of accomplishment, Hinoharu-senpai opened her mouth in surprise. She must not have heard what Shiozaki-senpai just said. "Yeah. We've talked once or twice." "He seems to know everyone, doesn't he? It's like he's already friends with everyone in school." Hinoharu-senpai sighed in admiration. Well, most of them are just acquaintances for information gathering, not really friends. "Yeah, he's got a lot of connections, that guy. Even though he's from the east side." "He's amazing, Nagasaka-kun! Ah, I really wish he'd join the student council..." Seeing Hinoharu-senpai look genuinely disappointed, I wondered. ... I've heard that he's been getting a lot of invitations, but he seems more serious about it than I thought. But has Kouhei really done anything to be evaluated so highly by the student council? In Class 4, he stood out because of the incident with my childhood friend and Katsunuma-san, but that's about it. In our class, where he has few connections, the impression is more like, "Oh, he's a ronin." He seems to be helping out the student council under the guise of an investigation, so maybe he's being evaluated based on the results of that? ... Maybe I should ask her about it. "Hey, Senpai, you sure like Kouhei a lot." "Yeah! He's got amazing abilities!" Senpai's face lit up, and she looked genuinely happy, as if it were her own achievement. ... She answered without hesitation. I wonder how much he's shown her of his power. "He's incredible with numbers. He's as precise and fast as a machine, yet he has the power to be flexible... And above all, his proactive attitude is great! You can really feel that he's going to give it his all when he does something." "Is that so?" "And he says it's all because he's been working hard to make his ideal self a reality. How could I not acknowledge that?" Well, the content of that ideal is something incomprehensible, like a romantic comedy... As I made this mental retort, I thought about how to respond. — It's partly my fault that Kouhei has caught Senpai's attention. It might get annoying if he keeps getting invited, so maybe I should back him up a little. With that decision made, I forced a wry smile, pretending to be his "childhood friend." "You're overpraising him since he's not that great. He's basically a klutz, he's annoying to deal with, and above all, he's an idiot." "Really? I totally disagree." — Hinoharu-senpai suddenly made a sullen face and disagreed. Huh...? Wait, did I misjudge the situation? Before I could recover from my mistake, Senpai took a step forward and looked into my eyes. Her eyes, with a slight bluish tint, were very straightforward, and I felt intimidated and lost for words. "He's someone worthy of respect. Even if he failed his exams, he hasn't given up on his ideals and has kept moving forward. You shouldn't call him an idiot." "Ah, no, that's..." "At least, that's the person I know him to be. I acknowledge that he's amazing... Maybe you don't see it because you've been close to him since childhood." Her one-sided way of speaking made my blood boil. — How dare she say I don't understand him? I know that he's loyal to his ideals and never slackens in his efforts. And what I just said was just acting according to the "childhood friend" setting; it wasn't my true feelings. I acknowledge him too. ... Or rather, to begin with. Why is she acting like she's the only one who truly recognizes him? "—Don't get so serious, Senpai." —The next moment, unconsciously. I found myself saying those words. "Huh... Oh." Senpai snapped back to reality. At the same time, I regretted what I had just said. "—Just kidding. I went a bit too far, sorry." "...No." Senpai had that resigned, mature smile on her face. Seeing that expression, I felt even more guilty for my mistake. —I, against Hinoharu-senpai... Of all things, I told her to 'read the atmosphere'. I applied the same pressure as everyone else... "—Hinoharu. What did you mean by saying that the previous task was done quickly?" Shiozaki-senpai, who had been silently listening until then, interjected with an even heavier tone. "Eh? ......Ah!" Hinoharu-senpai covered her mouth, realizing her mistake. Facing the silent Shiozaki-senpai, who crossed his arms, Hinoharu-senpai frantically looked around, her eyes darting. "Wha, what could it be... Ah! I just remembered the window I forgot to close! I'll be right back!" Leaving behind these flimsy excuses, Hinoharu-senpai quickly ran away from the scene. ...So Kouhei's commissioned work was unofficial. As I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the remaining Shiozaki-senpai sighed. "I apologize if Hinoharu's words offended you. She's always been overly honest." "Ah, no..." Ah, yes, it was just like I expected. I went and made things complicated, putting unnecessary pressure on her... And I acted on impulse again, which is so unlike me. I'm usually known for my calm and collected support as an "accomplice". Shiozaki-senpai softened his expression slightly as he replied, "She's just purely committed to what she believes is right, and there's no ill intent. You might think she's being selfish... but I'd appreciate it if you could understand her." As she spoke, Shiozaki-senpai narrowed his eyes as if gazing into the distance. ...At least, I have to make up for this somehow. "Shiozaki-senpai—do you still think so?" "Hmm?" "Do you still think Hinoharu-senpai is upholding that sense of righteousness?" To my question, Shiozaki-senpai paused briefly before answering, his expression unchanged. "—If that were the case, I wouldn't be doing this. The reason I ran for president was to help her regain that sense of righteousness."
Chapter 3: Who Decided That Everyone Will Reach Out If They Want Something in Front of Them? The sound of the brass band club practicing echoes throughout the school building after classes. I was walking down the hallway of the North Building, half-listening to the BGM. —Today is Monday. There are only five more days until the deadline for nominations. I indulged in the "event" the day before yesterday... I need to get serious again starting today. "I wonder how things are for people other than Nagasaka-kun?" Kiyosato-san's parting words suddenly flashed through my mind as I was thinking about that. —After that, the bus came right away, and I parted ways with Kiyosato-san. I was worried that I might have made her angry like Katsunuma, but when she boarded the bus, she was her usual self, and the dark impression I had of her vanished in an instant. Now that I think about it... Kiyosato-san sometimes acts in a meaningful way. The first time I noticed this was when I guided her through the cherry blossom-lined path. She suddenly asked me to take a detour, and then she threw me a mysterious question. That was also an irregular response that couldn't be predicted from the information data, and the underlying reason for her behavior remains unclear. I thought about the meaning of her words, but... did she want to tell me that 'people who aren't me can enjoy an ideal school life'? That's absurd, I thought. In the first place, the reason I have to work so hard to make my reality into an ideal rom-com is that my situation is far from ideal. People with better conditions—Kiyosato-san, for example, are much closer to that ideal than I am. Like with Katsunuma, I feel like Kiyosato-san is looking at me strangely. It's as if she overestimates me or misunderstands something about me. ...Perhaps, Kiyosato-san also... ...Just like Katsunuma, she might have hidden feelings that can't be seen from my data. —Pwaaaan! Pwaaaan! Suddenly, the sound of a trumpet playing outside the window snapped me back to reality. ...This isn't the time to be thinking about that. The issue with my senior is a pressing matter, and I can't afford to be complacent about it. I need to focus all my attention on that. I slapped my cheeks to shift my mindset. Now, according to the information from Uenohara, it's confirmed that Shiozaki-senpai has some kind of special feelings for Hinoharu-senpai. It seems that this information could also be used as a bargaining chip, so she's currently digging deeper into that. I plan to continue interacting with Hinoharu-senpai to see if I can get any hints. I don't have a specific strategy, but doing nothing is not an option. Currently, Senpai is in the student council room. For now, I'll use the usual cafeteria report as an excuse to make contact. —Hmm, what's this? As I was thinking about this, I saw Hinoharu-senpai coming out of the art building through the window at the end of the hallway. She had her school bag on her shoulder, and it didn't seem like she was just going out for a temporary break. Wait, is she leaving already? This is an irregular pattern... I looked up at the nearby clock tower and saw that it was just past 4:00 pm. It was too early for Senpai to be heading home. Senpai was heading this way towards the school building via the footbridge. She was probably going to the entrance to get her shoes, so if I stayed here, we would bump into each other. I could talk to her then and try to find out what's going on... However, my plan fell apart as soon as I saw Senpai put her phone to her ear. Damn, she's on a call. If I bump into her now, I won't be able to say anything, and she'll probably just nod at me. —I guess I'll have to wait until she's finished and then call out to her. With that decision made, I hid behind a nearby pillar. As Senpai's footsteps drew closer, I could also hear her voice. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming now. It's Umemachi Street, right? The usual place in front of Saegusa-san's shop." Umemachi Street... Where is that? "Looking forward to the Tanabata dango! Oh, is Yoshikawa-ojiichan not there? Is he having back problems again? Oh, that's tough. Okay, I'll be there soon, so until then—"
[tl: 団子 = dango. A sweet dumpling made from rice flour mixed with uruchi rice flour and glutinous rice flour. It is different from the method of making mochi, which is made after steaming glutinous rice. Dango is usually finished round shaped, and three to five dango are often served on a skewer (called kushidango).]
Ah, could it be... I had a hunch and opened the browser on my phone to search for something. —Ah, I knew it. It's the Tanabata Festival in the shopping district right now. The shopping district where Hinoharu-senpai grew up—the Kyougoku City Central Shopping District, treats the week before and after Tanabata as a festival period. I checked it out since it's technically a festival event, but the timing is quite awkward, and it's a small-scale festival with just a few stalls in the arcade... I had intended to ignore it. It wasn't like there would be fireworks or anything. But, hmm... I saw off Senpai with my eyes as she walked away, thinking. From the way she was talking, it seemed like she was planning to go to that festival now. I also found a street on the map called "Umemachi Street." It was a completely unexpected situation, but this might be a chance to see Senpai outside of school. Especially now that I'm stuck, it might be a trigger for something. All right, let's go. I'll explain it to Uenohara later. As I made up my mind, I hurried to the classroom to get my things. * I parked my bike at Kyougoku Station and walked for about 10 minutes. "Wow..." The usually deserted shopping district was bustling with activity. The road, which was now a pedestrian paradise, was filled with people, and the sound of taiko drums and festival music filled the air. On both sides of the street were rows of stalls, selling everything from the classic yakisoba and takoyaki to more unique local specialties like sake manju, kurodama, and abalone simmered in soy sauce.
[tl: くろ玉 = kurodama. A seasonal, ball-shaped sweet representing Yamanashi prefecture. The birth of the original "Kurodama" was in 1929. The vivid green uguisu-an (green pea paste) is made from green peas, and additional green peas, boiled separately to retain their texture, are added to bring out the inherent gentle flavor of the peas. The paste is rounded and wrapped in a rich black sugar yokan (sweet bean jelly), creating a flavorful confectionery.]
The old-fashioned arcade was decorated with colorful ornaments. Colorful kusudama and streamers hung from the ceiling, swaying in the wind and reflecting the light of the paper lanterns.
[tl: 薬玉 = kusudama. Kusudamas are modular origami models where multiple units are fit together to form a ball-like shape. They can form different patterns such as flowers or stars.]
Wow... this is way more luxurious than I expected. I thought a shopping district festival would be more low-key, but I guess I underestimated it. I opened the map on my phone one more time to check my destination before stepping into the crowd. From what Senpai had let slip, 'in front of Saegusa-san's shop' was probably referring to the Japanese confectionery store up ahead. There was one place along Umemachi Street that seemed to fit the description. I had seen Senpai leave school on her moped, so if that was her destination, she should have arrived by now. I put away my phone after checking for any signs that could serve as landmarks. In this crowd, there was no way I could afford to walk around while looking at my map. I threw myself into the bustling atmosphere and started walking towards my destination. ──Clatter, clatter, vroom vroom. The noise of the crowd and the sound of the food stall engines filled the air constantly. The noises that would usually bother me strangely lifted my spirits in this kind of setting. And the sweet and savory scents wafting from all directions were making me hungrier and hungrier. ──But there are a lot of people in yukata, huh? As I watched the passing crowd, I thought to myself that it was quite a large percentage for a festival at this time of year, especially on a weekday evening. And most of the people wearing yukata seemed to be young people in their early twenties. They were probably students from the nearby Kyougoku University or Kyougoku Academy. It seemed like the age group was lower than what you would typically find at a local festival. It wasn't like there were fireworks or anything, so I didn't think it warranted dressing up in yukata... Or maybe the kimono shop in the shopping district was doing rentals? If they advertised it properly, they could probably attract a good number of customers. Wait a second... if that was the case, then maybe... Hinoharu-senpai might be... wearing a yukata too!? Could it be that this was a "yukata episode" at this crucial timing!? "Hngh!" I couldn't help but get excited at this miraculous thought, and I ended up breathing heavily. The people around me gave me strange looks, so I quickly pretended to cough to cover it up. N-no, no, calm down. It's not like these kinds of delicious "events" happen that easily. It's a given that my expectations will be betrayed, so I shouldn't get my hopes up. But mannnnnn yukata sure are nice... Senpai has that traditional Japanese beauty thing going on, so she'd definitely look good in one... No, that's why it's a bad idea! This is definitely a death flag! Shut up, me! I blew away all my thoughts and focused solely on finding my landmark. Ah! That sign! That's it! I quickened my pace towards the scene, my heart pounding with excitement... No, I mean, contemplating the age of earthenware. In front of the Japanese confectionery store, the stall's noren curtain had the words "Yakisoba and Kushidango" written on it.
[tl: 暖簾 = noren. A noren curtain is a traditional Japanese fabric divider curtain made from rectangular strips. Exterior noren are traditionally used by shops and restaurants as a means of protection from sun, wind, and dust, and for displaying a shop's name or logo.]
And when I looked inside— "──Like that, really?!" "Eh?" ──There stood Hinoharu-senpai. Dressed in a typical festival happi coat, she was cooking yakisoba.
[ed: The illustration here is just so cheerful and wholesome, I couldn't help but smile a little. Consider buying the LN and supporting the artist and author!]
"Woah, Nagasaka-kun!? You're here too!" Senpai's face lit up. In her hands, she held a metal spatula for the yakisoba. Her long black hair was tied up in a bun on top of her head, with a hachimaki headband that read 'Kyougoku Central Shopping District'.
[tl: 鉢巻 = hachimaki. It's a Japanese headband, usually made of red or white cloth, typically featuring a design of kanji at the front. It is worn as a symbol of effort or courage by the wearer, especially by those in the military, or to simply keep sweat off one's face. Ganbatte, Hinoharu-senpai!]
Underneath the happi coat, which had blue and white wave patterns with a large 'Matsuri' character on the back, she wore the standard school PE uniform. Her outfit was completely geared towards the festival.
[tl: 祭り = matsuri. Meaning festival.]
Ah, I see. It's normal to dress like that when helping out with the stalls... damn it, cut it out! At least wrap a sarashi cloth around your waist if you're going to wear the happi coat! Be more mindful of the 'reader service'!
[tl: 晒し = sarashi. "Bleached cloth", a light and soft white fabric, usually cotton. A length of sarashi may be wrapped around the body under a kimono as a haramaki (fabric band to cover the stomach). It's a fashion accessory for practical or aesthetic purposes.]
