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- Derivatives of Regular Expressions | Lambda the Ultimate
- Incremental Regular Expressions — Incremental regular expressions
- Differentiable Finite State Machines
- Enumerating regular languages | EJRH
- A Brutal Look at Balanced Parentheses, Computing Machines, and Pushdown Automata
- The Product Construction for DFA's - YouTube
- Topic wise problems for Beginners - LeetCode Discuss
- Colin Galen - YouTube
fun stuff
- Topic wise problems for Beginners - LeetCode Discuss
- Non-Deterministic Automata - Computerphile - YouTube
- Automata & Python - Computerphile - YouTube
- Regular Languages: Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) - YouTube
- Kleene algebra - Wikipedia
- pushdown automata - YouTube
- Context-Free Grammars (CFG) and Context-Free Languages (CFL) - what are they? - YouTube
- Context-Free Languages in 3.5 Hours (CFG, PDA, Conversions, Closure, Pumping Lemma) - YouTube
- What is Theoretical Computer Science? - YouTube
- What is Complexity Theory? - YouTube
- Logic: Propositions, Implication, Converse + Contrapositive - YouTube
- Kleene Algebras: Theory and Applications - YouTube
- JetBrains Research - YouTube
- Kater: Automating Weak Memory Model Metatheory and Consistency Checking - YouTube
- Weak Memory Models 101 - YouTube
- Learning Formulas in Finite Variable Logics (POPL'22) - YouTube
- Regular Languages are Closed Under Kleene Star | Theory of Computation - YouTube