"—Nagasaka-kun? Yo, can you hear me?" "Ah, sorry, I was too focused on the earthenware." "Huh?" Senpai chuckled while furrowing her eyebrows at my weird behaviour. ... Ahem. Well, whatever. "Well, Senpai, what a surprise to run into you here. Are you helping out with the stalls?" "Yeah! Actually, I've known a lot of the shop owners around here for a long time! They've always taken good care of me, so I help out during events like this!" As she spoke, Senpai skillfully stirred the yakisoba, making a 'shan shan' sound with the spatula. She seemed quite experienced; she must be telling the truth. "I see. So, you're making yakisoba." "Yep. Ah, would you like some?" "Please, I'd love some. The smell alone is making me hungry." "Coming right up!" Senpai replied cheerfully and skillfully scooped the yakisoba into a transparent pack using the spatula. But man, Senpai has been so energetic since earlier. It might be because of the noisy surroundings, but her voice was louder than usual. The festival happi coat really suits her. "Here you go! I made it a bit bigger since you're a boy. The pickled ginger and seaweed are optional!" "Ah, thank you very much." I took the plastic bag and placed the change I had prepared on the palm of Senpai's hand. The brief otouch of her hand felt slightly warm and a little sweaty. "Thank you for your purchase! Oh, I made it a takeaway portion, but do you want to eat it here?" "Eh, is that okay?" That was an offer I couldn't refuse. I could also observe Senpai's behavior more closely this way. "Of course! Feel free to use the empty space behind the stall." Senpai replied with a smile and took out a large case of beer bottles that was placed nearby, placing it with a 'don'. It seemed she was suggesting using it as a seat. "Thank you very much. In that case, I won't hold back." "Please, go ahead!" I took the beer case and walked away from the crowd to the back of the stall. The open space behind the stall seemed to be a coin-operated parking lot. It was probably closed temporarily during the festival and used as a storage area. Gas canisters, baskets from the noodle factory, and cardboard boxes of ingredients were piled up around it. It was dimly lit due to the lack of lighting, but it felt quieter than the front. I found a comfortable space between the empty boxes of cabbage and bean sprouts and sat down. From here, I could observe Senpai's back as she worked. Phew, I could finally relax a bit. Walking through crowds really takes a toll on you. As I replenished my energy with the hot yakisoba, I decided to observe Senpai's behavior. —After a while. "Sacchan, Sacchan, come over here for a sec!" A hoarse voice echoed from the tent next to Senpai's stall, which had a sign that read 'Tanabata Festival Executive Committee'. When I looked over, I saw an old man with white hair beckoning to Senpai. "Hmm, what is it?" Senpai checked to see that there were no customers around, put down the spatulas, and headed over. "Didn't you say Aonuma-san's place was running out of Tanabata decorations paper? How's that going?" "If that's the case, we have some spare paper at the community center, so you can use that. You have the keys, right?" "The community center, huh... Guess I'll need to drive there." "What are you talking about? It's just a 10-minute walk. Have a walk! It's good for your health!" Saying this, Senpai patted his back. Then, another ojiichan appeared. "Sacchan! Which audio track should we play in the arcade?" "I've prepared a CD of 'Yochabare Rock' inside, so please use that." "Oh, I see. But if possible, I'd prefer something more mainstream..." "That one will be more popular with the young folks! Besides, we're doing PR for the renewal, so we should try something new!" Then, a hunched-over old man appeared. "Sacchan, here's the receipt for the prizes to be given out at tomorrow's raffle." "Yes, yes... Hmm, isn't this different from what I ordered? I thought we agreed on a one-of-a-kind crystal craft." "Well... that one was a bit pricey." "No, no, it's supposed to be the highlight of the event. What's the point of making photo uploads to SNS a condition for participation if we don't do something special? It's a bargain if you think of it as additional advertising." Amidst the constant stream of visitors, Senpai efficiently responded to each request, and it felt like the whole operation was centered around her. Despite the sweat on her forehead, she gave instructions without a hint of displeasure and even took initiative to do things personally, never stopping for a moment. But her face was full of life—and, more than anything, she looked genuinely happy from the bottom of her heart. "Hey, aren't you the one from the other day?" As I turned my head to the side, I saw a obaasan standing there, dressed in a kimono. "You're one of Sacchan's friends from before, right?" "Ah... Thank you for the other day." I bowed my head as I suddenly realized who she was. It had been dark, so I hadn't recognized her, but she was the landlady of the kimono shop who had chatted with us earlier. It made sense that people from the stores I had visited when investigating Senpai would be around. The landlady laughed heartily as she looked at Senpai. "When Sacchan is around, everyone works so hard. She's always been a lively child." "Is... is she always like that here?" "Yes, she is. When she was little, she was even more reckless, but she hasn't changed one bit when it comes to leading everyone." The landlady then turned towards the street and beckoned me closer with a flick of her hand. As I approached, she pointed at the young people around us. "Look at all these yukata; they're all rentals from our shop. Sacchan brought in all these young customers through the internet." The landlady smiled gently, expressing her gratitude. Ah, so that's how it worked. That was Senpai's doing as well... just like I thought. "Old folks like us don't understand these new ways of doing things. I never expected such an increase in customers." "... But isn't it challenging to try new things like this?" I asked out of curiosity. The landlady replied with a wry smile. "Of course, it's exhausting for us old folks." ... Perhaps she was thinking it was a nuisance deep down. Just as I was feeling a bit disappointed, the landlady continued, "But because it's exhausting, we wouldn't do anything if left to our own devices. Sometimes, it's good to be dragged around and forced to work like this." —Ah, I see. There are times when it's important to be forcibly pulled along, even if it's a nuisance. "Hey, Aunty Satoyoshi! There's a request for kimono dressing over here! Hurry up!" "There you are. Come, come~" Called out by Senpai, the landlady sighed and shrugged her shoulders as she headed towards the back. As Senpai returned, she removed the headband from her forehead with one hand and exhaled, "Haa..." In her other hand, she held a skewer of dango. "I'm tired. Time for a break." Senpai sat down on another beer case that she had placed next to me. She was stuffing herself with her dango skewer, her cheeks puffed out. "... Senpai," I called out to her. "Yeah?" "It's so lively here. I didn't expect the shopping district's festival to be like this." "Ah, isn't it!? This place gets lively every year during the festival! It's been going on for over 50 years and has become a real tradition, and on the last day, they even have a portable shrine with a big drum!" "And it feels more homely than I expected. It has a handmade feel to it, which is somehow calming." "I know, right!? We all gather at the community center to make the festival decorations together. And for the big bamboo tree in the center, the landowner of the nearby mountain cuts and brings a good one every year!" "Wow, that's nice. If I knew this kind of atmosphere was here, I'd want to come more often. Sometimes old shopping districts can give off a 'we don't welcome strangers' vibe." "Yes, that's true! I wish more young people would come here regularly, but when I search for information about it, not much comes up, and it feels hard to approach. And I guess there aren't many shops targeting young people, but I think we should actually sell that old-school vibe as a strength!" Senpai eloquently shared her thoughts, speaking fluently and passionately. "Why not utilize this Showa retro feel, or rather, embrace it? Japanese-modern styles are trending these days, and I love that kind of stuff. So, I think we should use SNS and other platforms to change the direction of our PR and appeal to a younger audience!" "Oh, that sounds interesting! If it goes viral, I think it'll be a hit." "Really!? Waah, yes! I'm so glad someone understands me!" "But... Senpai, you're really enjoying yourself, aren't you?" "Yeah! I'm having so much fun!" Senpai laughed, beaming with childlike joy. ──Ah. I noticed for the first time that Senpai had──a chipped tooth. Seeing that genuine, sparkling smile of hers makes me realize - this is her true self. ──A smile that bloomed like fireworks in the night sky. Her clear eyes, like the sky on a crisp day, reflected the colorful lights of the festival, and the radiance of those seven colors captivated my heart. Senpai as she was before me now was──so charming. She seemed so much like a "heroine." And I──. "That's why──please do that at school as well." ──Before I knew it, I had blurted out the truth. At my words, Senpai's body twitched. "I really think the way you are right now is amazing. You're so lively and genuinely enjoying yourself. It's so very 'you.'" "Eh...?" Senpai looked up at me, surprised. "Do you really think so?" "Of course. Do I look like the type of person who's good at flattery?" "......No, you don't." Senpai shook her head. "Then, show me that side of you at school as well. Show me the best school life you can offer." "......" "Isn't the student council the place where you can do that? Isn't the position of student council president the most suitable role to achieve that...?" Senpai remained silent, looking down. The wind blew gently, causing the lantern lights to flicker and illuminate her face with a soft red glow. After a while, she spoke. "......Thank you. I'm honestly happy to hear you say that, Nagasaka-kun." Senpai smiled shyly, her eyes sparkling. I quickly spoke up. "Then──" "But..." ──However. "But... the thing is, everyone else doesn't want me to do that." Senpai said, flashing an ill-fitting, mature smile──and rejected the idea. "Everyone doesn't want it..." So, that was──the issue she had been trying to avoid. "Yeah. The people in my class and the student council don't want me to be the president...no, they don't want me to do anything at all." "Is that what they told you?" "No, not exactly. But things started going smoothly when I stopped trying." ...Just as Uenohara said. Reading the room and holding back was the optimal solution that Senpai had come to on her own. As she watched the bustling crowd at the festival, Senpai began to speak in a soft voice, bit by bit. "I've just been doing what I thought was best. I've always done that since I was little." From time to time, the laughter of people enjoying themselves could be heard from a distance. "The shopkeepers, my elementary school friends, the student council members in middle school...they all acknowledged and needed me." Senpai lowered her gaze and tightly clasped her hands on her knees. "But when I entered Kyou-Nishi, I realized that it wasn't a given. It was only because they had known me since I was young that they accepted me." ...I see. Now that I think about it, there wasn't anyone from Higashi Middle School in the same class. Higashi Middle School is a regular public middle school, and many students continue on from elementary school. It must have been the first time she was in an environment where she didn't know anyone. "But...you weren't explicitly rejected, were you?" And then, with a tired expression, Senpai gave a faint smile. "No matter what I say, everyone just brushes it off with a vague 'well, I guess that's fine then' and a laugh." ...Ah. What a mature way of handling things. "But when I try to do things the way I want, they all look annoyed." "..." The things Senpai tries to do are often outlandish and difficult to achieve, requiring a lot of effort from everyone involved. However, her ideas are often on point, so people are hesitant to complain directly. So they indirectly show their disapproval through their attitude, expecting her to understand their dissatisfaction – that was probably how the people around Senpai expressed their will. "Eventually, I felt like things wouldn't work out no matter what I did. So I decided to just go with the flow..." "And that's when things started going well?" Senpai silently nodded. "If I said something and the reaction was bad, I'd compromise immediately. I'd say, 'Maybe we should forget it,' and leave the rest to chance." "..." "After a while, a friend I got close to told me, 'You're really beautiful when you're quiet.'" Saying this, Senpai showed her usual soft smile, but it didn't seem genuine. Seeing her face, I, who had once thought something similar, secretly felt guilty. No matter how you look at it, the cheerful Senpai from earlier was better...did those people know that and still reject her...? "In other words, that's the image they want of me, right? Then I have to live up to their expectations." ...Living up to everyone's expectations. What she was saying was understandable, and it sounded reasonable...but I felt that something was off. "That's why this is fine. Don't worry, I'm doing what I want discreetly! And it's working out smoothly, so it's enough." And with that, Senpai stood up energetically. "Break time's over! I'll go cook some yakisoba!" She brightened her face as she retied her headband and walked towards the food stall. "Senpai!" Seeing her back, which looked painful, I couldn't help but call out. "Are you really okay with that?" "..." It's true that the people around her might be fine with that. It might be the best way to get through school life without any problems. But for Senpai... She would have to keep giving up. She would have to keep abandoning the choices she thought were best. As a result, she would only ever reach a "normal ending." If you kept choosing the wrong options, you would never reach a "happy ending." That isn't what it means to have a rom-com. "Is that really the best method for you, Senpai!?" My question, asked with a raised voice, was met with... Senpai, wearing her mature expression, smiled as if she had given up. "It can't be helped. That's just how it is, fitting in with those around you is what's normal." * The train rattled on, its rhythmic clacking filling the air as I gazed out at the passing night scenery, lost in thought. What would be the best course of action for Senpai? At the festival, she had seemed more lively and cheerful than I had ever seen her before. I believed that her strong and forceful personality, the way she took charge and led others, was her greatest strength. Yet, this was not something that was accepted at school. The people around her did not want that kind of Senpai. "...Everyone doesn't want that, huh?" I could understand the desire to be accepted by others. No one wanted to be left out or ostracized, and I knew all too well how harsh it could be to be on the receiving end of everyone's cold shoulders. But... giving up was absolutely not an option. I must not give up on being true to myself. I had already wasted a year because of that mistake. ...Whoooosh. As the train entered a tunnel, the sound of its passage interrupted my train of thought. No good. No matter how much I thought about it now, I didn't feel like I would find an answer. For now, I decided to jot down my thoughts and observations for the day while they were still fresh in my mind. Then, I would discuss them with Uenohara and come up with a plan for the future. Just as I made that decision and reached for my phone, I noticed an unread message on RINE. ──Torisawa? The name that appeared was an unusual one. When I opened it, I saw the text, 'Are you free after school tomorrow? Time and place below,' followed by a URL with a map for what seemed to be the time and location of the meeting. ...Is this a family restaurant? Moreover, it's in the next town over from Kyougoku Station, even further east than the municipal library. It would take at least 30 minutes by bicycle from Kyou-Nishi. Why would we be gathering at such a distant location? What could be the reason...? I reread the message but found no mention of the circumstances. Still, I knew that Torisawa wouldn't call me out to such a place for no reason... Logically, it must have something to do with Hinoharu-senpai. Since I didn't have any particular plans, I immediately replied in the affirmative. * ──The train emerged from the tunnel, and we entered a rural area, the darkness enveloping the surroundings. The lights from distant houses twinkled in the pitch-black night. ──Four days left until the deadline for student council election nominations. * The following day, with some time to spare before my appointment with Torisawa, I decided to finish my daily investigation. The weather was clear again, and just walking made me sweat. "I'm thirsty. I think I'll get a drink before I leave school." With that decision made, I headed towards the first-floor corridor. And there— "Yo, Katsunuma." "Huh? Oh, it's Senpai." I ran into Katsunuma, leaning against the vending machine, looking exhausted as she drank a strawberry milk drink. She must have been glued to her desk again today. This was probably her sugar break. "You work hard every day, huh? I'm impressed." "Shut up. I don't need some suspicious person, wandering around school instead of studying, to tell me that." Katsunuma snorted. I had no room for leisure at all... With Senpai's persuasion being more difficult than expected, my study time was extremely limited. To be honest, I was a bit scared of the upcoming tests. But telling Katsunuma about it felt like admitting defeat, so I put on a brave front. "Don't worry, I'm still studying. There are other things I need to do at school, too." "Are you, by any chance, stalking someone again, like you did with me?" "Stop using that disgraceful term." I bought an iced coffee from the vending machine next to Katsunuma and inserted some coins. Bending down to pick up the can that fell with a clatter, I leaned back against the wall next to Katsunuma. Katsunuma frowned for a moment as if annoyed, but she didn't say anything further, silently shoving one hand into her skirt pocket and bringing her drink to her mouth. There were few people around the vending machines, and only the sound of club activities echoed from the gym and schoolyard. "So, how's it going on your end? Everything going smoothly?" "... ..." Katsunuma turned her face away, remaining silent. That doesn't sound too good... "Well, if it were that easy, nobody would struggle. The important thing is to keep at it and practice repeatedly, especially in areas you're not good at." "I know that, that's why I'm doing this." Katsu took a sip through her straw. ... I guess so. Katsunuma wouldn't give up just because of a little setback like this. She's the type who never gives up, no matter how many times things don't go her way. "Hey, Katsunuma..." I opened the lid of my coffee with a snap and began to speak. "What would you do if everyone around you expected you to act a certain way, but it wasn't true to who you really are?" "Huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?" Katsunuma gave me a puzzled look. "I told you I've been trying different things. This is related to that." "... Oh." "If I were to put it in your terms, let's say everyone in your class gives you the unreasonable demand to become a 'refined and graceful young lady character.' And if you don't, you're out." "I'd punch them." Katsunuma glanced at me out of the corner of her eye and replied without hesitation. "I'd ignore something like that, obviously. There's no way I can do it." "Yeah, I guess so..." I knew Katsu would say something like that. "And besides, it's weird to just act the way everyone else wants you to." "... Hmm?" Katsunuma shook the drink pack in front of her and continued. "I can only be who I think I am. It's up to everyone else to accept that, isn't it?" It's up to everyone else to accept that── Hearing those words, I felt like something clicked into place. "──I see. Yeah, you're right, that's the order." I nodded vigorously and then chugged the rest of my coffee. "Thanks, that was helpful." "... I still don't get what you're talking about." Katsunuma fiddled with the piercings on her ears and threw the empty paper pack into the trash. Then she straightened up and turned back towards the school building. "I'm heading back. If I stay out too long, Hibiki will get mad at me." "All right. Good luck with your studies." "... And, Senpai." "Hmm?" Katsunuma stopped after taking a few steps and turned halfway towards me. "Don't stalk me all the way to my house again." "Come on, stop saying that. It's your fault for not coming to school." Katsunuma snorted and looked slightly away from me. "That kind of treatment... You're only forgiven because I have a big heart. Don't get the wrong idea." She said with a hint of sarcasm, stuck her tongue out, and then turned back to face forward and started walking again. * After parting ways with Katsunuma, I headed to the family restaurant Torisawa had specified. Soon after the 'welcome' chime rang, a staff member approached me, and I informed them that I was meeting someone. The restaurant was fairly crowded in the early evening, but it was still a bit early for dinner, so the atmosphere was relatively calm. "Torisawa." "Yo." I spotted Torisawa at a table just inside the entrance and called out to him. And sitting across from him was── A girl?! "......Um?" "Ah, hello!" As soon as she noticed me, the girl greeted me with a cute, high-pitched voice and stood up, bowing her head slightly. Her hair was a short haircut with playful ends, and she had a cute, flower-shaped hair clip on one side. She was quite short, looking noticeably smaller compared to Torisawa. She wore a uniform, but it was a sailor-style school uniform, different from ours. Huh, who is she... Wait, hold on, I've seen her somewhere before, haven't I? "Sorry to drag you all the way out here. It's because of this one's circumstances." "I'm so sorry! It's just that I can't go too far, so I asked Torisawa-senpai to choose a place near the school!" ...Ah, that's right, I remember now! "You were at the live show the other day, weren't you...?" "Eh? Ah, yes, I was!" The girl replied, lifting her face with a startled expression. Ah, I knew it! She was the middle schooler at Torisawa's live show! "Nice to meet you, Nagasaka-senpai! I'm Otsuki Miki, a third-year student and the student council president at Higashi Middle School!" Otsuki-san spoke earnestly, with a serious expression. Her eyes were round and big, and her nose was small and cute. If I had to categorize her as a 'heroine type', she would definitely be the 'puppy-like kohai' type. After a brief self-introduction, I sat down next to Torisawa. "Well then, I don't quite understand the situation yet..." I ordered a drink from the drink bar and turned to Torisawa. Leaning his arm on the back of the sofa, Torisawa began to explain casually. "I was approached at the live show the other day. It seemed interesting, so I decided to keep in touch." Yeah, interesting? What do you mean by that...? "Come on, that explanation doesn't explain anything! Torisawa-senpai, you're too vague!" As I tilted my head in confusion, Otsuki-san furrowed her eyebrows and glared at Torisawa. Ooh...? "You're the one who's going to explain anyway, right? Then there's no need for me to say unnecessary things, is there?" "That's not the point. You really are bad at communicating..." "Hah, my bad, my bad." Otsuki-san looked exasperated as she held her forehead, while Torisawa seemed to be enjoying being criticized. Wow, to be able to act like this towards an upperclassman, and Torisawa at that... She's impressive, this girl. She's a big shot. As I secretly admired her, Otsuki-san cleared her throat and straightened her posture, facing me directly. "Anyway, thank you for coming here today. I have a favor to ask of you, Nagasaka-senpai, but first of all, thank you for coming." "A favor?" "Yes. Actually... I want you to pass on a message to Hinoharu-senpai." Hmm, so that name comes up here. Otsuki-san continued her explanation, maintaining her posture. "You see, we're planning to do something new for our school's upcoming music festival... We're considering inviting senior alumni to perform on a special stage, and that's where the discussion is at right now." Music festival... Oh, that's the one that Senpai revamped, right? Now that I think about it, it's held right after summer vacation, isn't it? They must be in the preparation stage now. "So, I asked Torisawa-senpai to participate in that special stage when I talked to him at the live show the other day." Then, Otsuki-san turned her eyes towards Torisawa and pouted. "And this guy said, 'I'll participate, but make it more flashy.'" Torisawa casually sipped his iced coffee, ignoring Otsuki-san's reproachful look. As expected of Torisawa, he doesn't care about anything. Well, it's true that he has the skills and the star power. So, his request might be reasonable. "But we don't have that much budget, and there are limitations with the gym equipment... I was thinking of coming up with some clever ideas. We decided to hold a pre-rehearsal with the student council to test things out." Otsuki-san turned to me again. "And... I'd like Hinoharu-senpai to observe that pre-rehearsal and give us some comments. After all, she's the one who laid the foundation for the current music festival, and she might have some good ideas." I see, so that's how it connects. "Torisawa-senpai suggested that if I wanted to ask Hinoharu-senpai for something, it would be better to talk to you first, Nagasaka-senpai. So, I decided to make this request, knowing it might be rude." After saying this, Otsuki-san bowed her head once again and said, "I'm sorry for the sudden request." —Hmm, I see. I think I understand now. Torisawa must have thought that this girl's story could be used to persuade Hinoharu. That's why he went out of his way to include me in a situation where I normally wouldn't have had a chance to get involved. He's so naturally a "competent ikemen" character, Torisawa. "How about it? Could you ask senpai for me?" Otsuki-san looked up and gazed at me with anxious eyes. But this girl also has quite the drive. Her attitude of wanting to use anything she can, even from a stranger, and her boldness in making demands... somehow, she reminds me of Hinoharu-senpai. "By the way... when is this happening?" "Oh, yes. It’s this Sunday!" Sunday... but that's after the nomination deadline. That won't help with persuading Senpai, will it? I glance at Torisawa, who continues to fiddle with his phone without looking up, indicating that he has nothing to add. Wasn't the plan to use that pre-rehearsal...? It's unlikely that he didn't know the schedule... Or perhaps there's another reason for this? "...Can I ask you a few questions?" "Yes! Ask me anything!" Otsuki-san straightened her posture again and waited for my questions. "Are you acquainted with Hinoharu-senpai?" "Ah, no. I joined the student council after she retired." Well, that makes sense. If they were acquainted, she would have made the request directly. "But I did get to talk to her when she was the president! She was so cool and amazing when she was the president!" Otsuki-san's eyes sparkled as she spoke enthusiastically. Oh, she's like a fan chasing after an idol. So, is she one of the members of the fan group that was mentioned in the investigation data? It was mostly made up of junior girls, after all. But she seems to overlap with other characters... "Actually, I wanted to be like Senpai, so I thought about how I could get closer to that. Then I thought, let's start by doing the same things as her, so I decided to join the student council." Oh, I see. So, she admires Hinoharu-senpai and tries to emulate her behavior... No wonder her demeanor is so similar to the Senpai's... "...Hmm? You wanted to be like her when she was the president?" "Yes!" —That's right. If she admired Senpai from the past, then... Otsuki-san is someone who acknowledges the real personality of Senpai. "...By the way, why did you think that? Was there a reason or something that triggered it?" I continued with my inquiry. If there's a clear reason... It might be the key to persuading Senpai. "Ah, yes! Well, actually, I was bullied until the first year of middle school..." "Huh?" Woah, that's quite a casual revelation... Ignoring my surprise, Otsuki-san continued without any apparent concern. "I've always been like this, saying whatever comes to mind or rushing into things on a whim. Because of that, I was always left out and people said I was annoying." "U-uh-huh." "So, I always thought I should be more quiet and endure it. I tried to read the atmosphere and not say anything that would get me in trouble..." That's—the same conclusion that Senpai came to now. "When I tried to endure and not get left out, the bullying stopped, but... I always felt like this wasn't right. Even though the bad things stopped, I didn't feel satisfied." Otsuki-san touched her hair ornament. "Then, one day, I saw Sachi-senpai being scolded by a teacher in the faculty room." I listened quietly to her story. "It seemed to be about the music festival planning. The teacher in charge of the student council at the time was a scary PE teacher, and he was yelling so loudly that it could be heard outside the room, saying things like 'Get it together already!' and 'Do you not care about your grades?!'" "My hands shook even though it had nothing to do with me," Otsuki-san said with an embarrassed smile. "But Sachi-senpai didn't back down at all. She kept saying things like 'We are following the proper procedures' and 'It's only natural to strive for better planning.' She even countered the teacher, saying, 'You're not offering any real counterarguments, you're just being lazy.'" "..." "I didn't understand why she was so determined to get her plans approved, so I asked her after she left the room. 'Is it really worth getting scolded like that?'" A reasonable question. If a teacher opposes something so strongly, it’s natural to think there must be a deep reason to persist. At this point, Otsuki-san let out a small giggle as if remembering something funny. "And Sachi-senpai replied, 'Because it's obviously more fun that way,' with a puzzled look on her face." That's more fun...? "When I asked her, 'Is that all?' she replied, 'Huh? Do you need another reason?' with this look on her face like, 'What don't you get?'" Otsuki-san continued, her eyes sparkling. "It seemed like Senpai only thought about how to make things more fun. But when I thought about it, that's really amazing, I thought." Then, Otsuki-san said, facing me directly— "There's no one who doesn't like fun. So if you keep pursuing it—that's the shortest route to happiness for everyone, including yourself, isn't it?" —Ah, I see. Yes. That's the key to persuading Senpai. "So I thought I'd give it a try like Senpai. I decided to be honest about what I think is fun, think about what everyone would enjoy—not just reading their expressions, but sticking to what I want to do without compromising." So that's the mindset I'm working with now, she said, clenching her fists and speaking with a determined voice. Feeling the power emanating from her small body, I continued my inquiry. "...By the way, this may be hard to say, but—" —And then I asked her a few more questions. Otsuki-san answered, sometimes sadly, sometimes embarrassedly. But in the end, she smiled and replied. "—Yeah, thank you. I understand the situation now." I nodded deeply. —Her words will surely help. Help Hinoharu-senpai to regain what she has lost—no. It will be the power to gain something new. I was convinced of it. "Well then...?" "Yeah, I'll talk to her. I don't know if she has plans, but if it's just a minor errand, I'll ask her to cancel it." "W-Wow! Really? Thank you so much!" Otsuki-san clasped her hands in front of her chest and brightened up. As I thought about the flow of the next "event" in my head, I continued. "In return, I might ask you to help me with a little errand of my own. I don't think it will be anything difficult, but can I count on your cooperation?" "Of course!" With her quick agreement, I nodded deeply. —Torisawa must have known about this, which is why he called me. If that's the case, he's too capable. It's a fine play on par with Uenohara's. If I were the heroine, I would definitely be captured by him. As I sent conceptual, heart-throbbing glances to my side. "As expected of the person dating Hinoharu-senpai! I'm relying on you a lot!" — —... "Sorry, can you say that again?" Otsuki-san looked puzzled and said, "Huh? But Nagasaka-senpai is Hinohara-senpai's boyfriend... right?" "Torisawaaa?" "Ugh." Torisawa turned away and laughed. I see, so that’s why he accepted me stepping in so readily. To even add such a romcom-like follow-up attack is truly amazing, you're kidding me! I'm sure he did it just for the fun of it! * "—That's the situation over the past few days and my plan to persuade Hinoharu-senpai. What do you think?" After returning home, I had a phone conference. After explaining everything to Uenohara, I asked for her thoughts. "...It seems like things have progressed quite a bit. And for once, it's a decent plan," Uenohara murmured in a surprised tone. Oh, I'm glad that my independently constructed plan, based on my intuitive insights, is being praised. I might be leveling up a bit? "If we can get cooperation from that junior of yours and Shiozaki-senpai, the chances of persuasion will increase even more." "So, you're getting a positive response on your end too?" "......Well, sort of." For some reason, Uenohara hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Let me explain the situation step by step. First, regarding the relationship between the two seniors... It seems that Shiozaki-senpai was once influenced by Hinoharu-senpai and changed his own views." "He changed his views...?" "Yeah. Shiozaki-senpai used to be a complete traditionalist, believing that Kyou-Nishi should stick to its past traditions and continue doing things the way they've always been done." So, he's against unnecessary reforms and advocates for maintaining the status quo—a hardcore conservative. In other words, he's just like the other student council members who prefer to avoid rocking the boat. "But as he listened to Hinoharu-senpai's ideas, he realized that approach wasn't working, and he shifted towards actively changing the things he thought were wrong. However, he never expressed this change publicly." "Hmm, why not?" "Maybe he intended to make gradual changes from within. He's not the type to make flashy moves like Hinoharu-senpai." That approach suits his character better too, Uenohara added. I see... But still. "So, Shiozaki-senpai never intended to run for president in the first place, right? What made him suddenly decide to nominate himself?" "In his own words, it's to 'restore Hinoharu-senpai's sense of righteousness'" "Righteousness...?" "I think he wants to convey that it's not wrong to voice your own opinions strongly." —Ah, I see. In other words... "He wants to tell Hinoharu-senpai not to hold back, right?" "Probably." ... He's incredibly bad at expressing himself, seriously. He probably thinks that his words won't get through to Hinoharu-senpai, so he's taking this approach... But it's too roundabout. At least, with the current plan, it won't reach Hinoharu-senpai. To accurately convey his intent, we need a simpler "event." "Anyway, it's clear that he's dissatisfied with the current Hinoharu-senpai, and depending on our approach, he might be willing to cooperate." "Alright, then tomorrow, I'll contact Shiozaki-senpai myself. Depending on how that goes, we'll come up with a concrete 'Hinoharu Sachi persuasion event.'" "Okay, got it." Now... that leaves... "Also, when we try to persuade Hinoharu-senpai from now on... Since it will basically be a face-to-face interaction, I'd like you to come with me, Uenohara. I'd feel a bit anxious going alone." No matter how much we prepare a "script" in advance, there might be unexpected developments, and I'd feel more confident with Uenohara there. But then... "—Sorry. For the part where we directly talk to Hinoharu-senpai, I'd like to opt-out." "Huh...?" I never expected Uenohara to refuse a cooperation request regarding the "plan," and I froze with my mouth agape. "... Eh, why?" As soon as I rebooted, I asked her over the phone. It's rare for Uenohara to refuse to help with something related to the "plan." In fact, I think this might be the first time... Uenohara seemed hesitant to give a direct answer and merely said, "Well..." "I somehow feel that this time, it might be better if I'm not there. I want to minimize the risks." Risks...? I feel like having Uenohara there would reduce the risks much more... "Of course, I'll cooperate in other ways. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything." "Oh, okay..." Sensing that the conversation couldn't go any deeper, I replied noncommittally. "By the way, about that junior..." Uenohara quickly changed the subject, and the agenda moved on. ──Student council elections, three days left until the nomination deadline. * '──Thank you for your attention.' After hearing those words for what felt like the umpteenth time, I approached my target, Shiozaki-senpai. "Good work today, Senpai." "Oh, it's you again. Thanks." Senpai responded with the same stoic expression as always and began packing up the equipment. Well, time is ticking. Let's get straight to the point. "Erm, today I have a proposal for you, Senpai." "A proposal?" "Yes. Could you please take a look at this?" I said as I handed over the A4 print booklet I had hastily prepared after that incident. Senpai looked up at me with a puzzled expression and then silently read the title of the printout. Immediately afterward, he seemed to realize something and picked it up, flipping through the contents. "What's the meaning of this?" After a moment, Senpai looked up and asked. "Are you interested in this 'Guide to Convincing Hinoharu'?'' "—-" Without a word, Senpai tucked the printout under his arm, picked up the case containing the equipment, and stood up. "Can we talk while we pack up?" "Yes, of course." I nodded and followed as Senpai began walking. * The sound of the student council room door closing echoed behind us. It was nearing the end of lunch break, and the room was empty, with no sign of the student council member on duty. Shiozaki-senpai started speaking as he put the megaphone case away in the steel rack at the back of the room. "There are a lot of things I'm curious about... But let's just confirm the necessary points briefly." "Yes, go ahead." "You want Hinoharu to run for the position of student council president, right?" "Yes." "And you know that Hinoharu is stifling her true intentions." "Yes." "You want her to change, don't you?" "Yes." "In that case, I'll help if I can." Senpai turned around and nodded. Wow, that was a quick decision. I had prepared a persuasion scenario just in case, but it looks like I won't need it. "Thank you. I appreciate your prompt response." "The other day, I happened to meet your childhood friend, and we had a little chat... Was that what prompted this?" Oh, I see. Uenohara had already laid the groundwork by planting a "foreshadowing" in advance... As expected of my brilliant accomplice. I nodded and continued. "Yes, that's right. I heard that you're also dissatisfied with Hinoharu's current situation, so I thought maybe we could work together." "I see..." Senpai slowly made his way back to the center of the room and stopped at what seemed to be his usual spot. "I never thought there would be someone else who also found her current self undesirable..." "...So we're in the minority after all?" "As I said." So, it's just the two of us, huh? I shrugged. "Despite the reputation of the Kyou-Nishi Student Council for being active, it seems like that's not the case internally..." "It's not just recently. Being an established school also means that it's harder to make changes. Many people worry that they might ruin the traditions if they do something unnecessary." "I used to be like that," Shiozaki-senpai said gravely. "Hinoharu always had her own ideals and was dedicated to making them a reality. And her ideals were always reasonable and just." But, Senpai continued. "There's no denying that her overly aggressive approach has made her stand out in a bad way. Eventually, she had to adapt to the pace of those around her." As Senpai spoke, he suddenly opened a drawer of his desk. "If Hinoharu is content with who she is now, then that's fine. But—" He took out a piece of paper and held it out to me. "What's this?" "It was thrown away in the trash. All documents are supposed to be shredded, but I retrieved it when I noticed it." I took the paper he handed me and looked at it. There, it read— 'Student Council Election: Application for Candidacy for President, Hinoharu Sachi, Class 2-1.' —a clear indication of Senpai's true intentions. "There's no way Hinoharu wouldn't know about the disposal rule. So I figured she wanted someone to notice this, and that's why she didn't shred it," he said. "...Is that so?" Senpai... So, she did want to run for president after all. As I looked at the pristine application form, I grit my teeth. "I could have shown her the application form and encouraged her to run, but... I didn't think that would make a difference," he said. "Or rather, I only realized it at that moment." "...? Why?" "Because nothing would change. She would still be isolated." —Ah. So that's why... "What I learned from her is how to stand by my beliefs. It's about having the strength to strive for the best without fearing change. And since no one else could do that, she didn't bother to conform," he continued. His words were as expressionless as always, but I could feel the passion behind them. "For Hinoharu Sachi, what she truly needed was someone who shared her strong ideals and could engage in equal debates. That's why I decided to step forward." —Shiozaki-senpai. You're standing on the same stage as Hinoharu-senpai, intending to become her worthy "rival," aren't you? Although he was brief in his words, Shiozaki-senpai's actions, driven by his genuine care for Hinoharu-senpai, earned my heartfelt respect. —However. Shiozaki-senpai bowed his head slightly and spoke with a hint of regret. "...Even though I say such grand things, it seems she doesn't understand my intentions at all. From the beginning, she never expected anything from me. I took too long to solidify my own stance." Then, he tightly clenched his fist. —I won't let that happen. "That's why I'm here, Shiozaki-senpai." "Hm...?" I took a step forward and looked him straight in the eye. "How about we use your story and the specific 'past episodes' related to it?" "What do you mean?" After considering the meaning of my words, Senpai asked, puzzled by my intention. So I shared with him the outline of the 'event' I had in mind. After hearing me out, Senpai said, "Hmm," and then spoke. "Do you think that will really work? It's a win-win situation for me, but..." "I think it could be a key factor. Well, you'll have to endure some embarrassment, but..." "I don't mind. Once I decided to run for president, I was prepared to face any embarrassment." Senpai nodded firmly, and his strength was reassuring. "Besides, if Hinoharu trusts you enough to let you handle her work, then you must be reliable. I trust you." "Thank you very much." I scratched my cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed by the compliment, and averted my gaze. Anyway, the negotiation was a success. We made a few adjustments for the future, and Shiozaki-senpai agreed. —Well, I guess I should head back now. As I was about to leave the student council room after our conversation, "By the way, what's your relationship with her?" Senpai suddenly asked with a stern face. "Could it be, a romantic relationship?" Wha-what? It's hard to know how to respond when Shiozaki-senpai says something like that, especially with his tone, which could be either a joke or serious. I waved my hands in denial. "No, it's not like that." "So, are you two old friends? You seem to care a lot about each other, so it's not just a simple senpai-kohai relationship, right?" "Well, let me see..." I thought for a moment before answering. "...Honestly, when you say 'relationship,' I don't really know. It's kind of in a state of limbo." "Hmm...?" "But, if you're asking about the kind of relationship I want to have with that person..." Suddenly, the smile she had during the festival flashed across my mind. "The kind where we can laugh and have fun together - a 'couple-like relationship,' I guess." I answered with a slight grin, lifting the corners of my mouth. At that, Senpai's usually stiff eyebrows furrowed dramatically. "...You're quite the charmer, aren't you? It's embarrassing just listening to you." "I think you're just as bad, Senpai... Besides, this is just the beginning. I can be a lot more cheesy." After all, isn't this the kind of cool, cheesy line that the protagonist of a romantic comedy would casually throw out? —Two days left until the student council election nomination deadline. * Creating the "event scenario," handling various administrative procedures, coordinating schedules, pulling strings behind the scenes to ensure a smooth process, and practicing for the main event... We made full use of the remaining time to complete all the preparations. And then, the day of the student council election nomination deadline arrived. "Alright, let's do the final confirmation of the 'Hinoharu persuasion event'!" In the morning, just before the homeroom class started, Uenohara and I gathered at "Point B" to have our final discussion. "For this event, we'll be using the 'two keys' necessary for persuasion: the 'rival key' from Shiozaki-senpai and the 'ideal key' from Otsuki-san." Due to various schedule conflicts, we had to ask for Shiozaki-senpai's cooperation during lunch break and Otsuki-san's after school. Ideally, we would have wanted to approach them simultaneously, but we had no choice in this matter. "First, the 'rival key.' This will be used to shatter Hinoharu-senpai's belief that 'no one wants the real me.'" On that festival day, Senpai had said, "No matter what I say, no one will think it's good or bad." "No one wants me to do anything." So, we will have Shiozaki-senpai refute that. We will show that there are people who have been influenced by Hinoharu-senpai's way of doing things, her very existence, and who are currently competing and exchanging words with her as "rivals," wanting the real her. "Next, the 'ideal key.' This will provide an answer to 'the ideal way to be' for Senpai." The former Senpai simply sought happiness. Otsuki-san, who was impressed by Senpai's way of thinking, acted on her beliefs, and as a result, she is now recognized and accepted. We will demonstrate that here. "By presenting these two keys as the solution to Senpai's problems, we will once again encourage her to run for the student council president position. Are there any issues with this plan?" "None. It's okay." Uenohara, who had been listening silently, nodded. "Alright, then I'll leave the lunch break part to you. Just make sure the volume doesn't get too loud." "Got it. Be careful of any irregularities on your end." After Uenohara made sure to emphasize that more than usual, we left "Point B." —Phew. I'm glad we made it in time. I hadn't intended to cut it this close, but the coordination with the various parties involved had been more difficult than expected. Honestly, I wish they wouldn't try to reject everything without even considering it just because there's no precedent. As I thought about this and was about to enter the classroom— "Hey, Nagasaka-kun." "Oh, Kiyosato-san. Good morning." Just then, Kiyosato-san happened to be leaving the room. Kiyosato-san smiled and returned the greeting, but her face soon clouded over. "Today's the deadline for the student council election nominations, right? Have you heard anything about what Sachi-senpai plans to do?" Hmm... So Kiyosato-san has also been worried about this. "The announcement hasn't changed... I wonder if she's not going to run after all." Kiyosato-san looked worried, so I decided to leak a little inside information. "It depends on today, I guess. There could be a little event at lunch, too." "Huh? What's happening?" "Something like a speech... I guess?" I deliberately kept my explanation vague. It's not like there would be a problem if I told her the details... I just felt like it. Kiyosato-san twisted her head, looking puzzled, and then suddenly muttered thoughtfully, "No matter how Senpai decides, I've done everything I can... I think." "Huh?" Wait, could it be that Kiyosato-san was also making moves on her own? "Did you happen to talk to Hinoharu-senpai?" "Ah, no. Sachi-senpai seemed busy, so I haven't been able to talk to her directly." Hmm, I was wrong. "But you know, when I talked to various people, I thought it was a bit troubling that no one was thinking about the student council or the election at all. So I've been telling people that they should think about it more seriously." Kiyosato-san furrowed her brows, a rare look of displeasure on her face. Wow, as expected of Kiyosato-san. Even though it won't directly affect the persuasion, it will be a great help for our senpais in the future. "If Senpai decides to run for president... I want as many people as possible to listen, so I thought it wouldn't be good if everyone was indifferent when that time comes." "Yeah, I think that's right." I nodded deeply. A move at lunchtime--. It's a good opportunity, I hope the passion reaches all the students properly. * —And lunchtime. In the student council room. "So, that's why I'm asking for your help on a day off." Before the "event," I had conveyed Otsuki-san's request to Senpai. The music festival pre-rehearsal is unrelated to this event, but it's a good excuse to call Senpai. By the way, there should be someone else on duty, but I had already bribed them to have an emergency beforehand, so the room was empty except for Hinoharu-senpai. It's natural to keep outsiders away when you need to focus on the "event." "Oh, I see..." Senpai nodded, gazing blankly at the computer screen. But she only nodded, and the answer I wanted never came. "So, what do you think? Do you have any other plans?" "Ah... no, I don't have any plans. Please tell them I'll be happy to go." Senpai came to her senses with a start and laughed as she agreed, but she still seemed a bit awkward. Her heart didn't seem to be in it. ...I wonder if doubts have arisen due to the approaching candidacy deadline. I checked the time while hoping that was the case. It was exactly halfway through lunchtime. It's almost time to start the "event." I guess I'll start preparing. "But it's hot today. So hot." I appealed by flapping the front of my dress shirt. "Can I open the window? The wind felt nice earlier." "Ah, if you want, I can adjust the air conditioner--" "No, no, let's save energy. Let's enjoy the natural breeze." I quickly approached the window, unlocked it with a click, and threw it open. As the dry wind blew into the room, the volume of the noisy sounds from the school building increased. —Okay, perfect. "Nagasaka-kun, you don't have to open it all the way--" Senpai's bewildered voice was immediately drowned out by the loud volume. 『Gag... Um, Kyounishi students, I apologize for interrupting your lunch break. I am Shiozaki Daiki, a second-year student in Class 5, and I am running for student council president.』 —The volume is good, no crackling. Perfect! A flawless school-wide broadcast! "Huh? A street corner speech...? Over the school broadcast?" In the corner of my eye, Hinoharu-senpai raised her face in surprise. There's no precedent for making a speech using the school's public address system, so it's understandable that she's shocked. "Today, I have something I want to tell all of you, and I'm borrowing this opportunity to do so. I would be happy if you could accompany me for a while." His smooth pronunciation and easy-to-understand accent. The usually calm-sounding Shiozaki-senpai's voice slipped smoothly into their ears with a slight change in intonation. "Yup, perfect. The results of our practice are showing. 'Accomplice Uenohara's' guidance is truly accurate." I never thought that just because we didn't have a practice space, I'd end up going karaoke with Shiozaki-senpai... "The reason I'm running for president is solely for everyone's bright future." "Senpai, have you ever heard Shiozaki-senpai's speech before?" During a pause in his speech, I asked such a question. "Well, just a little." Hinoharu-senpai turned away from me and mumbled a complex response. It seemed like she had mixed feelings about it. "Is that so? Then it's good timing." I laughed. "Today's speech is the real deal." And then... "That being said... that might have been a slight exaggeration." The speech, which had started as usual, took a different turn there. Now then. Let's begin the "Hinoharu Sachi Persuasion Event" ─ the first phase. "The main reason I'm running for president is... I wanted to be like someone who taught me how to envision a bright future because I was taught how to envision a bright future by someone." The unexpected turn of events seemed to change the color of the school's bustling noise. ─ A street corner speech in the courtyard every day. Starting with the cliché lines that everyone must be tired of hearing, only to immediately deny them and thus capture the audience's interest. "I used to think that preserving the traditions of Kyougoku Nishi was the top priority. With a history of over 150 years since its founding, the prefecture's top advancement rate, and a variety of school events such as the school festival─ it's a charming school with so much to offer. I thought that the most important thing was to preserve it as it is without changing it too much." And what's most important is his own "past episode." To get to know a stranger, it's most impressive to share such a story. "Then I joined the student council and worked hard to execute the same policies, allocate the same budget, and hold the same events as before." Shiozaki-senpai continued, carefully crafting each word. "But... at that time, someone told me, 'Preserving tradition and not changing are two different things. That's just laziness.'" "...Ah." Hinoharu-senpai suddenly widened her eyes as if she had realized something. ...She figured out who that person was. "I, who had believed I was dedicating myself to student council activities, got angry and argued, 'It's not like we should change everything.' But that person replied, 'If you don't try to change, it will never get better.'" Hinoharu-senpai averted her eyes and restlessly clasped her hands. ─ Good job, Shiozaki-senpai. Your words are getting through. "Then I realized something. I had indeed given my all to preserve the tradition, but I had never once thought about creating something that would surpass it." A gust of wind blew in, rustling the curtains. "And the way that person always looked forward and worked towards a brighter future─ it was so strong and dazzling. I envied them and deeply admired them from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to become like them." Hearing those words, Hinoharu-senpai bit her lip and looked down. "After that, I thought about what Kyougoku Nishi meant to me and what tradition meant to me. And to make that tradition something I could be even prouder of... that's the answer I found, and that's my campaign promise." The school broadcast continued. "As you all know, I am a boring person. I'm a dull and inconspicuous guy who wouldn't even bother to listen to a speech." "..." "But I believe that my desire to make this school a better place and my determination to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal are the strongest among the 954 students in this school. Even more so than the person who taught me how to envision a bright future." "............" "If there's anyone who disagrees with my opinion or believes they can create a better future, let's fight it out fairly in the election. I won't run or hide, and I'll never compromise by trying to deceive anyone. I'll face it head-on." "............!" "That's all I have to say. Thank you for your attention." After a brief moment of silence as if bowing towards the microphone, the power was cut with a 'click.' The noisy commotion in the school, which had momentarily quieted down, gradually resumed its volume. "Nagasaka, was all of this...your doing?" "No, no, I didn't do anything major. I just helped ensure Shiozaki-senpai's feelings were conveyed correctly." —This was the entirety of the "Hinoharu Convincing Event," Phase 1. The content of this speech was based on the "past episode" between Shiozaki-senpai and Hinoharu-senpai, with Uenohara creating the initial draft, which I then embellished using my knowledge of romantic comedies to make it more impactful. While conveying Shiozaki-senpai's passionate feelings to the students who had previously ignored the election, it also conveyed the fact that there was someone who acknowledged and accepted the former Hinoharu-senpai. I took a step forward towards Hinoharu-senpai. She looked up at me but quickly averted her gaze. "You said it yourself before, senpai. No one wants the real you, right?" "Tha-that..." "There's someone over there who does. Can you still say the same thing now?" "......" Senpai kept her head down. "Moreover, Shiozaki-senpai...he even prepared a place for you to express your opinions freely. A place where you can compete without hesitation about what's most important to you. That's why he ran for president, even though he said he wasn't charismatic or eloquent." "............" "It's right within your reach. Do you still not intend to reach out for it?" I put my hand in my pocket and tightly gripped the nomination form that Shiozaki-senpai had entrusted to me. Hinoharu-senpai, who had remained silent for a long time, finally spoke up. "I'm sorry, but...I still don't want to cause trouble for everyone else." —She rejected me, using everyone else as an excuse. —It seems that this alone isn't enough to reach her. I sighed quietly so that senpai wouldn't hear, then took my hand out of my pocket. "Senpai, do you have some time after school today?" "......" "I'm sure you'll understand then. What the best course of action is for you." Senpai remained silent, her head still bowed. Her uncharacteristic indecisiveness was frustrating me. "At the very least, it's not something you should decide based on what others might think. Because, Senpai...are you truly happy right now?" "Ah...!" —No, wait. Calm down. It won't do any good to say more here. I suppressed my impatience and turned back towards the entrance. "I'll come to the student council room after school to pick you up. Please wait for me." With those final words, I left the student council room. —Up to here, everything is going according to plan. It's okay; the message has definitely gotten through to Hinoharu-senpai. All that's left is to show her the solution to the remaining problem. Then, she'll have no reason left to stubbornly refuse her nomination. I took out my smartphone and sent a message to everyone involved: 'Proceeding as planned.' Then, step by step, I began to walk, as if imprinting my presence on the floor. —However. This "event" had a fatal flaw. And I was completely oblivious to it.
Side Story: All Alone I've always loved having fun since I was little. Trying new things is exciting, accomplishing difficult tasks is exhilarating, and doing something a little dangerous is thrilling. I especially loved the shopping district festivals, which were full of fun and excitement. I would get so worked up about them that I couldn't sleep at night this time of year. At home, my parents would nag me with "don't do this" and "don't do that," so it was truly enjoyable to come up with ideas for a festival that everyone could participate in and build it together. —And then, I found the same kind of fun. At my grandfather's urging, I visited the Kyounishi School Festival, where I discovered a huge mural made of milk cartons, makeshift stalls created by arranging desks, a haunted house made of cardboard in the classroom, and a stage performance that got everyone in the venue fired up... I realized that a familiar place, a school that was supposed to be for studying, could become such a dazzling and enjoyable place. It was here at Kyounishi that I learned this for the first time. —I want to make my school a fun place, just like this. If I can have fun every day at school, it would be like making the whole world enjoyable. Just thinking about pursuing and realizing this ideal gave me goosebumps. That's why I— Determined to do my best to make it happen. 'Satchan, you're amazing!' 'PE is so much fun!' 'I won't lose next time!' —In elementary school. Everyone was excited and on board with my idea to make lessons more enjoyable. Of course, it was incredibly fun, every day was the best, and I wished that time could last forever. 'Sachi, this is crazy! You're going to convince that teacher?!' 'Things are heating up now!' 'My cousin works at a music store, so I can ask them for help!' 'Are you serious?! This is going to go down in history, isn't it?!' —In middle school. I fought to transform the utterly boring school events. Sometimes I was gossiped about, and the teachers gave me disapproving looks, but the events we created were truly enjoyable, and everyone was extremely satisfied. —And then, I entered the long-admired Kyounishi High School. With even more freedom than in middle school, I was determined to make this school even more enjoyable, to the point where its history of festivals would pale in comparison. I immediately joined the student council and started working on reforms, coming up with new ideas day and night without sparing any sleep. ...But then, one day. A friend with whom I had worked on the music festival in middle school said this: 'Sachi, maybe you should act a little more mature.' —Huh? What do you mean? 'Well, you're in high school now. I think it's time to tone down that childish enthusiasm...' —Childish? 'Doing whatever you want without any restraint might be... well, kind of uncool.' —Uncool... maybe? 'There's also the university entrance exams to consider. You can't just focus on having fun all the time.' —But, isn't it definitely going to be more fun this way? If it's more fun, shouldn't we do it? '...Well, if that's what you want, Sachi. But I think you should pay more attention to those around you.' —Hearing that, I realized for the first time. That everyone around me— No longer wanted the kind of 'fun' I was seeking. —That's right, that was it. Up until now, I could do as I pleased because everyone accepted it. I could have fun because everyone joined in. But from now on. The more I seek fun, the more I'll drift away from others. The more I want to enjoy myself, the lonelier I'll become. ...Ah, that's right. That's why I—
Chapter 4: Who Decided That a Key Will Always Open a Door? "──Hello?" "You doing okay? Is everything going according to plan?" As the chime signaling the end of cleaning echoed, I called Uenohara. 'Yeah, I’m heading to the main entrance now. So, should I guide Otsuki-san?' "Yeah, tell her to wait at Point E. I’ll head there as soon as I meet up with Hinohara-senpai." 'Roger that.' After a brief exchange, we hung up, and I slung my backpack over my shoulder and left the classroom. According to the information I had gathered beforehand, Hinoharu-senpai's cleaning duty was off on Fridays. She should have already left the classroom, and if I headed to the student council room now, we would likely meet up soon. I quickly descended the stairs and walked towards the arts building. Just as I was about to cross the corridor leading to the student council room— "Shiozaki-senpai...?" For some reason, I saw him running towards me from the direction of the bicycle parking lot. —What's going on? Why does he look so flustered? As soon as he noticed me in front of the gymnasium, Senpai rushed over to me. "Senpai, what's—" "Nagasaka, thank goodness I found you." I was interrupted mid-sentence and took a step back, startled. W-What's going on? It's not like Shiozaki-senpai to be in such a panic. I looked down and saw that he was still wearing his indoor shoes. The fact that the usually diligent Senpai had gone outside with his indoor shoes on only added to the seriousness of the situation, and an unpleasant feeling began to well up inside me. And then— "—Hinoharu's moped is gone." —What? "She's usually the first one to head to the student council room, but she wasn't there today. I found it strange, so I took a look at the bicycle parking lot..." I felt the blood drain from my face. —No way... Did she... go home...? "Ah!" I ran towards the bicycle parking lot and looked around frantically. Sure enough, Hinoharu-senpai's moped was nowhere to be seen. —This is bad... This is really bad! If she's not here, we can't proceed with the "event"! I clenched my fist and punched the nearby iron pillar in frustration. Damn it! Why didn't I consider this possibility!? Did I underestimate the situation because I knew her true feelings?! Regardless, I need to hurry and go after her! I turned around and looked at the distant clock tower. It was exactly 4:00 pm. I had two hours until the deadline at 6:00 pm. I knew where she lived. If I rode my bike as fast as I could, I could make it there in 20... no, 15 minutes. If I could bring her back, we would still have time. Damn, I should've come by bike too...! W-Wait, calm down. First of all, do we even know if she went home? Maybe she just temporarily left the school premises... And even if she did leave, what if she didn't go home but went somewhere else...? Just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine. —She has a moped. Her range of movement covers the entire city of Kyougoku, literally anywhere... Without any solid information, it would be impossible to find her. And if I made the wrong decision... It would be game over. ...This is bad. This is really, really bad—! "—Kouhei, Kouhei!" "Got it. I just have Maisagi Castle left on my end," I said. "Okay. In that case, I'll have Otsuki-san head over there now," Uenohara replied. "Hmm... no, you're right. That might be better at this point." There's no time to spare to go back to school now. As soon as we find Senpai, we'll initiate Phase 2 of the "Event" on the spot and be ready to respond immediately. "Should I meet up with Otsuki-san first?" "No, we're short on time. I'll go ahead and circle around the area. Have Otsuki-san standby at the south entrance. It's the most likely spot she'll use and has a good view, so she'll definitely notice if Senpai passes by." "Got it, I'll let her know." I hung up the phone and immediately set off. The grounds of Maisagi Castle Park are vast. On top of that, it's surrounded by moats and train tracks, with overpasses crisscrossing, so it looks like it'll take more time than I imagined to cover all the potential locations. I made my way through the shopping district arcade and checked the first parking lot near the moat—but it was a miss. Next, I continued north along the stone wall—another miss. Turning left before the railroad crossing, I headed west and then south. I carefully checked each location, including the small spaces along the roadside, making sure not to miss anything. From time to time, I glanced into the park, searching for any signs of a person among the white walls bathed in the light of the setting sun. And then... After checking all the possible locations... I finally arrived at the south entrance. "Haa, haa, this can't be..." I leaned against the handlebar, breathless. The moped was nowhere to be found. Could it be... that she wasn't here either? The only other places I could think of nearby were the station building at Kyougoku Station or the prefectural library at the north entrance. But Senpai didn't frequent those places much. Was it really a lost cause? Was it too naive to think that we could find her so easily? As I had that thought, the feeling of my chest being tightly squeezed returned. "Hey, Nagasaka-kun!" Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name from a distance. I looked up and saw a girl in a sailor uniform waving at me from the park entrance, across the bridge over the moat. Otsuki-san... That's right, we were supposed to meet here. I got off my bike and ran towards her. "Senpai! Are you okay? Your back is drenched!" "I'm fine, really... I've been staying hydrated." Saying so, I took the sports drink from the front basket of my bike and chugged it down. "Ah, Senpai! Look at this!" "Hmm?" Otsuki-san showed me her phone. I tossed the empty bottle into the basket and focused on the screen. "I checked the management office over there, and... this is Sachi-senpai's moped, right?" Moped, license plate number 1583—ah! "So that's it! She parked it inside the park!" I slapped my forehead. It was a blind spot. I had thought there were only parking lots in the surrounding areas, but there was a small space next to the management office! "You found it?" "Yes! I just got here!" Alright, that meant she was definitely inside the park...! I quickly looked at my watch. It was 5:30 pm. Damn, I had used up more time than I thought! Could we search the entire park in the remaining 30 minutes...?! No, that wasn't all; we also had to persuade her, so we couldn't afford to take it easy! "What should we do now? Should we split up—?" "Wait, Otsuki-san, stay by the moped! Now that we've come this far, I don't want to miss each other!" "Oh, right...! Got it! I'll stop her if I see her and contact you right away!" "Thanks! I'll do the same if I find her!" Wiping the sweat from my neck with the back of my hand, I left my bike behind and started running. * I sprinted around the park grounds, searching for Senpai's silhouette. "Haah, haah, why do castles have to have so much elevation...!" It wasn't just the elevation that was a problem; there were too many nooks and crannies, making it extremely tiring to search thoroughly without missing any spots. However, this narrowed down the possible locations to just two. The highest point, the Tenshudai, or the less popular Shaohibi (memorial monument). But the former was blocked off at the entrance by colored cones due to ongoing restoration work on the stone walls. It was unlikely that a rule-abiding Senpai like her would go there. That left Shaohibi, but it was quite a distance from my current location, and it would take some time to get there. I had less than ten minutes left. I could only afford to go to one of the locations now. I took a moment to catch my breath, desperately trying to oxygenate my brain. Think, think, think— Where would she be? Which place would she choose? After much thought and hesitation, I finally made my decision. The place I decided on was— * "Finally, I found you...!" —At the highest point of Maisagi Castle Park. A forbidden area, the Tenshudai offered a panoramic view of Kyougoku City. "Na, Nagasaka-kun...!?" There, in one corner, stood Senpai. "Damn it, why do you have to break the rules only at times like this...!" "Wh-why are you here...?" I panted heavily, my eyes darting between a confused Hinoharu-senpai and the breathtaking view. —In the end, I trusted the information I had gathered. This place held childhood memories for Hinoharu-senpai; it was where she had played as a child and attempted the reckless act of climbing the stone walls. Yes— For Senpai, this place was a reminder of a time when she had innocently enjoyed her days. "Haah..." I took a moment to catch my breath and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I needed to inform Otsuki-san of Senpai's whereabouts. But... it was probably too late now. I had to convince her with my own words. "Senpai..." Senpai, who had a perplexed look on her face, suddenly turned away, leaning against the railing behind her. The setting sun, sinking behind the distant mountains, illuminated her profile. "Let's stop this already, this running away." "I'm not running away or anything." "How long do you plan to keep lying to yourself...? Look, I even prepared this." As I spoke, I showed her the photo of her candidacy form on my phone. "—! Wh-why do you have that...?" "Shiozaki-senpai found it. It was thrown away in the trash." "..." "You were planning to do it all along, weren't you? And you even went as far as throwing it in the trash on purpose, doing something so cliché..." "......" "You actually wanted them to notice your true feelings, right, Senpai?" Senpai lowered her head and murmured, "... Anyway, it's too late now. There's no going back." "Uenohara is on standby. With just one message, she can submit this for you." "Th-That would be election fraud! It's against the rules for an unrelated person to submit it on your behalf!" "It's not against the rules for the nominee themselves to submit it." "Ah..." Senpai covered her mouth with her hand and bit her lip. ...I'm glad senpai left the nominee field blank. As long as Uenohara's name is written there, there's no way it can be invalidated. "All that's left is for you to say 'I will do it.'" "Why... why go this far... why...?" "I told you. I want you to show me what you think is the best school life." "......" "No, more than that." I scratched my head, then looked straight into senpai's eyes, shimmering in glow of the evening sunset. "I just... I just want you to smile happily, Senpai." "...!" "I want you to smile innocently, like you did at the festival. Because that was when you seemed the most like yourself, Senpai, and it was incredibly charming." "... Uu..." "So I don't want you to hold back. I don't want you to give up on what's best for you." "............Uu." "So please. Become the student council president and show me your ideal self!" ──Hearing those heartfelt words of mine. Hinoharu-senpai──. "It's impossible. It's just impossible...!" She took back the words that were about to come out. Biting her lip in frustration— She gave up on her own "happy ending." "Senpai!" "No matter how much you say it, the impossible is impossible! I can't just do as I please! There's no point in being someone everyone can't accept!" Senpai covered her ears with her hands and shook her head as she shouted. "No, that's not it! What matters first is what you want to do! And then, on that basis, make yourself accepted..." "That's impossible! It didn't work that way!" Damn it, even if I say it...! Only Otsuki-san's words and the ideal image she created can reach Senpai! "I don't like it! Because, because, that—!" Senpai crumpled her face. She showed me, for the first time, A painful, sad expression. A lonely, childlike face— "Something like that is scary! Playing around like it's make-believe, all by myself, isn't fun at all!" ──Letting her emotions explode. Senpai breaks away from me and starts running. Her running form is unsteady, and she barely manages to keep her footing on the stairs as she struggles forward. I could easily catch up to her if I wanted to. I could easily stop her if I wanted to. But I didn't do either of those things. ──Because it's already 6:00 PM. With this, the possibility of "Student Council President Heroine" Hinoharu Sachi being born── has completely vanished.
Backstage: All Alone? "──Kouhei." Haa. I finally reached the Tenshudai, breathless. The sun had set, and the place was pitch-dark. Kouhei was there alone, looking forlorn. "......Uenohara. Sorry about that, making you wait despite everything." Kouhei replied without turning around, his elbow resting on the railing. "......It's fine." "I sent Otsuki-san home. In the end, we didn't make it." "......I see." I figured as much since I didn't get any response, but... so it really was a failure. My heart was still pounding wildly, and I felt annoyed at it as I opened my mouth. "So then......what are you going to do from here?" "......" Kouhei didn't answer. "Hey." "......" The figure of him absentmindedly gazing into the distance lacked his usual vigor. His hunched back looked surprisingly small. He was nothing like the overly confident Kouhei who always walked with his chest puffed out. "You're not just going to do nothing, are you?" "......" "Kouhei..." "......" Kouhei still didn't respond. My breath remained shallow. ──What if... The words that came out of his mouth next were not what I wanted to hear? Just thinking about it made my chest tighten. ──In times like these. I, as Kouhei's "accomplice"... I, as Kouhei's "childhood friend"... What should I do... that would be the best course of action? "......" I think. I think, and think, and think. Seeing that back, hunched over as if all alone—. I decided. "Huh...?" Softly. On that back. I place both of my hands. "U-Uenohara...?" I feel Kouhei's body temperature in the palms of my hands. Now that I'm touching him directly like this... he feels even more unreliable than I thought. "Kouhei." "W-what is it...?" That's why, I. Decided to convey this to him. "—If you need help, I'll be here to give you a push." That's the best thing. That's what either version of me can do, I thought. —... —... "—I see. That's right." Kouhei's voice resonates in my palms. "I wasn't alone. And I'm not alone now, either... that's why I can be myself." And then, those words. They slowly spread from my hands, resonating throughout my body. "......Sorry. No, thank you, Uenohara. For coming all the way here." "Mhm." ... Yeah. I guess he's okay now. I take my hands off him and stand next to him, leaning against the railing. A little bit of warmth still lingered on my palms. ... Wait. Now that I think about it, was I sweating? In the first place, my heart rate was erratic and my breathing wasn't calm just from running this short distance. My physical fitness is just too pathetic. As I thought about this pointless physical weakness, Kouhei let out a deep sigh. "I won't give up just because of a failure like this—the protagonist never gives up!" Those words were already completely back to normal. They were the words of the big idiot I knew. "Senpai won't be saved if things stay like that. Nothing good comes from only looking at others and neglecting yourself." "......" "That's why I won't accept this reality. If reality won't give me a happy ending..." "—I'll change reality into a happy ending!" As I stood by his side, I stole his line, and Kouhei snorted before holding out his right hand towards me. "Sorry, but will you put up with me again, 'accomplice'?" "......Well, after all, that's the 'accomplice's' role, right?" And then, I— Slapped my right hand against his right hand, making a loud pan sound.
Spin-off: Fun Ideal ──Ever since that day, when I fled from Maisagi Castle Park. I had been spending my holidays listlessly and gloomily at home. Usually, I would go to the student council room on Saturdays, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I just lazed around at home, watching videos and playing games. When I was playing, things were fine. I could forget everything. But occasionally, the thought would creep into my mind: "I can’t become Kyou-Nishi's student council president anymore." And that thought would plunge me into a deep, dark mood. That repeated cycle went on until I realized the date had changed, and now, today was the day of the pre-rehearsal. I have to go since I promised... but. What good would it do for me to go? The me from back then is no longer here. I can't be like that again, ever. What's the point of putting on a Senpai act now, when I turned my back on my ideals and ran away from myself...? ──Ding-dong. Startled by the sudden chime, my body jumped. W-what was that...? Could it be a delivery? My parents aren't home right now because of work. I have to answer the door. Dragging my heavy feet, I made my way to the intercom. On the monitor──. Huh? "H-hello?" "Ah, um! I'm sorry to bother you out of the blue! I'm Otsuki Miki from Higashi Middle School!" A high-pitched, cute voice reverberated through the speaker. ──W-why? Why is a student from Higashi Middle School at my house?! Confused, I squinted at the monitor. The girl, wearing a nostalgic uniform, wasn't someone I knew. At the very least, she hadn't been in the student council when I was there. ──Wait, but. I feel like I've seen her somewhere before...? 'Is that... Sachi-senpai, by any chance?' "Y-yes, it's me..." 'I-I'm sorry! I'm fully aware that I'm being rude by showing up suddenly like this... but I've come to pick you up!' She seemed nervous, her expression stiff, and her way of speaking was a little strange. "Ah, um, y-yes, thank you for coming all this way..." I was still confused, and I ended up responding just as strangely. 'Umm... so, will you be coming today...?' "Ah, sorry! I'll be right there, just wait a moment!" I hurriedly replied, then turned off the intercom. Let's see, what should I wear...? I guess my uniform will do. But I haven't even done my hair or──. Anyway, it's not good to keep her waiting outside, so I'll ask her to wait inside! With that decision made, I rushed towards the entrance. Turning the doorknob──. "Good afternoon, Senpai! I'm Otsuki Miki, the current student council president!" "Ah, good afternoon! I'm... Hinoharu!" She bowed energetically, and I followed suit. The girl – Otsuki-chan – looked up with a bounce, revealing short hair with a bounce at the ends and round eyes. She was a petite girl. "Nice to meet you! Thank you so much for today!" "N-nice to meet you too──" ......And then. The hair clip on the side of her head caught my eye, and my memory clicked into place. "──We've met before, right? I think we talked in front of the staff room once." "Eh? Y-you remember me?!" Otsuki-chan covered her mouth with her hand in surprise. But──. "You cut your hair. It used to be really long, didn't it?" "Y-yes! To be honest, I always thought it was a hassle, so I cut it!" Her straightforward reply made me burst out laughing. She's such an energetic and cheerful girl. "I see, I see. Well, as you can see, I'm not quite ready yet... Just give me a moment to change, and please wait inside?" "N-no, please don't worry about me!" "No one's around right now, so feel free to come in." "B-but, um, I didn't bring any souvenirs or anything—" "Don't worry about that at all. Standing around here hesitating is a waste of time!" "...Alright then, I'll take you up on your offer! Excuse me!" With those words, Otsuki-chan confidently stepped through the entrance. Haha, she's really bold, isn't she? As I guided her to the living room, a thought crossed my mind. Back in the day… she used to be a bit more timid, I think. "...Otsuki-chan, you joined the student council partway through, right? But becoming president is impressive." "Ah, yes! I wanted to be like Sachi-senpai, so I joined the student council!" ──Her sudden words pierced my chest like a sharp pain. "I see..." "Yes! And now, I want to make the Music Festival even more fun! I'm doing whatever I can to help out!" "...I see." Unable to withstand her earnest gaze, I ended up looking away. ──It's no good to admire someone like me. Even if she aims to be like I once was, it's only going to lead to a lonely future where everyone shuns her. If that's the case, then before that happens, I should— "I'm really grateful to you, Senpai! If I hadn't had that conversation with you back then and kept holding myself back, I'm sure things wouldn't have turned out this way!" "...Holding back?" "Ah, actually, there was a time when I thought I needed to read the room and restrain myself. But I decided to be like you, Senpai, and stopped doing that, and everything started going well!" "...Huh?" She stopped reading the room, and things started going well...? "Alright, I'll wait here! There's still some time, so take your time getting ready!" "Ah, o-okay..." Overwhelmed by her enthusiasm, I left the living room. Half-dazed, I tried to process my thoughts. ──That girl. She became like I used to be... and succeeded?
Chapter 5: Who Decided That the Student Council Is Just the Student Council? "Test, test, mic test." The sound of the microphone reverberated through the gymnasium of Kyougoku Higashi Middle School. I sat on one of the folding chairs lined up near the entrance and let out a big yawn. But thankfully, it wasn't too hot today. As long as the doors on all four sides were open, the heat was bearable, and it wasn't the kind of temperature that would make me break into a sweat just by sitting here. I enjoyed the occasional breeze as I looked forward. Today's preliminary rehearsal was mainly to check how much stage performance the existing lighting and sound equipment could withstand and to see if any other equipment was needed. So, there were no decorations on the stage, just the lectern had been moved aside. On the stage, people who seemed to be student council members were bustling about, carrying cables and amps back and forth. At the edge of the gymnasium, there were several girls who didn't seem to be related to the student council, huddled together and chattering excitedly. Some of them looked like people I'd seen at live houses, so they were probably friends of Otsuki-san. They might have come here out of curiosity after hearing today's rumor. By the way, Otsuki-san, who was in charge of today's event, was not yet present. "Senpai, would you like some tea?" "Ah, thank you so much." A first-year student, who seemed to be from the student council, brought me a paper cup of tea. He's got it together. I'm only here because I was invited, and frankly, I don't think there's anything useful I can contribute right now. As I thought about this while moistening my throat, the boy seemed a bit fidgety as he also offered a cup to Uenohara, who was sitting next to me. "Um, Uenohara-senpai, please have this too!" "Thanks," Uenohara replied with a full-fledged business smile. The boy made a face that seemed to fit the sound effect "Zukyunn!" and then bowed and ran away. Oh, I see. So that's why I've been getting those looks from the guys since a while ago. Well, from a middle school student's perspective, Uenohara is a beautiful onee-san, isn't she? She's calm and looks very mature. But take a closer look, young men. There's one thing that's still at a middle school level (the rest of the sentence is missing). "Yaaawwn......" I yawned again, thinking about stupid things. That's what happens when you pull an all-nighter and your brain is still in the middle-of-the-night mode... Uenohara, who had been watching me out of the corner of her eye, opened her mouth. By the way, today is a holiday, but since we are entering another school, we are formally dressed in our uniforms. "Did you stay up all night again?" "Yeah, until the last minute." "Isn't it risky to go in without any practice?" "We're just going to wing it. What about you? You're a complete amateur, right?" "Well, this side of things doesn't require that much effort. I used up all my free time." "......Are you serious?" There she is, Uenohara-coach. She's strict when it comes to special training...... "Also, regarding the regulations you asked me to investigate, I think we can clear the prerequisites. The problem is what comes after that." "I see... Well, if it's theoretically possible, let's give it a go for now. We can figure out the rest later." After reporting each other's progress, Uenohara stood up. "Well, it's about time. I'll go help with the sound." "Huh? Aren't you going to watch from here?" "I'm even more of an outsider than Kouhei. I should at least help out with something." She's so conscientious as always... Uenohara took the empty paper cup and went back to the boy. She made him go "Zukyunn!" one more time and then entered the sound space next to the stage. Well, I've borrowed enough of Uenohara's help. Now it's time for me to handle things properly on my own. "──Sorry I'm late, everyone!" ──Here she comes. I turned towards the entrance. There stood Otsuki-san, panting, along with today's main target──my Senpai, Hinoharu-senpai. ──Prerequisites cleared. At the same time, the "Hinoharu Sachi Persuasion Event: Revolution" started at this moment. The unused 'Second Key'──. Now, I'll unleash it in a far more refined form than initially planned. * "Miki, you're late!" "Yeah, you slacker!" "We're already done setting up!" "Sorry, sorry! I bought some snacks though!" Otsuki-san bowed with her hands in front of her chest, the large plastic bags hanging from her arms rustling as she rushed over to the student council members. As she passed by, she glanced at me and bowed her head twice, to which I responded with a raised hand. Command: "All's well."—and without a doubt, Otsuki-san was the MVP this time around. I nodded in satisfaction and turned to look at Hinoharu-senpai. Upon noticing my gaze, she stiffened. ...That's a rather rude reaction right off the bat. "Hello, senpai." "W-why are you here, Nagasaka-kun...? Weren't we supposed to meet alone today...?" "I asked her to keep it a secret. I thought you might not come if I was here." Senpai averted her gaze, looking uncomfortable, and hugged herself with one arm. —I had asked Otsuki-san to pick up Hinoharu-senpai. I had thought that she wouldn't be able to refuse if a kouhai came to pick her up, but the main reason was that I wanted her to get to know what kind of person Otsuki-san was beforehand. After all, Otsuki-san was a girl who had been influenced by Hinoharu-senpai to the extent that even I had noticed it during our first meeting. If she interacted with Otsuki-san directly, she would undoubtedly understand how similar this girl was to her former self. And I had also asked Otsuki-san to drop hints at some point that she had succeeded because she had become like Hinoharu-senpai in the past—"plot points" so to speak. This was the most important thing to maximize the effect of the upcoming "event." —As I was thinking this, I noticed that Senpai was trying to move to a spot far away from me. "Ah, come on, why are you going all the way over there? They even prepared a chair for you." "It's not like we have to sit next to each other..." "That's not allowed. We're supposed to be dating, remember?" "............?" Senpai tilted her head, looking confused, not understanding what I was saying. Ignoring her reasonable reaction, I patted the chair next to mine. "Look, it looks like we're fighting if we're sitting so far apart. Just sit here quietly so we don't make things awkward." "......Eh? Sorry, I don't understand at all." "Complain to that ikemen over there then." I said, giving her a thumbs up and pointing to the side of the stage, behind the curtains. —Yes, over there. One of today's "main characters," Torisawa, was adjusting the amp while holding his guitar. "Eh? Why is Torisawa-kun here too...?" Senpai muttered, her confusion deepening. "Well, he's one of the people involved. It's only natural, right?" "......I see. So the alumnus you invited was him...?" So, Otsuki-san, you kept that a secret too, huh? You wanted to increase the surprise effect... If that's the case, you're a true entertainer. "Ah, ah. Testing, testing." And then, Otsuki-san's voice echoed through the speakers. I looked up to see her standing on the stage, holding a wireless microphone and looking at us. "Is the volume okay for you Senpais?" "Okay!" I answered loudly, making a big circle with my hand above my head. Otsuki-san replied, "Thank you very much!" and cleared her throat. And then— "Okay, then—student council! Line up!" —She gave a sharp, assertive instruction. Immediately, the student council members rushed onto the stage and lined up in a row. Their movements were quite swift and well-coordinated. "Today, we have the honor of receiving guidance from our Senpais during your valuable time. Let's do our best not to waste it. Everyone, bow!" "Thank you very much for your guidance!" Their disciplined greeting and ninety-degree bow impressed me so much that I unconsciously whistled. —Wow, this is amazing. Otsuki-san must be highly trusted by the other members... The charisma is probably due to her, but it might also be because the organization had that kind of foundation to begin with. Probably both... huh? "......You're amazing, Otsuki-chan. You're way more put together than I was." Senpai muttered to herself. Then, she nodded once and sat down next to me. "Yeah, let's not think about anything unnecessary. Let's support them with all we've got." "......Of course." Saying this, Hinoharu-senpai faced forward. Her face, for the first time in a while, looked spirited and refreshed. "Then, let's get started with the equipment check! First, we'll start with the main speakers ──and work our way from there!" ──And so, the pre-rehearsal began. * In the noisy gym, a male student's voice echoed through the microphone. "Next, how's the side lighting?" "Wait, there's not enough brightness. If they use the whole stage for their performance, it'll be too dark at the edges. I think there's a spare spotlight in the P.E. storage room, so could you get it?" "Ah, I didn't know that!" "In that case, it'd be better if you bring them over and set them up. They're heavy, so you should probably go with two guys. Be careful when going up the steps." "Roger that!" "How's the sound?" Then, a girl's voice came from a different direction. "It sounds a little distorted...... How's the balance adjustment? Is it set up properly?" "We're working on it, but it seems to be at its limit......" "Hmm, the speaker output is lacking...... At least adding a subwoofer might help. I know a store in the shopping district that rents out equipment, so I can give you their contact info. They'll give you a discount if you mention my name." "Yes, that would be a huge help! Thank you so much!" ......As expected, Senpai is amazing. Not only was her advice accurate, but her accumulated experience and connections in the shopping district were strong. No one could surpass her when it came to setting up events like this. However, she maintained her stance of only supporting and never took the initiative to suggest anything unless she was asked. I couldn't tell if it was because she was considering her position as an outsider or if she was simply holding back. As such, the pre-rehearsal progressed smoothly──. "──And that's the last one!" Otsuki-san announced as she glanced at the schedule in her hand. I also got to chip in a few comments here and there. How to make things more dramatic and such—my knowledge of romcoms seemed to be useful in this regard. Before I knew it, it was past 4 p.m., and the light coming through the windows had a strong reddish tint. "For the last item, we'd like to do a full run-through of the actual performance. Senpais, we'd appreciate your feedback after hearing it." Hinoharu-senpai silently nodded, and I responded by forming an 'O' with my thumb and index finger above my head. "Also, there's something I want to tell everyone." ──And at that moment. Otsuki-san turned to the members of Higashi Middle School. "This is something we'd like to keep secret from the other students──after the performance during the main event, we're planning to surprise them with an encore song." The surroundings suddenly became noisy. "We're going to practice that now. If we do it during the main rehearsal, everyone will find out, so we want to do it in advance." At those words, an enthusiastic cheer erupted. Huh, so that's how they decided to use it. That's a clever excuse. By the way, that girl definitely has romantic comedy talent. I hope she comes to Kyou-Nishi next year, then she can fully unleash her romantic comedy potential. "Let's close the curtains for now and turn on the lights as well! Don't worry about the details, just do whatever feels right! Close the curtains on the windows too!" The surroundings became lively with excitement. On the stage, Torisawa, who was in charge of the performance, silently took out his guitar and prepared to play in front of the microphone stand. Everyone else stepped aside, leaving the stage to Torisawa alone. "Whaaat? A live performance by Torisawa-senpai!?","This is so lucky!","Ah, thank you so much, this is amazing!" In front of the stage, the fangirls were in a frenzy. With a "shh, shh" sound, the black light-blocking curtains were closed, and the room gradually darkened. The electric curtain slowly slid shut from both sides, eventually enveloping the stage in darkness. "Wow, that's amazing! That's definitely going to get everyone hyped up..." Hinoharu-senpai, sitting next to me, couldn't contain her excitement, her face beaming with anticipation. Well then... "It's finally here. I really wanted you to hear this song, Senpai." "Eh...?" "You're good at Japanese literature, right? So, pay attention to the lyrics while you listen." I flashed a grin at Senpai, who looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Because the song that's about to start—it's an original composition dedicated to you." "Huh!?!" And then, the surroundings were plunged into darkness. —The curtain on the stage rose. The spotlights suddenly lit up, shining on Torisawa, holding his guitar, and Otsuki, with the microphone in hand. '—Song title: [Stick To Your Guns]' Its meaning—'Don't compromise on yourself.' * "So, I'm thinking of using this kind of flow and scenario to convince her. That's why I need your help." [...] Time rewound to the day before yesterday. After parting ways with Uenohara at Maisagi Castle Park, I immediately called Torisawa. "Do you even understand what you're asking of me?" Torisawa's voice echoed slightly, perhaps indicating he was in a practice studio. "I know it's a huge request, but please do it for me." [...] "Didn't you say you'd cooperate if I needed anything?" Torisawa remained silent for a while before speaking up again. "So, you want me to write a new song with lyrics and have an amateur sing it by tomorrow?" —Yes, that's right. I was asking Torisawa to create an original song for the "persuasion event" by the day after tomorrow's pre-rehearsal. "Do you even understand how much work goes into composing a song?" "Sorry, but I'm completely clueless about all of this. I'm a total amateur." "And what about my schedule? I have band practice tomorrow." "I know, I'm sorry. Please do something about it." [...] "Wait, you can't do it? Torisawa can't do it? No way..." And so, I... Blatantly set aside various concerns and continued to prod him. "Didn't you say you wanted to do something flashy if we're going to do it? So, I'm proposing we go all out, and you can't keep up with this level of challenge?" I goaded him relentlessly. [...] Of course, my heart was pounding furiously on the inside. I carefully moved my mouth slightly away from the microphone to prevent my heavy breathing from being noticed. I await Torisawa's response. "──Hah!" Tori...sawa── "Ku...hah, haha...hahaha!" From the bottom of his heart── He laughed, sounding like he was having fun. "Of course, I'm confident." He asserted briefly. ──Ah, I knew you'd say that. As expected of my "plan"'s ── one of the most "competent ikemen characters"! Out of gratitude, I bowed deeply to him on the spot. "I'm seriously indebted to you! I'll take care of the guitar solo part!" "Huh? Hey, what are you dreaming about?" I heard Torisawa sigh in a clearly exasperated tone. ──Hmm? Did I just envision Torisawa's face, grinning and looking like he was having fun? "If I'm gonna do it, I'm making all the parts, obviously. ...Naturally, you're going to help with the programming, right, leader?" ......Aha, ahaha. As expected, goodbye to my sleep once again...... * ──The performance began. Unlike the serious rock music Torisawa's band usually plays, this song had a magnificent, expansive feel and a somewhat melancholy ballad vibe. And instead of the electric guitar he had been using earlier, Torisawa was holding an acoustic guitar, adding color to the intro. "──♪" There, Otsuki-san's high, clear voice joined in. In the world woven by the guitar, the melody resounded brilliantly. There was no hint of any pitch deviation, and the lyrics were sung perfectly word for word. ──To think that she managed to pull this off after just yesterday. While Uenohara-coach's guidance was strict, it wouldn't have come together this well without her determination. Despite having other things to do, Otsuki-san readily agreed to our sudden proposal, saying, "I'll do it! It'll definitely boost the project, so I have no reason to oppose it!" I'm truly grateful to her. ──The first verse ended, and the interlude began. Even so... Otsuki-san's voice fits the song incredibly well. Overall, it's a solid, weighty song. I was worried that Otsuki-san's cute high-pitched voice might be a mismatch──. But it fits surprisingly well. It's not just that the performance is professional-grade or that the singing is good. ──It's the song's music and lyrics. They express Otsuki-san's past episodes. ──【Stick To Your Guns】 Yes, it means──. The path Otsuki-san chose, sticking to her principles. And it points to Hinoharu Sachi's future, choosing to remain true to herself. * "By the way, this may be difficult to say, but──" ──At the family restaurant where I first met Otsuki-san that day. "By acting the way you wanted... how did it affect everyone around you?" I asked her about the future that awaited Hinoharu-senpai, if she had stuck to her own beliefs. Otsuki-san laughed awkwardly and scratched her cheek. "Well, they were put off. They said things like 'There she goes again, getting carried away' or even worse stuff." So that's how it was. As expected, down that path... "That's why—" Just when I was about to feel discouraged, Otsuki-san said, "Even so, I wanted everyone to understand. So, I kept doing it until they got it!" She proudly puffed out her chest, showing pride in the best choice she had made. "Every single day, endlessly! No matter what they said or did, I bounced it all back and tried to convey in as many ways as possible that 'This is what I enjoy the most.'" Her words made me snap to attention. "And when I kept going without giving up, someone finally understood, saying things like, 'It's come full circle and it's amazing.'" That's right... I remember the kids who came to the live concert with us. They all accepted Otsuki-san's vibe, didn't they? Otsuki-san wasn't isolated at all! "And as that number grew, eventually, I even became close friends with the kids who bullied me the most." Otsuki-san laughed, saying it was some of the kids at the recent concert. Ah... Otsuki-san, you're incredibly strong. "That's why I'm really fulfilled right now! I genuinely think this was the right choice!" As I watched her face light up, I had a gut feeling that her words might reach Senpai. * The performance ended. The gymnasium fell silent, leaving only the reverberation inside our bodies. "...Um, how was it?" Otsuki-san murmured from the stage, looking for reactions. Immediately after, "That was amazing, Otsuki!!" One voice from the front of the stage led to a chorus of cheers and applause echoing throughout the gymnasium. "Wow, when did you practice that!?" "That was incredible! I almost cried!" "That will definitely be a hit! It was so exciting!" "And you got to perform with Torisawa-senpai, I'm so jealous!" Everyone rushed to Otsuki-san, saying such things. Torisawa, seeing the crowd swarming, shrugged his shoulders with a weary look, yawned, and started packing up his guitar. I shook my hands, which were tingling from all the clapping, and spoke to the person next to me, who was at a loss for words. "Judging by the reaction, I think the meaning of the song got through." "..." "That scene you just saw, that's the ideal outcome Hinoharu-senpai can reach by doing things her way." ──Before my eyes, Otsuki-san was surrounded by everyone, being fussed over. Surrounded by many people, everyone was smiling. Everyone, everyone looked so happy, that scene──. In other words, it was the ideal image for Hinoharu-senpai. Senpai covered her mouth with her hand and narrowed her eyes as she gazed at the scene. "By the way...... the girl patting Otsuki-san's head right now. Apparently, she used to exclude her in the past." "......Ah" "That scene wasn't something that was given to Otsuki-san from the start. It's something that Otsuki-san created later through her own efforts." I continued. "Otsuki-san is there because she became someone who is accepted by everyone. She worked hard to have everyone accept her as she is, and that's how she got that." ──And at that moment. Otsuki-san, who had stepped out of the circle of students, waved with her hair and uniform in disarray. '──Sachi-senpai! How was it!?' ──She looked truly happy and blissful. She directed a beaming smile at Senpai. ──This is the 'Second Key'. Although it ended up taking a completely different form from what I had initially envisioned, it turned out perfectly──. It was the best choice for Senpai. "......!" Upon witnessing this, Hinoharu-senpai──. Opened her eyes wide, and swayed slightly. Then, she turned around as if she had been struck, and started running outside. "Senpai!" ──Damn it! I won't let you get away this time! I got up from my chair and chased after Senpai. I stepped out of the dimly lit gymnasium into the dazzling sunset, my eyes dazzled by the sudden change in light. ──Where is she!? I shielded my eyes from the sun and scanned the surroundings, spotting Senpai's figure crossing the schoolyard. I immediately followed after her, dashing out into the schoolyard. Senpai, who was ahead of me, was running slowly. The distance between us was quickly shrinking, and Senpai's figure was growing larger by the second. And──. "──Senpai!" At the edge of the schoolyard. I caught up to Senpai and grabbed her shoulder as she reached the backstop. "Haah, haah......!" Senpai was breathing heavily, her shoulder rising and falling with each breath. She didn't seem to intend to escape anymore, as she didn't resist. "......Senpai" "Haah...... haah......" "Please understand, already. That's what you should be doing." "......" "Otsuki-san, Shiozaki-senpai, and of course, me...... everyone wants you to be yourself." "......" "And we wish for you to grasp that 'best ending' that way." "......" ──Haah, what a pain. I'm getting tired of acting politely, too. "Rather, to begin with... Senpai—no, Hinoharu." There's no need to respect the current Senpai. "What the hell is Hinoharu misunderstanding?" Yes, we're the same now... Just stubbornly sticking to my ideals—as an equal. I'll convey my words. —And so, I took a breath. "To begin with, you're not the type to consider others, are you?!" —I yelled loudly, my voice echoing across the schoolyard. "Huh?" Hinoharu turned around, her face filled with confusion. Hmph, don't think I'll always respect you, you chicken. "What the hell is this about what everyone wants and everyone's ideal of me? Don't make me laugh." "Huh? Wha...?!" "To begin with, you never cared about others from the very start, did you? You just wanted to have fun and be acknowledged by others. You're a selfish brat!" "N-That's... That's not how you should put it?!" Hinoharu scowled, knitting her eyebrows together, and twisted her mouth into a frown. "If you don't like it, refute it! If you don't listen, push through! That's the kind of selfishness you flaunt, dragging others into your mess without caring if they dislike it!" "Enough...?!" Hinoharu clenched her fists. "And forcefully! Even if you're rejected or disliked, you drag them around forcefully! Yet, in the end, you manage to make others have the most fun, isn't that your way?" "..." And then, just before Hinoharu raised her clenched fist, she widened her eyes. "You always put your own ideals first. Then, just go for it with those ideals alone. There's no need for defense or evasion. Keep hammering your ideals, ignoring whether they're dodged or defended against. That's your surefire victory, Hinoharu Sachi." I clenched my fist and thrust it forward. Hinoharu's eyes wavered, her hands trembled with nowhere to go, and she murmured in distress. "But... But...!" "Even so, I still find the counterattack from others painful—." —That's why I took a step forward. "Leave the defense to someone else." And then, I took her hand. I held it gently, as if wrapping it with both of my hands. "Huh? Ah...?" —This is the 'Third Key.' When you can't stand up for yourself alone. The last key, to help such a coward. I, who once failed. I, who still fails so often. The biggest reason why I can still stand here as the 'protagonist' is— "I'll help Hinoharu." ──Because I had someone to push me forward and support me. Hinoharu raised her lowered face and looked at me in the eye. I stared back at her directly, into her sky-blue eyes that were now tinged with the colors of the sunset. "I'll cover for your weaknesses. I'll even become your substitute at times, and I'll heal you when you're hurt. So you don't have to be afraid, right?" "Ah... um..." And then, I took a deep breath, filling my lungs to their limit──. "So do your best! Work hard and win the future that only you can create, a future that's full of fun! Be true to yourself and pursue your ideals! Hinoharu──cheer──up!!" ──I yelled towards the setting sun. I squeezed out every last bit of air in my lungs and yelled. ──When my voice finally reached the distant sky. When the summer evening breeze whisked away the remaining heat. Hinoharu──. "...That's the first time anyone's ever said something like that to me..." A single drop. It moistened the dry ground. "...I think... I like that idea..." Finally, her heart was moved. ──Ahh. Finally, it's happened. At last, I've been longing to hear those words. Hinoharu wiped her eyes with her hand and then clouded her face again. "But it's too late now...! I can't even run for student council anymore...!" I sighed in exasperation at Hinoharu, who lowered her gaze and murmured. "Haa, you really don't get it, do you?" "W-What are you talking about...?" Hinoharu pouted and scowled at me, and I clearly declared to her, "I told you before. You don't have to limit yourself to the student council. Broaden your horizons. The world is a lot bigger than that." "B-But... besides there... there's nowhere else where I can do what I want to do..." "There is." I replied immediately. "Don't mistake the means for the end. The student council is just a means to an end for you. What you truly want to do can be achieved without being the student council president." ──Romcoms solve everything. "If the student council doesn't work out, then──create another student council!" That is, after all, the essence of my "plan." When creating something that doesn't exist, that's when it truly shines. * "──You're talking about forming a new club, right?" The advisor of the student council and our homeroom teacher of Class 1-4, Toshikyo, looked up at me with a stern expression on her deeply wrinkled face. "Yes. The purpose is 'to evaluate student council activities from the perspective of regular students, conduct numerical audits of their activities, make improvement requests, and propose policies.' Please refer to the documents in front of you for more details." Tosikyo furrowed her brows at my supplementary explanation and glared at me with piercing eyes. "Whoa, scary! That's the face she makes right before she yells at an unruly student..." "Class rep. And--" She turned her eyes to the side, towards Hinoharu. "--Hinoharu. Just what do you two think you're doing?" She directed her words at Hinoharu, who stood there proudly. * --Time rewound to the previous day, after school. The school cafeteria, which I had designated as our meeting place, was where Senpai and I stood. While the cafeteria only served food and drinks during lunchtime, it was open to students to use freely outside of those hours. There was a similar space in the library, but talking was prohibited there. Thus, a natural division formed, with students who wanted to study heading to the library and those who wanted to chat going to the cafeteria. As I listened to the distant commotion, I took out the necessary documents from a file and stood next to Senpai. "Now then, without further ado, please sign here." I placed a sheet of paper on the table with an earnest tone and expression. It was something I had asked Shiozaki to prepare in advance. "...Eh? What's this?" Senpai, looking at the paper in front of her, remained silent for a while, then looked up at me with a "?" floating above her head. "It's obvious what it is just by looking at it. It's an application for club establishment." The title of the paper clearly stated as much. "Please sign your name in the representative's section. Oh, did you bring your seal?" "U-Um..." "Here, I brought some red ink. Also, for the list of club members that we'll submit together with this, I've already filled in the names. Since it's just a simple list, it's fine if it's not handwritten." "Uu..." "And this is my application for club membership. As for this other document, it's for outlining the club's annual activities--" "W-Wait a sec!" Senpai raised her hand, palm open, interrupting my smooth flow of words. "I'm sorry, but I really don't understand what's going on..." Her face showed 100% confusion, her eyes completely blank. What a difficult person. I sighed and reluctantly began to explain. "Didn't I tell you yesterday? If there isn't one, we'll just make it." "..." Senpai tilted her head. I smiled and proudly declared, "So let's make one. A new student representative autonomous organization to replace the existing student council--the 'Second Student Council'!" --One of the 100 standard templates for a rom-com. An "available setting", number one. --Namely, its existence is ambiguous. Despite its vaguely defined activities, such as 'making friends', 'performing volunteer work', and 'greatly livening up the world with some sort of something-or-other', for some reason, its existence is permitted, and it's even given a clubroom. A mysterious organization. --It's power is immense. At times, it intervenes in school events, and at others, it controls the student council from the shadows. A mysterious organization with an unknown background and an uncanny ability to reform the school from the outside, possessing formidable influence. --Yes. If you think about it, it's quite far-fetched, but it's a convenient, contrived setting, a lethal weapon--. Readers call it. --A "mysterious club". "In other words, it's like this. If you want to do student council-like things, just create a new organization with the purpose of doing student council-like things. That way, there's no problem with the school rules, right?" "Who decided there could only be one student council in a school?" "If the existing student council is no good, then just create a new one. It's a very simple matter." "......W-wait, wait a minute!" Finally, as if a circuit had been connected, Senpai opened her mouth, still clearly confused. "A club...? A club is just a preparatory stage before establishing a proper club activity, and it doesn't have any authority whatsoever, right...?" "Well, that's true. However, even if it's a formal organization with no club room and no budget, it's still 'recognized'. It's understandable that being recognized is better than being unrecognized, right?" "Y-yes, but..." "If you aim to eventually be promoted to a formal club, then the bar is high, but... there's no need to be so meticulous, right? After all, even without a club room, you can do everything with just a laptop, and the daily activities can be done online, so it won't cost anything." "B-but the budget..." "There's no point in getting it from the school. Nowadays, there are plenty of ways to procure funds." Advertising revenue, crowdfunding, and super chats are all legitimate means of fundraising. In fact, Anayama-san earns money for his otaku activities that way. "To begin with, a rigid organization like the current Kyou-Nishi Student Council doesn't suit a freewheeling person like you. A hands-free environment is the best for achieving your goals." "Umm... Ahh..." "It's like a venture company. Quick decision-making, a wide range of options, and the charisma of the top leader are the most important. See? It suits you perfectly. The only problem is how to get the approval for its establishment." While the criteria for applying for a club are loose, but it is still considered an officially recognized group, so getting that approval is the biggest hurdle. "Well, but..." I look at Senpai, who remains silent and hangs her head. The fact that she has stopped her usual counterarguments means that she understands the logic, at least in her head. All that's left is to give her a push. "A hurdle like this... You can overcome it, right? You, the 'legendary student council president of Higashi Middle School,' with that 'title' to your name." Senpai raises her head and looks at me. No, Hinoharu looks at me straight in the eye. "There's a place even more fun than the student council that can make school the best. So, next, Hinoharu will... Create the 'school' that's the most fun." Yes, I threw the ball right into her court. "......" After a moment of silence... "...You know, Nagasaka... You always think on a grand scale..." Hinoharu let out a sigh, then lowered her eyes for a moment before looking back up with a determined expression. "But... Yeah, you're right... If it's like this, then..." And slowly, the corners of her mouth turned up. —Yes. That's a good look on her. "Hey, Nagasaka." "What?" "I'm... getting really excited." —Hinoharu's eyes, like the vast spring sky, were beautifully clear. Within them, a strong, bright light like the sun seemed to shine. "That's why I'm telling you this first." And then, Hinoharu... "Until now, not a single person has been able to keep up with my serious antics..." With a childlike grin on her face, she revealed her slightly protruding mischevious fang and laughed. —And thus, the 'Second Student Council President Heroine', Hinoharu Sachi, was born. * "The 'Student Council Activities Research Society'? What is this?" —And so, at this very moment. I visited Toshiko, the biggest obstacle to obtaining approval for the establishment, to seek permission. However, due to Senpai's instructions, the official name had to be changed. I preferred the previous name as it gave off a nice "mysterious club" vibe, but it was shot down with the remark, "It'll be rejected as soon as they see the name." Reluctantly, we agreed to use the nickname 'Second Student Council' during our activities. This name might spark more interest among the students. Standing next to me, Senpai calmly responded to Toshikyo's intimidating aura. "In simple terms, it's like a think tank. You could even say it's an auditing organization." "Are you joking with me?" A hoarse voice that seemed to resonate from the depths of hell struck my ears, causing me to inadvertently clear my throat. "I'm not joking. I'm serious." "Denied. Take it back." The application form was ruthlessly thrust back at us. Wow, so it's an immediate rejection after all... As expected of Toshikyo, the 'Iron Lady', her sternness knows no bounds. —Toshikyl is infamously known for her extremely strict teaching style, even within Kyou-Nishi, a prestigious school. Her classes are the toughest in the school. If you forget your homework, it doubles the next day, and if you dare to doze off during class, it increases tenfold. She is a demon bent on destroying any chance of a romantic comedy by piling on the assignments. To make matters worse, she has a mysterious sense of collective responsibility, so if one person messes up, the entire class suffers the consequences. Masanari Ide, once a slacker, has been transformed into a model student after being subjected to the collective wrath of his classmates. However, her guidance yields outstanding results, and her reputation precedes her among upperclassmen and teachers alike as they hold her in high regard. In any case, it's easy to imagine that her academic-first stance will be the biggest hurdle in establishing a club. —How does Hinoharu-senpai plan to handle this? My role is primarily to support Senpai. I leave the decision-making entirely to her. Senpai remains unfazed, so I decide to quietly observe how the situation unfolds. "We've met all the requirements. If you're going to deny our request, please provide a clear reason." "The student council advisor is responsible for guiding students towards a healthy school life. The decision rests with me." "That's too ambiguous. Instead of relying on your personal opinion, please provide an objective rationale." "The rule is, 'The establishment of clubs or societies with overlapping activities will not be permitted.' There's no need to create a separate society when the same things can be achieved through the student council." Toshikyo, visibly irritated, instantly recited the school rule. Wait, does she have the entire school rulebook memorized...? This is terrifying! Student Council Advisor Toshikyo, even I can't match your prowess! However, Senpai remained unperturbed. "That's not the case. To begin with, the student council is neither a club nor a society. It stands above them and should not be discussed in the same context. Therefore, I believe it falls outside the scope of the school rules." "That's just some ridiculous sophistry—" "Moreover, there's a clear difference in meaning and nature between internal reform within an organization and external suggestions. It's obvious that being in a third-party position, without any vested interests, allows for a different perspective." "You're a third party? But you're a student council officer!" Toshikyo could no longer contain her anger and raised her voice. "Yes. That's why I'll resign from that position." Eh...? Caught off guard by Senpai's unexpected statement, I was taken aback as she pulled out the last remaining sheet from the clear file in her hand. "Here's my resignation. Please sign this as well." Senpai smiled sweetly. W-Wait, I did say that the student council wasn't a good fit, but I never told you to quit!? "...Are you even sane?" Toshikyo, perhaps thinking something similar, sent a dull, dispirited gaze her way, as if to ascertain her sanity. "Of course. If I don't go that far, it'll be meaningless." "It's just a club, won't you—for something like that—?" "I find that way of thinking unpleasant." Sharp and crisp. Senpai suddenly spoke with a stronger tone, denying the notion. "I've decided to go this far because I don't mind staking my entire high school life on it. Even teachers aren't allowed to deny that." —Senpai. I saw Senpai's seriousness in those words, which clearly carried a hint of anger. "First of all, the accurate description is 'the student council advisor shall assume a guiding role as an assistant for student self-governance.' Interference beyond the scope of assistance is an abuse of power and also goes against the school motto since its founding: 'Think and act for yourself.'" So, picking up the paper that had been thrust back at her, she once again held it out in front of Toshikyo's eyes and— "No grounds for disapproval—that's what I'll insist on. Sign here, please." Not a speck of dust's worth of wavering could be seen as she declared this. ...Strong. She's truly strong. This is—my Senpai, with her game face on. Toshikyo rubbed her forehead, shaking her head in displeasure, then snatched the paper from Senpai's hand. She wrote her name with a flourish and handed it back. "...If I tried to stop you, I'd be the fool. Do as you please." "Yes, I'll do whatever I want!" Senpai replied crisply and took the paper. "Honestly... I thought you wouldn't run for elections, but you were thinking about this instead." "No, I wasn't thinking about this at all, to begin with." With a quick glance in my direction, Hinoharu-senpai smiled wryly. And then— "But... I think this way will definitely be more fun for everyone!" Senpai. She smiled, looking truly happy. —Ah, no doubt about it. This is the smile I saw during the festival. Seeing that smile, Toshikyo heaved another sigh. "And—Class rep!" "Y-Yes?" Startled by the sudden address, I snapped to attention. With a displeased expression still on her face, Toshikyo sniffed and said, "If you're going to be with this girl, be prepared. I won't interfere." "...Ah, yes. I'll do my best." "Really, I thought you'd been keeping a low profile lately, but..." Muttering complaints, the teacher turned back to her desk and resumed her work. It was her way of telling them their business was done, and they should leave. We bowed once more and took our leave. * —Rattle, slam. As the staff room door closed, I finally relaxed my shoulders. "Phew, I'm glad it worked out." And Senpai, wiping the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand— "Well, it wasn't exactly smooth sailing..." But from an outsider's perspective, it was more than just "working out", it was total domination. "But, Senpai, how can you be so confident against that Toshikyo-sensei? I was ready to accept that summer vacation was over." "If it were her, she would probably casually erase one or two summer vacations... with a mountain of assignments." As we walked, Senpai nonchalantly replied, "Because, after all, Shimashima-sensei is a reasonable teacher." "Huh? Are you kidding me?" Even after all the trouble she caused? "To begin with, she's the driving force behind student council activities. She's always been on the students' side." She's helped me out a lot, Senpai added. "Her strict attitude is probably because she thought, 'If I can't easily refute this, there's no point in doing it.' She's passionate at heart." Seriously... I never even imagined that. I need to properly investigate that teacher as well... As I etched the new information into my mental notes, I asked Senpai, "Anyway, all that's left is to submit this to the student council, and the establishment will be complete. Good work." "Huh? Why are you making a face like it's all over?" "Huh...?" I gave Senpai a puzzled look. "We've only created a club. No activities have started yet." "Well, that's true, but... Are you planning to start something today?" "Of course." I twitched my cheek at her casual response. Well, I guess the Second Student Council is known for their quick decisions and actions. But it's a bit too soon, and I wish she would let me know beforehand. "Anyway, first, we need to make our presence known to the entire student body. We need to clearly convey, 'We are an organization that will do this.'" "What are you planning to do?" As Senpai strode forward with quick steps, she nonchalantly began to say something outrageous. "There's a convenient sandbag here, so let's punch it for now." "Huh?" A sandbag... is here? "Nagasaka-kun said it, right? If you don't like someone, just punch them." "Did I say it like that...?" This is bad. My thoughts are already struggling to keep up... Come to think of it, if Senpai keeps accelerating without restraint and does whatever she wants... won't it be a parade of unexpected moves, which I'm not good at dealing with...? As I felt a sense of foreboding, Senpai clenched her fist tightly and said, "Alright, let's punch that stubborn guy who said he wouldn't run or hide, right in the face, just as he wished!" * "An online Q&A session...?" Senpai entered the student council room and slammed the club establishment application and her resignation form on the desk of Shiozaki-senpai, who was working. Then, she suddenly brought up this idea. "Yup. I'll ask various questions to Shiozaki-kun, the presidential candidate, from a student's perspective, and he'll answer them. Since it would be difficult to book a venue now, let's just do it here in the student council room and live-stream it on YuuTube. Since our activities will mainly be online anyway, we might as well create an official channel from the start. We also need to prepare SNS accounts!" Hinoharu-senpai was sparkling with enthusiasm as she spoke. "Next is the notification... We'll first use the Group RINE, and since even regular students can apply to use the bulletin board, we'll post a conspicuous notification next to the election posters. Nagasaka-kun, do you know anyone who can use image editing software?" "Huh? Y-Yes, I can use it a little bit..." "Really? I want to make a notification poster for the Q&A session as soon as possible. Specifically, by tomorrow." "Tomorrow!?!" "There are only three days left until the voting day. If we don't hurry, we won't make it in time." "Y-You're right, but..." "No, don't be so negative. It's a good opportunity to polish your skills. Let's make good use of this timing. You need to be more enthusiastic than that, or it'll be a waste." She suddenly pushed herself very close to me. "I-I was just... choked up." I had underestimated the vitality of someone who was a "legend" in real life...! Even after that, as the requests and suggestions kept coming at me one after another, I felt my head spinning, and in front of me, Shiozaki-senpai, who had been standing there dumbfounded, let out a small sigh. "– Ah, it's nostalgic. So you've finally gotten over it, Hinoharu." * – And then, in a torrent of overwhelming momentum, time passed. I helped Torisawa with his composition, moving my mind and body at a speed comparable to or even faster than that time, and after informing Uenohara of the indefinite suspension of the meeting, she was surprised, saying, "It's like a prelude to a natural disaster"... Before I knew it, I was facing the first-ever "online question-and-answer session" of the Second Student Council. "– Alright, Shiozaki-senpai, the presidential candidate! Let's do our best today!" "I'm counting on you too." On the screen of the smartphone fixed on a tripod, Hinoharu-senpai and Shiozaki-senpai sat facing each other across a table. I positioned myself behind the camera, out of frame, in front of my computer. The scene before me was clearly displayed on the management page of the "Kyougoku Nishi Second Student Council Channel #Online Q&A Session." The number of viewers—approximately 100. This was far more than I had expected. After all, the student council election was not very popular to begin with. Furthermore, it was after school, right in the middle of club activities. Despite most students not being able to watch it live, we still had this many viewers. Hinoharu-senpai had said from the beginning that "if it's a livestream, everyone will probably watch it," and she was right... Depending on the number of views on the archived video, it might reach even more students. "Today, I will answer questions that I have prepared in advance, as well as questions that have been submitted via comments. Everyone watching, please leave your comments!" With a smile that was 100% lovable, Senpai turned to face the smartphone. Immediately, comments like "So cute," "So baby-faced," and "I want to super chat" started flowing in. ...Well, there were probably many people watching just for Senpai. How inappropriate. "Ahaha, thank you. Super chats are just your feelings for now!" Senpai replied with a smile while looking at the tablet for comment confirmation. But wait, she did say, "Make sure to put our photos on the poster," and was this all part of her plan...? If she intended to use even her visuals for publicity, she was truly formidable. By the way, comments like "Tell us your three sizes" and "Do you have a boyfriend?" were also flying in on the management screen I was looking at, but of course, they were mercilessly sent to the NG list. Thank you, Anayama-san, the livestream expert. This NG list is super useful. "Now, let's get to the questions right away. First—'What do you want to do first if you become the student council president?'" I displayed the subtitle to match her words. Shiozaki-senpai nodded and replied, "First, I will review the budget proposal. It's the first step toward fulfilling my campaign promise." By the way, the questions were given to Shiozaki-senpai in advance. Hinoharu-senpai had said, "Let's just wing it," but I thought it would be pitiful, so I leaked them to him. "Is that so? And which budget are you planning to review, specifically?" "The biggest one is the school festival. As stated in my campaign promise, the current two-day event has various issues. So we will change it to a one-day event and significantly reduce the budget." "Hmm. But before talking about the budget, don't you want to have a two-day school festival?" With a smile on her face, Senpai threw in a casual jab. Ah, an irregular punch right off the bat... The comment section was filled with "Agree" and "It's strange to hastily change it to one day." Some even said, "I don't know anything about it at all" and "Was that your campaign promise?" Hinoharu-senpai immediately picked up on that and threw it back. "Look, everyone has doubts. Do you still think it's necessary to reduce the budget?" ...I see, that's clever. By picking up the opinions of the general students in real-time like this, she was acting as a spokesperson for the masses. However, Shiozaki-senpai must have anticipated this level of irregularity, as he immediately responded, "Yes, I personally don't want to reduce it either." "Oh, then why did you make it your campaign promise?" "What if, as a result of insisting on holding it for two days, the school festival itself becomes impossible to hold? What will you do then?" "......Oh ho?" "Indeed, our school's school festival is a big event that is held on a scale unmatched in the prefecture. However, the amount of preparation that must be done beforehand is enormous. There's the procurement of materials for the mural art, class exhibitions, practices for the stage performance showdown, and then there are the booths and the flea market... On top of that, students who are members of clubs will also be busy preparing for their respective club attractions." This was a more concrete version of what I had heard from Shiozaki-senpai some time ago. "Naturally, it's difficult to juggle this amount of preparation with a normal school life. Inevitably, this will lead to students staying after school until late at night or using their holidays to work on the festival." "I suppose so." "Are you aware that the noise caused by these preparations and the long-term occupation of nearby parks for practices have become problematic? For example, how many complaints do you think were made last year?" "Hmm, maybe about 10?" "You're off by an order of magnitude. It was about 100." Upon hearing this, comments like "Seriously?" and "That's more than I expected" started flowing in. "Right now, the complaints are still minor. But if we do nothing and leave things as they are, and some major issue occurs... The significance of the school festival will be called into question, and the discussion of whether or not it should continue may come up. Don't you think so?" And in the comment section, messages in support of Shiozaki-senpai gradually began to increase: "I guess we have no choice...","They've thought about it more than I expected", and "It's better than the festival being discontinued." There were even cheers like "Do your best!" and "I'll support you!" Wait, could it be... Could this 'event' possibly be... "──Yeah. Good job, Shiozaki-kun. This is what you wanted to do, right?" Hinoharu-senpai whispered happily at a volume that wouldn't be picked up by the microphone. Just as I thought. Finally, I understood Hinoharu-senpai's true intentions. ──This 'Online Questionnaire' is an event with multiple intentions. The comments on the video lower the barrier for expression far more than speaking directly, allowing student viewers to casually convey their opinions. And by seeing their words collected in real-time and delivered to the candidates on the spot, a sense of involvement is born in the general student body. As a result──the student council election, which was something vague and not of much interest to them, became something easy to understand and close to them. Naturally, the existence and stance of the 'Second Student Council', which mediates the opinions of the students, was also made clear. The opponent, Shiozaki-senpai's pledge and personality, were also widely communicated to the masses. Asserting one's own opinions, conveying them to many, and gaining recognition... This event created a situation akin to a campaign speech, allowing for such an exchange. "—So fundamentally, the issue stems from the excessive workload, right? Then, how about this? Extend the preparation period further and start it from the early summer vacation?" "That would lead to a lack of study time. Moreover, the problem of where to store the materials won't be solved either. Even if we were to open up the roof..." ──The event had already exceeded the scope of a questionnaire and had turned into a public debate. The two of them discussed and argued for the best method, searching for the optimal solution. At times, they picked up comments and expanded on them, eventually forming a reform plan. ──A heated discussion that made one forget they were even streaming. Shiozaki-senpai maintained his poker face as always. Hinoharu-senpai spoke her mind freely... But to me, the two of them... Truly seemed to be enjoying themselves. And then, after greatly exceeding the scheduled end time... "──Thank you very much for today! In the future, we plan to continue causing trouble for the student council on the 'Kyou-Nishi Second Student Council Channel'! For those who are interested in the student council's actions and those who want to voice their complaints as well, please feel free to subscribe to our channel──" ──The first 'Second Student Council Event' came to a close with those words from Hinoharu-senpai. ◆ "Cheers!" With that, Senpai and I clinked our plastic bottles of tea together. —Maisagi Castle Park, Tenshudai. On the bench of the gazebo overlooking the castle. Having lost our place in the student council room, we were now holding a lively celebration under the glowing sunset sky. Maisagi Castle Park, registered in the 'Spot Note' as a 'Park and Tourist Spot', is usually bustling with tourists on holidays, but there aren't as many visitors on weekdays. At the moment, the only people around were a salaryman-like figure jogging along the distant stone walls and an elderly lady walking her dog—a sparse crowd indeed. "But why did we have to do it here? Wouldn't a family restaurant have been fine?" I directed the question to Senpai sitting next to me. "Our club doesn't have a budget. We need to save money." Senpai took a sip of tea and let out an unrefined "Aaah." I thought to myself, "I don't think there's much difference between buying a plastic bottle and getting a drink from the drink bar..." As I mentally retorted, Senpai stretched her body with a big yawn. "Ah, but that felt good! Shiozaki-kun is just too stiff! If he keeps giving those speeches, no one will ever take an interest! I almost interrupted him so many times!" "I've been holding back for so long," Senpai said with a casual smile. —She's become so open lately. I smiled wryly and took a sip of my tea. "But Shiozaki-senpai, he really took it all in stride." "Yeah... He faced it head-on." Senpai nodded contentedly. —The 'Online Question Session' had been a great success. Many of the comments were positive, with remarks like "It was more helpful than I thought" and "I'd like to do it again." The number of channel subscribers was also increasing rapidly, and the primary goal of raising awareness for the 'Second Student Council' could be considered achieved. This was an excellent first step. And true to his declaration of "I won't run or hide," Shiozaki-senpai withstood all of Hinoharu-senpai's fierce questioning. From the middle of the session, where Hinoharu-senpai went entirely off-script, Shiozaki-senpai answered every question thoughtfully, sometimes accepting, sometimes firmly refusing, and always matching his questioner. The careful construction of his arguments left no room for criticism. It was a true display of Shiozaki-senpai's steadfast and unwavering character. "If you can do that, the student council will be fine in the future. But please, at least keep the school festival as a two-day event." "I'll do my best to protect it! Don't worry, I have all the inside information on the student council, and I plan to use any tricks or behind-the-scenes maneuvering to my advantage!" "You're a little too ruthless with your old club, aren't you...?" "As long as I don't touch on personal information, it's not a breach of confidentiality." Indeed, Senpai's willingness to ignore morals as long as the rules allowed it was typical of her. "And besides," Senpai continued, "from now on, I'll be doing this alone. I need to use every tool at my disposal." "Huh?" Caught off guard by Senpai's sudden change of topic, I was confused. Senpai suddenly lifted her hips and stood in front of me, bathed in the evening sun. And then— "Thank you, Nagasaka-kun, for all your help." "W-What's with the sudden thanks?" "For today's event. It was so much fun, from the preparation to the actual thing. It's been a long time since I enjoyed something so much." But, Senpai added with a slight pout of dissatisfaction, "When I think about it, it feels like it wasn't quite right, you know?" "Huh...?" "I mean, this whole thing only happened because you set it up for me, right?" Set it up...? I didn't understand the meaning of those words, and I stood there with my mouth agape. "But... wasn't it your idea, senpai?" "Well, that's not what I mean..." Senpai looked straight into my eyes and said— "It's not fun to rely on you, Nagasaka-kun, to begin with!" Ha, huh...? Ignoring my confusion, senpai continued. "Yeah, that's right. I was wrong from the start," she said. "I shouldn't have assumed that you'd help me from the get-go. That's not fair to you." "W-what are you talking about...?" "Because, you see, that means I'm not considering what you find enjoyable. I should focus on doing what I enjoy, regardless of whether or not you're helping me. It's not fun if I rely on you from the start. That's not who I am." "......" "First, I need to show you what I think is the most fun, and I need you to accept that. That's the order it should be in; otherwise, it's not like me, right?" "............" "And then, if you think that—if you think I'm the best, Nagasaka-kun..." —Ah. This person. "So, you see, just one push is enough. I don't need you to always be my crutch or support me from behind." There was no hint of weakness in her voice as she spoke confidently. "Also, probably..." As the sun set, her eyes sparkled, and the clear sky turned crimson. Hinoharu Sachi— "Nagasaka-kun, I think it would be more fun if we both worked towards our own goals and ideals as peers. That's what I think!" —She felt the same way I did. She smiled childishly, expressing her true feelings. "Because that's what I consider the most fun! So Nagasaka-kun, just do what you think is the most enjoyable as Nagasaka-kun!" Once she regains herself, Truly, she's a strong person... this person. I squint at the brightness and smile a little, feeling somewhat lonely. "...Understood. If that's what Senpai wants, I have no objections." "Yeah! Then let's do it!" And with a final grin, Senpai laughed. In any case... this matter is now resolved. Thinking so, just as I was about to sip my tea... "...But, well." ...And then, Senpai suddenly shrinks back. "W-What's wrong?" "...If, well. Just if." Fidgeting and struggling to speak, she continues. "If... at some point, I seem to hesitate... Just at that moment, would it be okay to rely on you a little bit?" ──She actually started saying selfish things like that. "──..." Ah, damn it──what the hell is this? Strong, yet weak, charming, but annoying. Totally unreasonable, selfish to the core, honestly, what the hell is this── "──If that happens, I'll help you as many times as you need! So don't worry about the atmosphere and rely on me!" "......Hngh! Okay!" ──She's really just like a child, so cute, ugh! I messed up my hair to hide my pounding heart and gulped down the rest of my drink. "Hey, hey! So then!" "Woah?!" Before I knew it, Senpai had sat down next to me, her face so close I could feel her breath. So close that I could count each and every eyelash. "Se, sepai! Yo──" "That! Can you stop calling me Senpai?!" "Eh...?" Senpai puffed up her cheeks and said, "We're peers, so please call me by my name. I'll call you by yours too." "Ha, huh......?! Bu, buh, but you're suddenly saying that..." "No honorifics either. ...Right, Kouhei?" I shivered as her breath touched my neck. ──My breathing quickened. My heartbeat raced as if I had just sprinted, my whole body pulsing like it was a heart itself. In the slight gap where our bodies almost touched, I could feel her body heat. I could hear her gentle breathing. Her eyes were as captivatingly beautiful as ever. Her silky hair bounced cutely in places. And her lips──they looked so soft. I── ──Ah, no, wait a second. This feeling I've had since earlier. It's so intense, so overwhelming, so incredibly rom── "Ah, sorry. I just got a DM." That 'obligatory template' just came── ──────────────────────!! ──A classic romcom 'slip-up' template activated, and I fell to the ground. "Eh, woah, are you okay......?" "......It's a conditioned reflex, forget about it." I lay on the ground, feeling the gaze of Senpai, who must be thinking, "What the hell are you doing all of a sudden, I'm totally put off now." Ah, damn it, this is a nice and rom-com-like situation, but in reality, my frustration wins out in the end, damn it! Ignoring my inner turmoil, Senpai started operating her smartphone. Then. "──No way." Senpai stared at the screen, dumbfounded. Her lips quivered, and I was taken aback. "Wh, what is it now......? Don't tell me there's trouble?" I sat up and asked, and── "『I watched your stream. The club seems interesting, so I want to join.』...she says." "......Eh?" So that means── Could it be. "─We actually managed to rope someone in...!"
Backstage: Ordinary Person ──Ever since the first time I went to DRAGON CAFE... I became aware once again that I am, after all, just an ordinary person. At first, I think I was able to have a proper conversation at the cafe. I praised what should be praised, answered accurately when asked a question, and brushed off my mistakes by pretending not to notice them. Since Kouhei was behaving in a sensible manner, there was no need to rebuke him harshly. It was a smart and stress-free conversation, just like the ones I usually have in class. But... As we talked, I suddenly wondered. ──Is Kouhei even enjoying this? To begin with, my conversations had no substance. My private life is truly ordinary, with not a single strong conviction, simply adhering to values that are generally considered good. The more I talked, the more my shallowness as a person became apparent. What would Kouhei think of that? ...The answer became clear as I saw his face, looking troubled as the conversation failed to deepen. ──That's right, Kouhei... From the beginning, Kouhei had never sought a high school girl like me, a "Romcom Aptitude C" kind of ordinary person. To him, my value lies only in being his "accomplice" and playing the role of his "childhood friend." Only when following that "setting" and getting involved in his "project" do I become something other than ordinary, taking on a special position. I am needed as the only unique, irreplaceable "character" in his story. So, I have no choice but to act accordingly. ──But... Due to recognizing the ordinary self at my core, I began to think that maybe I couldn't even fully commit to that 'setting.' I realized that I couldn't even properly follow that "setting." Yes, I noticed it. All the solutions I come up with through reasoning are realistic, and they usually provide answers to most problems. But since those answers never go beyond the realm of common sense, the more I pursue them, the further I stray from the realm of romantic comedy. I decided to always be rational and play the role of the devil's advocate, but I sometimes become emotional and forget my position, ending up doing the one thing I shouldn't. In the end, everything is half-baked. That's no different from the real me──the ordinary me. In other words, no matter what I do from now on... Wherever I end up... ──Thud. I suddenly look at the textbook that fell on the floor and come back to my senses. "......What am I doing?" In front of me is a notebook with equations left unfinished. I was supposed to be studying, but... before I knew it, I was lost in pointless thoughts. Picking up the textbook, I sigh. ──Really, how many times do I need to learn this lesson? I've always known that I'm an empty, ordinary person. That's why I decided to go along with Kouhei's "project" in the first place. Reversing the order and belittling myself is meaningless; it's just a waste of time. Instead of doing that, it would be better to finish my assignments as soon as possible and fill in the gaps in his plan that he can't manage. "......The gaps he can't fill..." The biggest hole in his plan... Without a doubt, it's "Main Heroine Mei." ──I considered her appearance in the "M Conference Room" as a declaration of war. In fact, even before we started our intervention, Mei seemed to have been doing something to Hinoharu-senpai. By deliberately hinting at that, I thought a clash was inevitable. That's why, while Kouhei was acting, I constantly monitored Mei's movements. Just like with Katsunuma, I thought she might take advantage of any opening to interfere with Kouhei or Senpai. But... Aside from the initial move, there was no sign of Mei taking action, and until the very end, nothing happened. If I had to say something, she was occasionally talking to various people about the election. But it wasn't obstructive; it was more like a push, which made it even more confusing. ......Was it just my imagination? She doesn't seem like the type to act without reason, though. Or maybe... her goal was to make me waste my resources? I shuddered secretly, feeling that she was more inscrutable than usual. "......Is it pointless to think about this too?" I muttered to myself and stood up from the chair. I'll cool down for a bit and then get back to work. That's probably more efficient today. With that decision, I left the room to get a drink and walked down the hallway. Along the way, I looked out the window and saw that it was pitch-dark outside, with not a single star in the sky.
Epilogue: Who Decided That All's Well That Ends Well? "─ We are currently in the process of counting the votes. Please wait a little longer until the voting results are finalized." The voice of the school-wide broadcast resonated throughout the school. Meanwhile, I was on the rooftop, putting away the equipment used for the speech assembly. ─ Today was the student council election day. The assembly and voting had just ended, and we were now waiting for the ballot results. Normally, I would be relaxing in the classroom, but as I had been scolded by Toshikyo at the end of the assembly, I was helping with the cleanup, even though I had nothing to do with it. According to her, it was because I "happened to be within eyesight," but I think it actually meant, "Work it off because you caused trouble." She definitely still holds a grudge about what happened the other day. She's been really touchy lately. I sighed, put away the folding tables, and clapped my hands. ...Okay, that's the last of the heavy stuff. Good thing I finished before the rain started. Today's cloudy sky was a far cry from the refreshing summer weather we had been having lately. The season seemed to have taken a step back, and the wind felt chilly in my short sleeves. It was already past club activity hours, but everyone was waiting in their classrooms for the election results. The usually bustling grounds below were empty, and the noisy buzz from the school building echoed in the distance. "─ Here you go, that's the last one." "Oh, thanks." Just then, Torisawa showed up with a rolled-up banner tucked under his arm. I had been struggling to carry the items by myself at first, but Torisawa happened to pass by and offered to help, and we had been working together since then. I put the banner away in its designated spot. "That's it, we're done!" I let out a breath and stretched my arms, placing my hands on my hips. "Don't worry about the final checks and locking up, I'll take care of it. Thanks for your help." "It was nothing, really." Torisawa replied nonchalantly, his hands still in his pockets. He didn't seem to have broken a sweat at all. I wondered where he got that power from, given his slender build. Torisawa grinned and spoke up. "Well, consider it a payment for your services. The outcome was even more entertaining than I expected." "Oh, I see." The songwriting alone was more than enough, but I guess I still owed him. "Starting a new student council is ridiculously funny, but when you think about it, it's the best option. For that person, it's better to have fewer constraints like traditions and customs." Torisawa continued, clearly pleased with himself. Come to think of it─ "Torisawa, you said before that you weren't interested in Hino─ Sachi herself, right?" "Hmm?" "So, what did you get out of all this? To be honest, I don't see how you benefited from it." I voiced my doubts. Given Torisawa's personality, it wasn't like he wanted to improve the school or help others; he was just too proactive for it to be mere boredom. Torisawa shrugged and loosened his tie before answering. "You see, I can only enjoy things that are beyond my comprehension." Things beyond Torisawa's comprehension...? I tilted my head in confusion, and Torisawa continued nonchalantly. "Being too sharp has its downsides. I can predict most things." Wow, even when Torisawa was praising himself, it didn't feel annoying at all... "Wait, so you can read minds? Or predict the future?" "Of course not." Yeah, I knew that. But sometimes, his insights were so sharp that I wondered. "To put it another way, I can somehow tell how things will turn out in the end. Or what the maximum or limit is, including myself." Torisawa snorted, sounding less than amused. "I can see the boundaries in everything. And once I see them, I can't help but be aware of them. As a result, most things stay within the confines of my own boundaries." Boundaries... It was a bit abstract and hard to understand, but I felt like I got what he meant. So, you're envious of those who don't care about boundaries... No, those who don't even think about their existence, right? Hearing those words, I was surprised. It was a remark that was unlike Torisawa. "The first one was that person. Despite that, I was pissed off that she was thinking of quitting, so I wanted to drag her back somehow. That's all there is to it," he said. Then Torisawa snorted. "So, things are going quite well this time. I have no idea how far we can go from here.” Then, he turned around and started walking toward the exit. His step seemed somewhat light and cheerful. "Ah──" Then, as if he had just thought of something, he turned his head back and said── "──So, that's it. I'm counting on you, number two." He smirked, lifted one corner of his mouth in a cynical smile. Raising one hand, he walked away in a brisk and refreshing manner. "...He really wrapped that up in a cool way from start to finish." Honestly, I feel that the evaluation of Torisawa is a bit excessive──. I'll try my best to meet those expectations. "──Sorry for the wait. We will now announce the results of the student council election." Oh, it seems to be over. I should go back to the classroom. Listening to the broadcast, I pondered what was to come. ──Welcoming a new "heroine" named Sachi. Surely, even more enjoyable daily rom-coms will begin from here on out. My "project rom-com" is accelerating and moving forward.
Spin-off: Beyond Fun "––We are currently proceeding with the ballot counting. Please wait a little longer for the confirmation of the voting results." With the school broadcast as background music, I finished the last handover and bowed towards the student council room. Although it was a choice I made myself, leaving the place where I spent every day still felt a bit lonely. "And... I'm sorry, Shiozaki-kun. I caused you a lot of trouble." I bowed my head once again to Shiozaki-kun, standing in front of me. "No, it's rather perfect timing. Those who have been relying on Hinoharu until now will hopefully change their mindset a bit. If you think about it overall, it's a plus." And then, unusually, his stern face softened–– "Being able to fight you head-on like that was fun. It wasn't as bad as I thought, to clash our opinions like that." He said with a gentle smile. "Thank you. Truly." ––There's someone here who acknowledges my way of doing things. To live up to that sentiment, I have to show them the best kind of fun I can imagine. "Well then, I'll do my best from here on out. I'm going to be recklessly doing my thing, so I look forward to competing with you again!" "I welcome it. But just so you know, don't think there are any weaknesses in the student council I've made efficient." We ended up with such exaggerated declarations of war, and I left the student council. ––As I walk along the hallway with a light feeling, I suddenly think. I really have gratitude for Kouhei-kun, who showed me such a fun path. ––From the beginning, I liked him. I mean, I never dreamed someone would barge in with the student council meeting materials in hand. And then, just start complaining about the budget. His points were incredibly accurate, and he said he'd come up with a better plan, so I had him do it, and the quality was ridiculously high... I couldn't help but get excited like I used to. And thinking that such an amazing kid entered Kyou-Nishi, I was really happy. If this kid is here, maybe I can try hard again too––I even thought that. But Kouhei-kun refused, saying, "No, I won't join the student council." Of course, I wondered why. Then, what was the point of coming to complain in the first place? I was surprised to hear that he was actually a ronin and the same age as me. But thinking that he didn't give up even after failing and worked hard to get into Kyou-Nishi, I respected him even more–– Anyway, to me, he was the first eccentric person of his kind I'd ever met. But that means he was someone living true to himself. He really looked dazzling to me. That's why I was a little annoyed when Uenohara-chan called him an idiot or a fool. Moreover, the way she acted like, "I'm the one who understands him best," didn't sit well with me. It's probably true, and I didn't mean to say anything wrong, but I did get a little carried away and said it too strongly. ...And honestly, I could understand what Uenohara-chan was saying a little. Because Kouhei-kun says a lot of embarrassing things... Like, "Your natural self is charming." "I want you to smile." "...I'll protect you." I fan my face and let out a small sigh. ...I'll properly apologize to Uenohara-chan later. And then we can badmouth him together. That sounds like the most fun. Deciding that, I turned forward and started walking again. ––Ah, even so. Being able to move as I please, as I want to, feels incredibly good. So, maybe Kouhei-kun is right. I'm still a child. But... for now, that's okay. That way, I can get people involved, impose on them without thinking about the inconvenience. Beyond pushing through with the fun I envision–– It's not just me, but everyone can be satisfied. There's a school life that's the best, most fun it can be–– Because I decided to believe in that once more. In the end, you decided to go that way, didn't you, Sachi-senpai?" I heard a voice from behind and turned around in surprise. "Kiyosato-chan?" "Hello," she replied with her usual smile, standing alone in the dimly lit corridor under the overcast sky. My heart raced as I suddenly addressed her. "What's wrong? Do you need something from the student council room?" Ignoring my question, she said, "You quit the student council, didn't you?" Remembering what was once said, I felt a twinge of awkwardness. "I'm sorry, Kiyosato-chan." "Why are you apologizing?" "That's because..." When I first met Kiyosato-chan, we hit it off immediately and talked about many things. I thought this girl and I were similar. Kiyosato-chan was always concerned about me, who had been troubled for a long time. She sometimes advised me, saying things like, "If one person tries too hard, it can be exhausting for those around them," "A little restraint can make everyone feel more at ease," and "Compromising with others is normal." And it was because she seemed to be always thinking about others that I thought we were alike. However, Kiyosato-chan was good at getting along with others in her own way. So, I secretly thought that I should do the same. But... "I'm told I'm a selfish brat who can't think about others." "..." "It seems I'm different from you in that regard, Kiyosato-chan." Yes, Kiyosato-chan is different from me. She can think about what is best for others first. So, even though we both seem to care about others, our fundamental approaches are completely different. "So, Senpai, do you intend to make others follow your selfish desires?" Her words had a sharp edge to them. I clenched my fist and replied, "Yes, because I can only spread the joy I believe in to everyone." Kiyosato-chan's voice caught for a moment before she continued, "Even if it means being shunned by those around you?" "Yes, and if it comes to that, I'll keep trying until they understand." "Aren't you afraid?" The words pierced my heart, making it ache. "Yes, of course I'm afraid." "Then—" "But..." At that moment, I looked straight into Kiyosato-chan's eyes. "If I ever become so scared that I can't bear it, there's someone I can rely on. So, even though I'm scared, I'm not." I put on the bravest front I could. "..." Kiyosato-chan narrowed her eyes in silence, pursed her lips, and lowered her head. A lock of her bangs fell over her eyes, hiding her expression. "After all, Senpai... you're different from me." Clearing her throat with great difficulty, Kiyosato-chan spoke. She looked truly distressed and very frustrated. And she seemed so... alone. "I went to the trouble of showing you the path that would hurt the least, but it ended up like this anyway." Seeing Kiyosato-chan mutter in pain, I couldn't help but call out to her. "Kiyosato-chan, you're too kind to others... You should do more of what you want to do." "I'm not kind at all." She flatly rejected me, leaving no room for argument. This isn't working... She's not listening to me. My words probably won't reach her, no matter what. "And... truly kind people don't do things like this." ─ What do you mean by 'things like this'? Just as I asked her that... "[──We now present the results of the student council election.]" The voice on the public address system drowned out Kiyosato-chan's voice. "But... " And then, Kiyosato-chan... Just like I always did... Hid her true feelings behind a fake smile... "...I knew from the start how things would turn out for Senpai, but I turned a blind eye to it all... " 'The results of the student council president election are as follows... ' Votes of trust: 232 Votes of distrust: 247 Invalid votes: 475 Shiozaki, the candidate for student council president, has been voted out of office.
Intermission: Just an Everyday Conversation ──Come on, can you not do unnecessary things? ──Yeah, seriously. Who even wants that kind of passionate, over-the-top behavior these days? ──You're right. They should just keep it within the student council. ──I wish they wouldn't involve everyone else. It's not like we care that much. ──And isn't the mixing of public and private lives too extreme? That broadcast was just them wanting to talk about themselves. ──Maybe Mr. Stick-in-the-Mud wanted to experience a youthful high school life or something. Who knows? ──So, what should we do? Should we vote against it? ──That would make us look like we're not taking this seriously... ──Then how about leaving it blank? Doesn't that mean 'I'm not interested'? ──Oh, that's a great idea. Yeah, let the conscientious people participate if they want to. ──Yeah, I'm fine with that too. But you know what's more interesting than that? What happened yesterday── ◆ ──...So, Otsuki-san, apparently her parents were called in and scolded, right? ──Yeah, that's a bit much. No matter what, bringing outsiders into this is a no-no. ──Some PTA member complained, right? Saying that bands are a bad influence or something. ──And now the president is about to be forced to step down, haha, that's hilarious! ──They're idiots. The student council has always been a problem because they do too much. ──I heard the previous president was only allowed to because their parent was a politician or something. ──Yeah, and now they're starting to target us... ──I'm... starting to feel like I don't fit in with the student council. ──Oh, me too... ──Then should we quit? It's not like our presence makes much of a difference anyway. ──Yeah, let's do that. To be honest, I've been forcing myself to put up with this annoying situation. ──And you know what? That guy is so annoying! Just because I was nice to him, he started acting like he owned the place. ──He must have misunderstood and thought that if he worked hard, his dreams would come true or something. ──Hahaha, even elementary school kids these days don't say stuff like that! ◆ ──Wait, are you seriously planning to join that weird club?! ──W-well, it seems interesting... ──Don't lie, you have ulterior motives, right? That person is super beautiful, and her chest is amazing. Aren't you thinking, 'If I'm lucky, maybe she'll let me touch them once'? ──If that's the case, then I want to join too! But she gives off a mentally unstable vibe, so I don't really want to get involved. ──And you know what? That girl definitely thinks, 'I'm so cute!' That's the problem. ──She's got a strong desire for attention. Otherwise, she wouldn't be showing her face like that. ──In the end, I think it's either for her school records or money. Otherwise, why would she want to do something troublesome? ──So, that's what it is... Yeah, I guess so... ──Right? Stay away from weird dreamers like that, or your life will be ruined. ──But it's entertaining to watch, isn't it? It's like those annoying YouTubers. ──I might as well subscribe to her channel. It'll kill time. ──But it would be hilarious if she went too far and got expelled. Live-streaming is already pushing it, isn't it? ──If she's going to do it, she should go all out and do something crazier to get more views. This half-hearted stuff is lame. ◆ ──Annoying. ──Just wanting to stand out, how pathetic. ──I hate people who only think about themselves. ──I hope they fail. ──I don't understand what smart people are thinking. ──Holier-than-thou attitude? ──Their 'you have to work hard' attitude pisses me off. ──Who cares about them anyway? ──Loser! ──Good deeds are the most annoying when forced upon you. ──Report, loner-kun's attempt to climb the social ladder failed. ──What they're doing is pathetic. ──The student council isn't that great anyway. ──Think about your position. ──If you go too far, you'll want to die in the future. ──Read the room, for real. ──Let's just snitch to the teachers. ──Stop goofing around and study! ──It's the best when irrelevant people get salty. ──No one cares anyway. ──Incompetent people trying to act smart. ──It's only natural that your efforts won't be rewarded. ──Their seriousness is cringeworthy. ──Such generic ideas. ──Have you thought about how others feel? ──That sense of fulfillment they have is annoying. ──It's like a cult... ──...Creepy. ──It's just a bad approach. Think harder. ──That's why they're popular kids. ──They should've used that energy for something else. ──Honestly, I'm relieved they're gone. ──One punch will shut them up, lol. ──Lame. ──It's painful to watch, it's so cringeworthy. ──Pitiful. ──Someone should give them a reality check, it's sad. ──They seem dumb. ──Their thinking is too shallow to even look at. ──Crap. ──Just because you're right doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. ──Anything to get rid of classes! It's impossible, but still! ──Embarrassing black history. ──You have to think about your future. ──You just want to be fawned over, don't you? ──You're such a kid! ──Don't misunderstand the meaning of freedom. ──It's annoying when they bring down our reputation like this. ──Anyway, how should I put this... END
Afterword Hello everyone, it's been a while. Somehow, spring has arrived without me realizing it, and I, Hajikano, am thinking, "This winter was unusually warm (stay-at-home)." In the afterword of the previous volume, I mostly filled it with acknowledgments, so this time, I will include a lot of Yamanashi-related content. I will mention a few things about the real-life locations that served as inspiration for the settings in the story, so please be cautious if you are sensitive to spoilers or if you are looking forward to discovering which Yamanashi spots appear in the story (are there any such people?). First, let's talk about the café, 'DRAGON CAFE.' The actual name of this café is 'DRAGON COFFEE' (published with permission). The nearest station is Ryuo Station on the JR Chuo Main Line, and it's about a 20-minute walk from there. If you're driving, it's right near the Chuo Expressway Futaba Smart Interchange. The café also has a few parking spaces available. The rest is just as described in the main story, so why not check if it's true (I'm not even trying to hide the fact that I'm promoting it anymore). It's also nice to have a coffee break while picnicking at the neighboring Dragon Park! Next is the 'Maisagi Castle Park.' This is based on the 'Maizuru Castle Park (also known as Kofu Castle).' It's right in front of JR Kofu Station, so you can easily spot it from the train window and won't get lost. The admission is basically free, so if you're visiting the area, please do check it out. The view from the top is amazing! As for the 'Central Shopping District,' it covers the area south of the castle. There are many old-fashioned shops, and you can enjoy the charm of a traditional shopping street. You might want to combine your castle visit with some souvenir shopping. This area is also close to the station. Also, that certain Italian family restaurant is indeed located in the station building, and the bakery where the two of them went into a frenzy and did something (I'm trying to avoid spoilers) in Volume 1 exists as well. If you're curious, please check it out. ......Well, it looks like I'm about to fill this afterword with Yamanashi-related content again, so I'll stop here. Now, let's move on to the acknowledgments! My God, Kuro-san, who always perfectly responds to the unreasonable demands of a snail-paced writer like me. And Daikome-san, whose catchphrase has become, "I somehow knew this would happen (white-eyed)." Thank you so much. I'll give you some Yamanashi peaches, which have the highest production volume in Japan, so please forgive me (I'm promoting Yamanashi again, after all). And finally! The comic version of 'Love is a Loser's Game' will start serialization in the 'Monthly Big Gangan Vol. 07 (Square Enix)' to be published on June 25th! For those who want to see all kinds of 7-ban-san that have only existed in your imagination until now, please check out the manga! Of course, there's also an electronic version! Well then, see you all in the next volume! Will we finally see ○○○○ in the next volume...? May 2021
Volume 4 tbd (maybe never)